How and when to remove garlic from the garden

25.07.2016 Garlic

When to remove garlic from the gardenEven an inexperienced gardener can figure it out. Depending on certain characteristics, garlic can be divided into two types: winter and spring. It can also release arrows and not release. The shooting type is propagated by denticles and balloons, and not the shooting type - exclusively by denticles. You can watch a large number of videos when removing garlic from the garden.

When is garlic harvested?

At the end of July, one can observe how the leaves begin to turn yellow in garlic. This is a sign that it is time to harvest. Many are guided by the rule: it is better to harvest sooner rather than later. If you collect garlic early, then you can lay it on the street right under the canopy until it ripens completely. In this case, the leaves should not be torn off, since the nutritional components still fall into the bulbs, which helps the heads become denser. Find out, why does garlic turn yellow in spring and what to do.

A sign that you are late for cleaning is bursting scales and sprinkled cloves. Such garlic cannot be stored for a long time, so it is very important to harvest on time. But here you need to be very careful, since different varieties of garlic ripen at different times, which means that it is worth harvesting at different times.

You can easily find out when you can remove garlic from the beds. It is allowed to leave arrows in different places and not break them when they grow. At first, during the growth period, they are bent in every way. But, as soon as it has grown and become even, you can harvest. You can also remove garlic when the balls have already burst.

Knowing all these signs of ripening garlic, any gardener will never be late for harvesting, regardless of the area of ​​residence. Although the timing will be different in each area, garlic harvesting will be done on time. It should be dug in June. But basically they recommend harvesting in early August. Usually, the garlic is dug up with a pitchfork, this will help not damage the head.

When to remove garlic from the garden

Lunar calendar for sowing 2016

The change of the lunar phases and the rotation of the satellite around the Earth very much affect the plant world. Garlic gives a high yield when planting on a waning moon. This plant is protected by all 3 earth signs of the zodiac. The moon, being in their environment, has a positive effect on the vegetation. But it is important to know that without additional fertilizer with organic substances, large heads of garlic will not work. Many are interested in when to remove garlic from the beds on the lunar calendar.

At the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to water the plant about 5 times a day. Immediately after germination, you need to make a composition with nitrogen compounds. It is also important to loosen the soil and get rid of weeds.

Spring sowing of garlic:

  • In the first month of spring - 4th, 5th, 31st.
  • In the second month of spring - on the 1st, 2nd, 27th, 28th, 29th.
  • In the third month of spring - on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 25th, 26th.

Time for planting garlic need to choose according to weather conditions.

Winter sowing of garlic:

  • In the first month of autumn - 12, 19, 20, 21, 24.
  • In the second month of autumn - 17th, 18th, 26th, 27th.
  • In the third month of autumn - 1, 3, 5, 13 and 18 of the day.
When to remove garlic from the garden

Need to be in time plant garlic before frost on the ground. On dysfunctional days, they are not allowed to sow work and to process various garden and garden plants. Many experienced gardeners, observing several years, argue that planting on dysfunctional days leads to decay of the cloves. They also noticed that the seedlings are white in color and slightly succulent. Therefore, it is very important for every beginner gardener to know when to remove garlic from the garden and when to sow.

Growing and harvesting garlic in Siberia

For 10 years, the best gardeners and gardeners have been working, growing garlic in Western Siberia.During this period they bred two varieties of plants. They recommend sowing winter garlic in areas reserved for early harvested crops. The sections should be all flat so that the wind could not penetrate there. In the lowlands, you can not sow garlic, as the plants rot. In the soils where onions grew, garlic should not be planted, since diseases and pests remain there.

In Siberia, they begin to plant winter garlic from mid-September to early October. Such a time is simply necessary for the cloves to take root, but without the formation of leaves. The shoot type is usually planted 8 cm deep, and the non-shoot variety is 6 cm. The distance between the plants in the row should be about 10 cm. After planting, the garden bed must be watered abundantly, regardless of whether it rained or not.

But many inexperienced gardeners are interested in the question of when to remove garlic from a bed in Siberia. In the variety of variety at the end of the first month of summer you can see the arrow. If you do not need balloons, then you need to get rid of the arrows. To do this, just pick inflorescences.

When to remove garlic from the garden

Harvesting is not carried out when a variety of shoots when most of the leaves turn yellow, and shoots when the air bulbs are already showered. In the absence of shoots, yellowing leaves are the harvesting factor. But you need to collect garlic on time, otherwise it will adversely affect the quality of the crop.

Spring garlic in Siberia is harvested after lodging leaves. It is important to remember that with abundant moisture, garlic will not be able to cure, so you can speed up the process by pruning the roots.

