How to spud potatoes with a cultivator, walk-behind tractor, disk hiller: tips

21.01.2018 garden tools

Hilling potatoes is a mandatory procedure for the proper cultivation of a vegetable crop. This procedure contributes to the successful elimination of weeds, the protection of potato tubers and the activation of potato growth. A video of hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor with special hills allows you to understand how to properly process potato bushes to improve their condition.Many beginner gardeners are sure that hilling is a practically useless procedure. In fact, hilling is aimed at effective weed control, protecting tubers from direct sunlight and normalizing the evaporation of moisture from the ground. Potato grows up and to the side, so its hilling plays an important role in obtaining a high-quality and tasty crop. A video of hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor or cultivator allows you to understand what scheme to process a vegetable crop.

Rules for hilling potatoes

Hilling of potatoes is carried out with the obligatory observance of important rules.

  1. It is advisable to carry out the work in the morning or in the evening to prevent the undesirable effects of heat.
  2. Hilling is undesirable to perform on dry ground. For this reason, the beds are pre-watered.
  3. It is advisable to move in one direction.
  4. It is desirable to process the same bed at least three times. The first hilling is carried out with sprouts 5 to 10 centimeters high. Re-hilling is carried out after a couple of weeks. The third procedure is recommended after the tops grow to 25 centimeters.
  5. At night frosts, earthing is also recommended.
  6. Cropped weeds are left in the beds, as they cover the potato stalks and protect from adverse weather conditions.

Proper hilling of potatoes with a walk-behind tractor or cultivator contributes to a high-quality crop.

What is the advantage of hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor

Motoblock is a suitable technique for hilling potatoes. Advantages of hilling using a walk-behind tractor:

  • the ability to weed out existing weeds with a special chopper;
  • operational implementation of planned activities;
  • The main work will be performed by a walk-behind tractor, which must be correctly configured and carried out along the rows.

Advice! Hilling with a walk-behind tractor is an opportunity to process potato bushes with minimal time and effort.

Motoblock simplifies the earthing up of potato bushes. The work can be completed in a few hours, if you correctly configure the equipment used. When working with a walk-behind tractor, a ridger is usually used.

Types of hills


Disc hills can be manual or designed for walk-behind tractors. You need to understand that manual cultivation of potatoes can be carried out only in a small area. For large sections, it is recommended to use a walk-behind tractor with disk hilling, as such special equipment will simplify the task. Hilling potatoes with a disk hiller involves taking into account the specifics of the planned activities, correctly setting up the walk-behind tractor.


Using a plow-shaped hiller, it is advisable to properly configure the technique. It is mandatory to set the angle and depth of immersion.After adjustments, the hiller is slightly deepened into the ground and the row is cultivated, gradually moving along the desired trajectory. For this, the hiller can be deflected forward or backward, changing its position and exerting the desired effect on the potatoes.

How to spud potatoes

Disc hiller

A video of hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor with a disk-type hiller allows you to understand how to complete the task. The disk hiller spuds only one row at a time, above which it is located. The rest of the territory will not be affected. Hilling will require more time, since the walk-behind tractor will be driven over each row, but a better soil treatment is assumed.

Setting up a disk hiller requires minimal effort. It is recommended that the lower points of the discs be divided by the row spacing. After this, the angle of attack is determined, and it is recommended to focus on existing experience. In any case, potatoes should be sprinkled with earth. A symmetrical setting for the discs is desirable, as the hiller should be held in a certain direction.

Double row plow

Mandatory use of soil hooks and extension cords is assumed. It is advisable to use large diameter components, due to which it becomes possible to carry out high-quality hilling of potato bushes. If you choose a model with not enough large ground hooks, the walk-behind tractor will jam potatoes.

After installing the dirt hooks on the walk-behind tractor, it is recommended to adjust the hiller in width. In addition, each hiller should be in the middle of the potato row spacing. After that, deepening is performed by the required number of centimeters and adjustment is made taking into account the depth, which will allow to keep the axis of the equipment perpendicular to the soil. As a result, the bushes will be covered with quality soil.

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Now the hilling is carried out row by row for high-quality processing of the entire desired territory.

Single row plow

To use a single-row plow-shaped hiller, soil hooks, which must pass along one row-spacing, will also be required. It is advisable to plant potatoes according to a special scheme, since soil hooks must pass between them. Being interested in how to spud potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, it is advisable to focus on the shape of the hiller and the walk-behind tractor settings.

Important! The walk-behind tractor with a hiller is immersed in the ground to the optimum depth and adjusted according to a special scheme. The axis should be perpendicular to the soil surface. After that, the walk-behind tractor or cultivator is driven between the rows, performing hilling of potatoes.

The Benefits of Using Hoppers

Hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor has the following important advantages:

  • protection of vegetables from adverse weather;
  • the possibility of sprinkling ground shoots with additional soil, due to which root crops develop more actively;
  • the outflow of excess moisture to prevent rotting of the root system due to drainage of the soil;
  • optimal aeration of the soil during its overmoistening, due to which the root system receives more oxygen;
  • maintaining optimal soil temperature;
  • protection of root crops from the sun;
  • weed control and control of parasites, potato diseases.

At the same time, the earthing up of potatoes leads to the following disadvantages:

  • areas of cultivated soil become drier;
  • the root system of potatoes does not develop properly;
  • shoots develop worse.

A video of hilling a potato with a cultivator with a hiller allows you to understand the features of the process technology, so that work in the garden becomes more efficient.



“Hilling potatoes is a must. Before, I used a regular shovel, and I did everything with the utmost accuracy. Now I use a walk-behind tractor with a hiller for hilling potatoes, which makes the event faster and easier. In addition, hilling guarantees protection of the vegetable crop from parasites and diseases, due to which it is possible to obtain a rich and high-quality crop. ”


“For the first time, when potatoes grow to 15 - 20 centimeters, I spend a simple loosening of the soil. After about 3 weeks, I spend hilling potatoes with all the rules. This option completely suits me, and the possibility of obtaining a rich and high-quality crop is guaranteed. The choice of the hilling method depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site, but in any case, the processing of potatoes must be of high quality. "


“I didn’t spend hilling potatoes before. However, now my opinion has changed dramatically. A functional walk-behind tractor with reliable hills ensures successful potato processing. In addition, hilling protects the vegetable crop from parasites and diseases, improves growth and contributes to a good harvest. ”


“I spend hilling potatoes in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise, the soil settles, and the basal part of the stem becomes noticeable. To intensify the growth of roots and tubers, soil earthing is carried out. Loosening the soil is also desirable, since only in this case can we count on the proper growth of potatoes. For fast and high-quality hilling, I always use a walk-behind tractor with reliable hills. ”

Hilling potatoes with a cultivator is the best option for those who are interested in obtaining a healthy and high-quality crop.

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