Why do pickles in the jar become soft and empty inside?

11.04.2019 Cucumbers

Harvested for future use salted cucumbers lovers of this product are not always pleased with their quality and for some reason often become soft, not sufficiently crunchy, hollow in the jar. There can be several reasons for this negative result, and it is not difficult to fix it, if you follow the basic rules of salting.

Mistakes can be made at different stages of salting, during storage and even earlier - in the process of growing this popular garden crop. Various tips, tricks, secrets and time-tested recipes will help prevent culinary failure and get next time dense, fragrant, very tasty canned pickles.

Why pickles in a jar become soft over time

There can be several reasons for softening a canned product. Such factors negatively affect:

  1. Not very clean dishes for salting. Traditionally used oak barrels or tubs, which were thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. This option is still considered optimal. However, in modern everyday life, glass or enameled glassware is more often used. It must be washed very well (preferably with baking soda) and sterilized in an oven or over steam.
  2. Large capacity. The cucumbers located in its lower part gradually become soft due to increased pressure.
  3. Water quality for salting. Too soft water reduces the elasticity of vegetables, and very hard gives them a metallic taste.

    Spring or well water is recommended.
  4. Wrong selection of cucumbers. Yellowish growths for conservation are not suitable. Zelenets should be small or medium in size, the seed chamber is small, the seeds are underdeveloped, the flesh is dense and elastic, and the fruit's sugar content is at least 2% (sugar helps the formation of lactic acid). It is precisely these special pickling varieties (Nezhinsky, Rodnichok, etc.) that correspond to these qualities. Universal varieties are also suitable, but not salad.
  5. Stale Cucumbers. It is advisable that the collected vegetable does not lie in front of pickling for more than a day.
  6. Ignoring spices. They not only give aroma and special taste to the product, but also hinder the development of harmful microflora. It is no coincidence that oak barrels were used as pickling containers, and now oak leaves are often put in jars.
  7. Wrong ratio of brine and fruit in the container as a result of not very tight packing of the product.
  8. Inadequate saline concentration. Optimum - 6-9%. When salt is low, extraneous microflora turns the brine into mucus and softens the fruits.

    Larger greens need more salt.
  9. Violation of the tightness of salting dishes and penetration into the air.
  10. High temperature during storage. Optimal - from 0 to + 30C. It is better to store in a dry and cold basement or in the cellar.
  11. Long-term storage. Pectolytic enzymes over time contribute to the softening of the vegetable.

What to do so that pickles do not turn into porridge after closing

The key to successful salting is not only the taste, but also the dense state of the cucumbers, which emit a delicious crunch when bitten.So that they do not turn into porridge, the housewives use different methods.

Common Tricks and Secrets

The main secret of cooking high-quality cucumbers is a good mood and warmth. Not all attach importance to this, but many argue that blanks without positive will turn out to be unsuccessful. In addition, you can arm yourself with such practical tips:

  • salt should be cooked, large and clean, not iodized;
  • cucumbers should be washed thoroughly and kept for 3-4 hours in cold water;
  • spices must also be washed well;
  • so that mold does not form, you need to add a little mustard or planed horseradish to the brine;

    Spices for preservation
    Spices for preservation
  • cucumbers should be placed as tightly as possible in the dish;
  • Zelentsy must be sorted by size;
  • the contents of the container should be covered with 3-4 cm brine;
  • after the procedure of pouring the saline solution, the cucumbers should be covered with a boiled cloth, put a wooden circle on them, and on top - a clean load that does not exceed 10% of the mass of vegetables;
  • alcohol or vodka is often added to the brine (50 g is enough for a 3 liter can);
  • a special folk sign: if you pick up cucumbers in the full moon or in the first quarter of the moon, they will be crispy.

Crispy Cucumber Salting Recipes

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Recipe number 1. You will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • oak, cherry and blackcurrant leaves - 1 pc.;
  • mustard grains - 2-3 pcs.;
  • horseradish root - 50 g;
  • dill - 30-40 g;
  • dill seeds - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cloves of garlic - 2-3 pcs.

For brine:

  • water - 1 l;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
Place the cucumbers in jars, pour in the brine, cover and let stand for 3–4 days for lactic acid fermentation at normal room temperature.

Then pour the brine into the pan and send it to the fire. Extract greens from cans, rinse well with cold water and lay back with spices and spices. Then pour them with boiling brine and sterilize the jars at 80-90 ° C (1 l capacity - 20 minutes, 3 l - 40 minutes).

Recipe number 2. Would need:

  • cucumbers - how much will fit;
  • leaves of cherry and blackcurrant - 3 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 1 pc.;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.

For brine:

  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 90 g;
  • laurel leaves - 1 pc.
Lower the dill umbrella to the bottom of a 3-liter jar, place the cucumbers vertically on it and cover them with a layer of spices with spices (currant, cherry and horseradish leaves, garlic, pepper and dill inflorescence).

Then fill the remaining space with cucumbers and cover them with a dill umbrella. It remains only to fill everything with boiling brine and tightly roll up the cans.

Recipe number 3. You will need:

  • cucumbers - how much will fit;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 8-10 pcs.;
  • dill and tarragon to taste.

For brine:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 50 g.

This is a cold way. First, prepare the brine: stir the salt in a glass or enamel bowl. When the brine will settle (3-4 hours), you can begin to densely compact the greens in jars.

But precede and complete it should be the placement of layers of dill, tarragon and currant leaves.

Next, you need to top up the cans with brine, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place for 2-3 days, then send for 1.5-2 weeks in a cold place. There, under tissue cover, fermentation will gradually decrease. If mold appears, remove it and add mustard powder. When gas evolution stops, the cans can be corked with metal or nylon caps and stored in a cool place.

What does it mean if pickles are empty inside?

