How to make a trellis for do-it-yourself cucumbers: step-by-step instructions

17.08.2019 Cucumbers

In order to increase the yield of cucumbers, facilitate the care of them and gather, they use a variety of devices. Trellis for cucumbers - a design that positively affects the volume of the crop, significantly saves space. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions will help you understand how to make it yourself.

Purpose trellis for cucumbers

The stalks of cucumbers can reach a height of 2 m. They easily weave and curl, clinging with antennae to nearby fences, other plants. Tapestries help arrange planting. But the main purpose of the design is as follows:

  • yield increase by 50-80%;
  • facilitating the processing of plants;
  • plant protection from pests, fungal diseases.

Raising the beds up significantly saves the area occupied by cucumbers. Trellis can also play the role of hedges, a separator for the site.

The use of supports is also suitable for peas, tomatoes. They are also climbing plants and take up a lot of space.

Design Options

The shape of the trellis for cucumbers are divided into types:

  • rectangle;
  • a circle;
  • arch;
  • horizontal
  • hut.

According to the materials used, the structures can be wooden and metal. By the method of installation: capital and mobile. Tapestry is also made from a special mesh.

Advantages and features of the trellis method

Using the support for cucumbers, it will be possible to provide plants with more light in comparison with the classical method of growing. Due to this, they grow faster, more ovaries form, and, accordingly, productivity increases.

Other benefits include:

  1. All fruits are evenly lit, ventilated. The roots also get more air.
  2. The lack of contact of the stems with the soil reduces the risk of developing diseases and infection with pests that live in the soil. Processing cucumbers on the trellis in case of infection is greatly facilitated.
  3. Nutrient formulations are served directly to the roots, excluding their contact with the green part.
  4. Convenience of harvesting.

At the same time, the method has some features:

improvised trellis
  1. High material costs for the design. This is easily solved if you make trellises from improvised material.
  2. It is important to tie up the growing stems in time so that they do not break.
  3. Watering and feeding is necessary much more often.

In hot regions, it is recommended to mulch the beds. This will slow the evaporation of moisture. Additionally, weed germination is excluded.

If the plants are arranged vertically on the garden bed, it is better to use a galvanized wire with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 mm. It is pulled at a height of 15-20 cm in the lower part, as well as in the upper part and in the middle at a height of 80 cm. To tie the stems of the cucumbers, fabric ribbons are used that are convenient to fix to hemp or synthetic twine.

Sowing dates depend on soil moisture and temperature. If at a depth of 5 cm the earth warmed up to 12-15 ° C, you can start landing. Optimal for it to be seedlings. Plant tying is carried out every 2-4 days.

How to make a support

The manufacture of trellis for cucumbers with their own hands begins with the determination of the shape of the structure, available materials. A drawing of the future structure is also required.

From wood

With high-quality lumber, it is easy to build an externally attractive design. Work Stages:

  1. Digging in corner beams. Their thickness is 50 mm, the depth is from 70 to 80 cm. Wire anchors are used for reinforcement.
  2. They depart from the supports 2 m, or 1 m, if the bed is not large, and install additional racks. Their diameter may be smaller than that of angular ones.
  3. Between the corner beams they lay a cross-beam and fasten it quite rigidly - this is the future fastening of the grill.
  4. A grid with a mesh size of 15 cm is hung.
All wooden parts of the device before use are treated with linseed oil or other composition, which saves the tree from rain, pests.

From a metal profile

For the frame, you can use durable metal structures. Reinforcing rods, the length of which is 2 m, are taken as the basis. Trellis should be of such height to ensure the full growth of cucumbers.

Start work by driving racks into the ground. Then a transverse beam is welded to them. If the apparatus for this work is not available, the joints are fastened with a cable or wire, but tightened quite strongly. But the welding fixture is considered the most reliable. Further, as in the case of the wooden structure, between the corner posts at an equal distance from them, additional stakes are driven in increments of 15 cm. Then a grate is made of wire. The size of the cells is from 15 to 20 cm. Before use, all metal is treated with a composition that will protect against corrosion.

