How to grow grapes in open ground in the suburbs

14.10.2016 Grape

vyrashhivanie-vinograda-v-podmoskoveThis is not to say that growing grapes in the open air near Moscow is a process too complicated. Grapes are a southern plant and he loves the sun very much. However, the wonders of modern breeding have allowed breeding varieties that will grow well in the climate of the Moscow region. When landing, it is important to choose the most suitable place. Possible grape diseases and ways to deal with them.

Planting in spring or autumn

Be sure to choose the south side of the house for growing grapes in the conditions of the Moscow region, you need to plant it one and a half meters from a wall, fence or other outbuildings (it is important that the support was originally near).

Grapes grow well only in sunny and warm conditions. In the suburbs with deliveries of such weather often failures occur, it is for this reason that gardeners especially emphasize - only the south side is suitable for planting. When planting in a single bush, a 60 * 60 * 60 cm pit is required for the sprout. If several bushes are planted, then immediately you can make trenches in depth and width of the same size (this is the minimum figure, there may be more trenches).

When planting, make sure that the bulk of the roots of growth is somewhere at a depth of forty centimeters. It is recommended to leave a distance of one meter between varieties that are weak in growth activity, a distance of one and a half meters between medium-tall ones, but for very tall varieties this distance should be at least two meters.

You will need to install an additional trellis along the trench with grapes. Pull the wire horizontally and in several tiers. The wires must be in the same plane and the first to the ground should have a distance of 30 centimeters.

Favorable landing times

On thematic videos grape growing in the suburbs in the open ground they won’t say when it’s best to land. Many gardeners are inclined to believe that this is best done in early autumn. The soil for planting is prepared during this period.

How to prepare the ground? When the pits are formed, then you need to pour in them up to 20 cm of broken brick, then fill the pit with earth. There should be enough sand and manure in the soil, mineral fertilizers, gravel and compost are welcome. On four sides of the pit, marking is made of plastic pipes 50 cm long. Be sure five centimeter pipes should go above the surface of the soil. This simple device will help in watering the seedlings, provide an easy way to feed and additional care for the grapes.

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What varieties to choose?

A good harvest will provide not only the proper care of the crop, but also a competent selection of varieties. In particular, growing grapes in the suburbs in the open field is a white miracle, but not only. Pay attention to the variety "Saperavi", "Isabella". They are resistant to frost and in the climate of Moscow suburbs showed excellent growth.

Plant for this climate region only grape varieties that give an early harvest. From the moment of blossoming of the flowers and until the harvest, no more than 110 days should pass from the particular selected variety. Otherwise, the gardener simply does not have time to harvest.

Advice! When grape seedlings are distinguished by a closed root system, then spring will be the most favorable time for planting.You just need to make sure that the frost is completely over. In principle, the planting process can be stretched, but only until the beginning of summer. With an open root system, planting can be carried out from early spring to late autumn at any time. Root them until the end of October and the onset of the first frost.

Shelter for the winter

Since winter frosts are severe in the Moscow Region, grape bushes must be additionally covered for the winter. In autumn, when the leaves begin to fall off, you need to remove the vine from the trellis, get rid of old branches, tie with a rope (this is protection against cold weather, as well as protection against debate due to increased moisture).


It is better not to stack grapes on a direct vine for wintering. To do this, it is recommended to use a special stand. Sprinkle the vine with sawdust or fallen leaves from above, cover with spruce branches.

As an option, you can install an arc of 30 cm above the vine and throw cover material on top. The plant will be reliably protected and will receive its necessary minimum heat for an excellent wintering. In the spring, open grapes in April, when the snow completely melts. The opening is carried out gradually.

Advice! The older the grapes, the more severe frosts it can withstand without shelter. But young seedlings in the suburbs must be covered for at least the first few years of growth.

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