Apple tree Streifling: description of the variety, reviews about it

20.04.2018 Apple tree

The apple tree can often be found in personal plots. This fruit tree is one of the most common. And no wonder, because a wide selection of varieties makes it easy to choose the optimal one for certain conditions. The apple tree Streifling today is one of the most popular varieties, we’ll talk about it today.

Description and specifications

The apple tree Streifling refers to large and tall trees that have a spreading crown. The tree has a smooth bark, brown, young shoots are lighter. The leaf plate is somewhat wrinkled, there are small notches along the edges.

During the flowering period, white cup-shaped flowers appear, the petals are concave, rounded. Fruiting is mixed: most of the ovaries are formed on 3-4-year-old gloves, while others on the rods (at least 2 years old).

The fruiting period begins quite late - usually by 7-8 years, but isolated fruits sometimes appear on trees that are already 5-6 years old. In the first year, fruiting is weak, in subsequent years it increases.

The variety is considered late in the ripening period. The fruits are large - on average about 170 grams, even in shape, ribbed at the base. The peel is smooth, there is a slight wax coating. Color varies from yellow-green to brown red, subcutaneous points of a light color may be present.

At the same time, the variety is high-yielding. An adult tree with reliable agricultural technology (age 25-30 years) can produce up to 300 kg, in 10 years, the yield is usually 10-12 kg. You can increase productivity with the help of timely fertilizer varieties, periodically pruning and normalized irrigation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety is common among vegetable growers not so easy, it has an extensive list of advantages, for which it is highly appreciated:

  • excellent productivity;
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • not afraid of low temperatures, even in very cold winters, trees rarely freeze, and if this happens, they resume fruiting in the shortest time;
  • quite easy to care for;
  • pleasant taste;
  • long storage time of fruits.

However, there are certain disadvantages:

  • the moisture content of the variety;
  • begins to bear fruit in 5-7 years.

But, as you can see, the flaws are leveled by an abundant number of pluses.

Landing and care

It is permissible to plant seedlings both in spring and in autumn. But at the same time, remember that if you plan to land in the autumn period, then you need to do it about a month before night frost.

In order for the trees to actively grow and develop, give preference to light loamy soils, if clay is present in the soil, then add river sand to it. If the soil opposite is sandy, then you can not do without peat.

The landing pit should be deep enough - somewhere around 70 cm, its diameter should be at least half a meter. It is optimal to dig holes at least a week before planting. Put fertilizers at the bottom of it, then sprinkle a layer of earth so that the plants do not come into contact with the fertilizer.

It is important to remember: the yield of a variety directly depends on proper care. The apple tree is very susceptible to watering and top dressing, their insufficient amount negatively affects the size of the fruits and their taste.

About a month before the onset of frost, it is necessary to stop watering so that the apple tree prepares for winter.

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Regarding top dressing, it is worth noting that it is performed at least 3 times per season:

  • First, before flowering. Suitable half a glass of urea in 10 liters of water.
  • Then at the beginning of summer. Manure is suitable in a ratio of 1 to 10 or bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 15.
  • After already in the ripening period. It is better to give preference to potassium-phosphorus mixture.
  • At the end of the season (in the fall) superphosphate -20-50 g is already added, depending on the size of the apple tree.

Talking about leaving, one can not help but say that the variety is characterized by a spreading crown, therefore it is important to periodically conduct forming pruning. Spring pruning forms the number of lateral shoots, which positively affects the number of ovaries. In the fall, old branches that no longer bear fruit are removed, which allows you to rejuvenate the tree.


The fruits are harvested at the beginning of autumn, but if you want to get a really great taste, it is better not to rush, but wait a couple more weeks, holding the apples in a cool place. An important advantage of the Streifling apple tree is its reluctance to fall fruit, and therefore apples can hang on branches for quite a long time, but this is bad for their keeping quality and transportability.

Store in a cool place in well-ventilated drawers.

Without loss of taste, apples can be stored for about 100 days, and then slowly begin to fade. This variety belongs to canteens, but in addition to fresh consumption, apples make delicious jams, juices, preserves, etc.


Pest and Disease Control

Diseases and pests not only negatively affect productivity, but can also cause the death of the plant as a whole. Therefore, prophylaxis is required.

From insects, the tree is processed in the spring, the first even before the buds open (usually April), then even after flowering (in May). The optimal way will be to use specialized complex preparations that protect not only from pests, but also from fungal diseases (scab, rot, powdery mildew).

To list all the pests is quite difficult, because it directly depends on the location of the plant. Some insects eat leaves. other fruits themselves. The most dangerous pests are the apple sawfly and the moth, which penetrate the apple, eat the pulp and make it unsuitable for eating. Insecticides are used to control these pests.

If the apple tree does not have severe damage, then you can try folk methods of controlling insects (infusions of dill, wormwood, etc.). Many plant crops near the apple tree that pests do not like (garlic, chamomile, etc.).

In autumn, it is necessary to remove all fallen leaves, dig the soil - this will help destroy the larvae of pests that winter in the soil, as well as disinfect the soil from fungal spores.

Reviews of those who planted

Reviews of gardeners and vegetable growers are mostly positive, people note the high yield of the variety, unpretentiousness and taste. At the same time, a number of specific tips are also given:

  • Do not forget about the timely fertilizing of trees, because if you do not do it 3-4 times a season, then the apples will be small and not so tasty.
  • The best choice is light soil, loamy. In heavy soil, the tree will feel uncomfortable.
  • Every season, clean dead and broken branches, because this way you can improve the growth of the apple tree.

The apple tree Streifling is a universal choice for giving or a garden. Yes, you will have to wait a long time until the tree begins to bear fruit well, but then the yield will be on top, and the unpretentiousness of the variety somewhat levels out the waiting time.

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