From the tire

This is an option for a do-it-yourself mobile trellis for cucumbers. Differs in compact sizes. It will take two rims from the wheels of the bicycle (previously free from the spokes), a rod of iron, wire and twine. The installation of trellis for cucumbers begins with driving a central base. Then they put on a rim. The soil around is compacted. On the upper part of the rod, a second rim is attached with a wire. Twine is pulled through existing knitting holes.

From the net


It is made of polypropylene, which is resistant to mechanical damage. The material is resistant to decay, ultraviolet radiation. Large cells - from 150 to 170 mm. The rib, despite its small thickness, qualitatively supports the stems.

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Making a trellis from a grid for cucumbers is easy. The material, folded in 2-3 layers (depending on the length of the beds), is laid on the ground. At the edges of the set columns for fixing the grid as shown in the photo. Seedlings are planted directly in the cells. It is not necessary to tie a growing plant, since the antennae cling to the edges of the material themselves.

For a trellis from a grid it is also possible to use its metal option. In this case, the structure is shaped like an arch. At the heart are wooden boxes filled with soil into which cucumbers are planted. With the help of such arched trellises you can organize a kind of canopy. You can install several baskets in length by organizing a corridor for decorating and zoning a summer cottage. The metal mesh is often replaced with a wooden grill.

Features of planting and growing cucumbers

Cucumber cultivation using the trellis method - a set of agrotechnical actions. Their content in different conditions is different.

In the open ground

For the high productivity, including the correct location of the beds. It is advised to choose the west-east direction, which provides uniform illumination throughout the day. It is better for summer residents with minimal experience to make trellises from bamboo sticks. Their diameter is from 3 to 4 cm, and their length is 1.5 m.Pre-dig up the soil, break the bed and fertilize with humus. Only then put the design.

The sticks are dug to a depth of no more than 60 cm opposite each other in increments of 50 cm. On one side they stand straight, and on the other, at an angle of 60 °. From above, all parts of the structure are connected by wire. The reinforcing bars, which are parallel to each other, help to give strength.

If done correctly, the design will be stable. With the onset of the cold season, it is easy to remove it from the ground, and install it again in the spring. The crossbars are light, but durable, it is convenient for cucumbers to wander around them.

The scheme by which seedlings are planted is determined by the type of bushes that are planned to be grown in the garden. If the stems branch strongly, the optimal distance is from 30 to 40 cm. For weakly branching, 25-30 cm are enough. The trellises are placed 1 m apart from each other. It is not recommended to reduce this distance, but it all depends on how much free space in the summer cottage.

In some regions, due to the nature of the climate, seedlings require insulation. The best shelter will be a film under which conditions are created in a greenhouse. After strengthening young plants, establishing a constant temperature, the coating is removed and the stems are attached.

In the greenhouse

Tapestry for cucumbers can be installed in the greenhouse. But for this, certain rules must be observed:

  • on the ability to maintain the temperature recommended for the crop depends on the choice of time for planting;
  • in a greenhouse it is easier to maintain humidity, but there should be a mechanism that opens and closes windows, providing ventilation, temperature control;
  • Landings should not be too tight so that air can circulate freely.

The trellis for cucumbers grown in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, any other material does not differ from the design for open ground. One of two garter options is selected from the type:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

In the first case, a simple support in the form of the letter “P” is required. The height can reach 2 m. A horizontal bar is installed, which can be replaced with a wire - the fixation point of the twine, along which the stems will curl. Each plant must be individually supported.

If a horizontal version of the garter is used, several metal supports are placed at opposite ends of the greenhouse. The recommended height is 2 m. Several rows of rope are fixed to them - thick and strong. So a kind of lattice will be created, for which the plants will cling.

To take care of the cucumbers in the greenhouse was easier, they can be planted in wooden boxes. Stands provide extra ventilation. Do not bend low when watering.

Using trellises helps to solve several problems at the same time. Designs are used to save space. With proper assembly, it is possible to significantly increase productivity.

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