How to prepare a garlic bed for autumn planting

17.10.2016 Garlic

How to prepare a bed of garlic for planting in the fallIt is necessary to carry out complex actions so that garlic can survive during the winter period and in the spring consolidates in the ground.

How to choose a good place to grow garlic?

Garlic loves to grow where the sun takes out, and the snow thaws before other areas. That is, you need to find an open space. For the immersion of garlic in the ground, the shadow side and the area where meltwater accumulate do not fit. If you have no choice, and the whole site is just that, then you will need to build high beds for planting garlic. For the normal growth of garlic, it is simply necessary to provide the plant with light and humidity. If garlic does not receive at least the minimum amount of light per day, it will die.

On a vast territory, a separate area for a fiery vegetable is usually allocated. But with a small plot, the planting of garlic can be combined with wild strawberries. These two plants can coexist perfectly. Garlic gets along with carrots, beets and lettuce. But you need to choose a place for immersion of a fiery vegetable in the ground very carefully. Do not make too high beds, since in winter the wind blows snow, that is, crops can freeze.

How to prepare a bed of garlic for planting in the fall

How to prepare a bed for garlic for planting in the fall? It is important to understand that garlic can not be immersed in the ground for several years in a row on the same bed. Otherwise, such actions will allow pests to accumulate in the soil. They ruin the crop. As a result of various checks, it was proved that 3 years should pass so that the plant can be planted in the same place.

It would be great if the garlic planted after cucumbers, cabbage or legumes. But in no case do not plant garlic after potatoes and onions. Try to choose light sandy loamy soil. If the earth does not allow water to pass through, sand or expanded clay should first be added to it.

Preparatory work for the immersion of garlic in the ground

In order to plant winter garlic, it is necessary to prepare the soil for a month and pre-view moon calendar gardener. Typically, the immersion of planting material in the ground falls in early September. The preparatory work and soil treatment itself will depend on the type of soil. If clay soil prevails in your place, then it will need to be loosened. A whole bucket of peat and sand is brought into the ground. The amount of fertilizer added is based on one square meter.

A bucket of loamy soil and the same amount of sand are added to peat soils. If you have sandy soils prevailing on a plot, namely on a bed for planting a fiery vegetable, you should add two buckets of clay soil and a bucket of peat. But a prerequisite is the addition of humus or compost to the soil. Any component is made to choose from, regardless of the type of soil.

How to prepare a bed of garlic for planting in the fall

How to prepare a bed for garlic for planting in the fall? The work does not stop on choosing the type of soil. You will also need to make some fertilizer. To do this, you need to connect a large spoon of double superphosphate with two large spoons of potassium sulfate and one large glass of chalk. For a greater effect, a couple of glasses of wood ash is added to the soil.

If you plant garlic not on an empty planted bed, but in the soil after other crops that were previously fertilized with manure, then you do not need to add humus. Remember the very important rule that all inexperienced gardeners make. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be brought into the soil if you want to plant garlic. It is necessary to distribute mineral fertilizers evenly on all surfaces. Be sure to dig the earth deep into the depths of 20 centimeters before landing.

How to prepare a garlic bed for autumn planting
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What should be the size of the beds?

It is advisable to choose the optimal height of the beds. It should reach from 15 to 20 centimeters. After which the soil should stand for about two weeks without any intervention. During this time, the earth will settle. It is imperative to wait this time, otherwise during planting the teeth will go too deep, which will not allow oxygen to pass in the right amount. If there will be little rain in the fall, then you can water the garden several times. In this way, you help the soil sag.

Now you know how to prepare a garlic bed for planting in the fall. But, despite the fact that you have everything ready, you must definitely carry out preventive work from diseases and pests. The earth on the selected beds should be doused with copper sulfate and covered with a film before landing. The solution can be prepared very simply. To do this, take a large spoonful of copper sulfate and dissolve it in two liters of boiling water. Then the resulting solution must be diluted with cold water. The result should be 10 liters of solution. It is enough to handle two square meters.

How to prepare a garlic bed for planting

You can cook a slightly different tool, but for its preparation, copper sulfate will also be required. First, as usual, you need to dissolve in boiling water. Then, in a clean container of two liters, it is filled with cold water. In it you need to dissolve a large spoonful of soda and the same amount of ammonia, but from a hardware store, not from a pharmacy. Both solutions are combined and as a result, 10 liters of the product should also be obtained.

How to cultivate the soil for planting a fiery vegetable?

Before immersing garlic in the soil, you need to thoroughly prepare the soil. It should be treated with special drugs that are sold in the hardware store. Fungicidal preparations are very popular. These include Fitosporin and Topsin-M. These funds help destroy spores of the fungus and prevent their reproduction. Also, soil cultivation will require Acrobot antiseptics. They can be combined with other drugs.

How to prepare a bed for garlic for planting in the fall? The soil must be watered with a strong manganese composition. For cooking, you need 10 liters of water in which the crystals dissolve. You can also dissolve 100 grams of Bordeaux mixture in 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is suitable for processing one square meter of soil.

We prepare the cloves

In addition to the soil, you need to prepare the seed. Need to calibrate the cloves. That is, only large and healthy materials should be selected. Do not use for planting, slightly spoiled teeth. It is necessary to remove the bottom from each specimen, this will help the roots germinate freely. A week before planting, it is necessary to soak planting material in a weak solution of manganese on knocks.

Recommended:How and when to remove garlic from the garden

We plant garlic in the ground

It is very important to plant garlic correctly. On the bed you need to make a hole deep into 15 centimeters. About 3 centimeters you need to fill each hole with sand, then water well. Now you can plant garlic with the sharp end up. Between the adjacent instance should remain a distance of about 12 centimeters. After which the planting material is covered with earth. On top of the furrow you need to water again. Before the cold weather comes, the beds should be covered with slate.

Now you know how to prepare a garlic bed for planting in the fall. All of the above tips will help to grow a healthy harvest.

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