The formation of voids in the prepared product can be triggered by the choice of substandard raw materials and mistakes made during salting.

Using Overripe Fruits

As is the case with the softening of pickles, the incorrectly picked fruits become empty inside. Zelentsy should have the qualities listed above (size, density, sugar content, etc.). Harvesting of overripe vegetables is unacceptable.

Long-term storage

Raw materials for salting should be fresh, as over time the nutritional value and taste of cucumbers decrease. Therefore, within 24 hours after collection (the sooner the better) they should be prepared in accordance with the selected recipe.

Before harvesting, they should be kept in cool conditions with ventilation, not covered with polyethylene.

Long cooking process

The salting process consists of 3 stages, each of which must take place at a certain pace:

  1. At stage I, due to the preparation of microflora, fermentation starts. Cucumbers accumulate salt, and the brine absorbs sugar and other nutrients, and lactic acid bacteria multiply rapidly in it. If this stage is delayed, then pathogenic substances will also increase, which threatens to spoil the product.

    For everything to happen quickly, the container is kept warm for a day or two.
  2. Stage II, when lactic acid and alcohol are produced during fermentation, on the contrary, it must be slow. For this, the product needs cold. If the proper conditions are not provided, then the yeast and bacteria emit excess gas. He inflates cucumbers (forms voids), getting inside.
  3. At stage III, sugar processing by yeast and bacteria ends.
It is important to follow the recipe. After all, intense and prolonged gas formation can be not only due to a prolonged stay in heat, but also due to lack of salt.

Mistakes in growing cucumbers

Cucumbers are sensitive to the smallest changes in agricultural technology, which is noticeable in the quality of the collected fruits - they can be bitter or empty inside.


Along with heat, a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil and in the air is important for the vegetable. With its shortage, cucumbers become hollow. If in the heat water does not enter all the organs of the plant, then cucurbitacin is intensively produced in the fruits. It gives a special bitterness to the peel.

Watering should be increased by 2-3 times during abundant fruiting. Use only warm water. Otherwise, the fruits will be bitter.

Incorrect fertilizer application

Cucumbers love nutritious soil. It is important to timely fertilize:

  • organic and nitrogen - before planting and in small volumes at the initial stages of plant development;
  • to the beginning of the fruiting period - potash and phosphorus with micro and macro elements (iron, manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium and calcium).

The quality of the product is affected by both their deficit and excess. For example, cucumbers become loose and hollow due to the high nitrogen content in the form of ammonium salts. This usually occurs due to the introduction of fresh manure, overfeeding with urea, etc.

Problem soil

Cucurbitacin is especially actively produced in cucumbers grown on clay soils. It is necessary to provide the vegetable with a light and loose soil, with high air and moisture permeability, as well as neutral acidity in the range of pH 6.4-7.

Temperature changes

Representatives of the Pumpkin family experience stress during sudden temperature fluctuations. Sudden swings that exceed 3-5 ° C must be avoided. This is especially important at the stage of laying the fruit.

Common questions

How to choose cucumbers for salting?
When choosing, you need to pay attention to:

  • variety (special pickling varieties of cucumbers are recommended);
  • fruit size (from 5 to 13 cm);
  • maturity (incomplete);
  • peel (tuberous, thick, preferably prickly);
  • freshness (the freshest);
  • color (juicy, green);
  • taste (non-bitter).
How to make salted cucumbers?
Zelentsy, who have been in cold water for 2 hours, should be placed in a layer in an enamel bowl, the bottom of which is lined with horseradish leaves with herbs and spices (dill umbrellas, garlic, horseradish and currant leaves, allspice peas). Alternating cucumbers with spices, the last layer should be laid out with horseradish leaves. Next - pour hot water, which dissolved 6 tbsp. l salt and squeeze for 2 days with a press.
What can I cook with soft pickles?
Cucumbers of soft consistency can be used in the preparation of hodgepodge, azo, sandwiches, for filling pies and pies. The practice of chopping fruits on a grater, their packaging in small bags and subsequent freezing.
What spices are added for salting?
The special taste and aroma of preservation will be given by oregano, marjoram, mint, basil, black pepper, bay leaf, tarragon, etc.

The reasons for getting soft and hollow pickles are many. Among them - improper selection and preparation of fruits, containers, saline, poor water quality, violation of the tightness of cans, temperature and timing of salting, as well as storage. They can affect separately or in combination, so it is important to exclude every negative factor.

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Comments on the article: 5
  1. Avatar


    Optimal - from 0 to + 30C ????
    Have you ever stored cucumbers yourself ????

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  2. Avatar


    Class !!!

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  3. Avatar


    I read an article who wrote that probably just collected all the flocks from the Internet. I myself marina and solyuogurtsy and come across in the bank and soft very rarely and empty too rarely. And this vice is not envious of what time you pickled your pickles. On the day of picking cucumbers, it is not always possible to spin from the jars. And the softness and hollowness of cucumbers depend on many factors, from weather conditions, from the variety, and how cucumbers are grown in the garden.

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  4. Avatar


    There is nothing simpler than pickling cucumbers. Dill, horseradish roots, garlic, h. Currant leaves, salt, sugar. We use cans, hot PE caps, I use 5-liter plastic bottles. The fact that oak tubs are better is a myth. As soon as it is worth steaming them, I remember from childhood and the taste of cucumbers in the spring in them is not very. It’s just that there were no cans before. Storage conditions are an important factor; I fold cans into vegetable nets, add cargo and heat in a technical well. The taste is amazing. But about 20 years ago I kept it in the basement, where it was 15 degrees in the summer and also turned out pretty good. And I also noticed that it is better not to disturb the jars of cucumbers once again, the taste is deteriorating.

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    Alexander Savchenko

    MUCH COGNITIVE! Thank you from the heart ...

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