Harvesting garlic in Udmurtia

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Many inexperienced gardeners in this area are interested in the question, when to pick garlic from the garden in Udmurtia. Depending on weather conditions, garlic ripens in the summer in late July or early August. This is evidenced by many indicators. You can notice how the leaves turn yellow and dry, while the scales become strong. At this moment, the most important thing is to harvest the crop on time. In no case should garlic be overexposed in the soil, otherwise it will begin to decay into cloves and sprout, and, therefore, will be poorly stored.

Harvesting is better in dry weather. To do this, carefully dig a shovel, or even better with a fork, garlic. Then it needs to be shaken off excess land and laid out on plywood for further drying. Garlic should lie in the sun for about 5 days. This method will help get rid of pests. Even if it began to rain outside, the garlic should be dried under a canopy. After which it will be necessary to clean it from the ground, prune the roots and shorten the stems.

Now you need to put the finished garlic in a grid, a glass container or a cardboard box. It can be stored in a warm or cold room. The most important thing to consider is that the room is dry and ventilated, and garlic is decomposed in a small amount.

When to remove garlic from the garden

Harvesting garlic in the Urals

Everyone knows that there are two kinds of garlic: spring and winter. But in the Urals, the lancet species is very popular. It is believed that it is winter hardy. I call it winter among the people. It consists of a number of large and wide cloves. And the leaves of such garlic are directed upwards.

In July, you can observe how balls formed at the end of the arrows. They can also be used for reproduction. They can be stored for only six months. The non-shooting species has a large head, and the cloves are slightly smaller in volume, but in terms of their number more. Typically, such garlic gives a small crop, but stored for up to 8 months. It can reproduce exclusively with cloves. This variety has wide leaves.

Spring garlic is planted in early spring. He also has a small head, where the cloves are located very tightly to each other.

Before planting any kind, garlic should be soaked.But when can you remove garlic from the beds in the Urals? Here, residents of this area recommend to adhere to the well-known saying: "It is better to remove garlic sooner rather than later." It is understood that it should be removed without expecting complete maturation.

When to remove garlic from the garden

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After all, if the garlic overrides, it will crumble, and will not be able to be properly stored. It's time or not time to harvest, you can find out by some signs. A signal for this are the arrows. When a bulb with bulbs bursts on them, you can dig out the garlic.

If the arrows were cut in advance, then the lower leaves of the plant will serve as a guide. When they turn yellow, you can do the cleaning. A few days before harvesting, you need to bind the leaves of spring garlic, and also do not shake the ground from the heads, striking something. It is best to get rid of excess soil with your hands. If you damage the scales, then such garlic can no longer be stored.

Harvesting garlic in the Rostov region

Many are interested in the question, when to remove garlic from the beds in the Rostov region? By and large, cleaning takes place the same way in different areas, the time may simply differ.

When the garlic has ripened, we are reminded of yellowed leaves, in the case of a variety with an arrow, or yellowing of the tips, in the case of the removal of the arrows. You can also notice how the lower leaves dried up, and a ball with bulbs burst. If you harvest early, you need to ripen it.

It is important to know that the fruits for planting should be harvested 5 days later compared to harvesting food garlic. But in no case should you be late for cleaning, as the bulbs lose their integument and crumble into cloves. Harvested on time can sprout quickly and become unnecessary. Cleaning depends on the climate of your area, and may vary from July to September.

Harvesting garlic in Bashkiria

If you are a beginner gardener and gardener, then you will be interested in the question of when to remove garlic from a bed in Bashkiria. Bashkirs harvest after yellowing and drying of 75% of the leaves. This is after about 3.5 months after the rise of garlic. But experienced gardeners from this region, on the contrary, believe that earlier digging will negatively affect storage.

When to remove garlic from the garden

They claim that unripe fruits can breed even more bacteria. The arrow will serve as a signal for harvesting. That is, when a bubble with bulbs bursts on it, you can dig up the crop. At first, the garlic is dug up a little, and then pulled by the stem. Immediately put it to dry. Need to carry out top dressing of garlic planted in the winter.

In strong sunshine, it is better to move the garlic under a canopy. Then the earth is cleaned with hands. It takes about a week to dry, after which it will be necessary to trim the stem and roots. Garlic can be stored. And spring garlic should be removed in September, when all the leaves turn yellow.

If you need to plant some bulbs next year in the spring, then you need to store them at a temperature of +5 degrees, while the air humidity should be approximately 70%. A month or a half before planting, it is recommended that garlic be sent to a warm room, this will allow you to get a large crop.

Wherever you live, harvesting follows the same principle. Only time can be different. It also depends on the type of garlic, because each species sings in due time.

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