When and how to harvest onions in the suburbs

1.08.2016 Onion

When to harvest onions in the suburbsIt is worth considering that before harvesting, you can not water the onions, watering stops at least two weeks before harvesting, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, which will completely ruin the crop.

When to remove onions from the beds?

Not many beginner gardeners know how and when to clean onions in the Moscow region, but picking a time for harvesting is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If the green feathers began to turn yellow, after which they lay on the ground, this will indicate the ripening of the vegetable, which will be a signal for its assembly from the beds. There are other signs by which it can be understood that the onion has begun to ripen, in this case the feathers not only turn yellow, but also completely dry.

If all the leaves are already yellowed and light on the ground, this can be a signal to harvest, but you should not always wait for the feathers to completely yellow, even if half of the green has turned yellow and dried, you should start harvesting, of course, if yellowing is not associated with plant diseases . Gardeners are often interested in when to pick onions in the Moscow region (video), and after all, it will also depend on the variety of the selected plant after how long it is necessary to harvest it. At the time of collection, onion sets or turnips may vary. This article will tell in detail about what period, and how to properly harvest vegetables from the beds.

In different parts of the world, onions are harvested at different periods of time, if we talk about the suburbs, then the vegetable should be removed from the beds at the very end of July or a maximum in early August. If you do not harvest at this time, it is likely that the onion heads in the soil will begin to rot due to frequent rains and increased moisture in the soil. The gardener can wait a little while harvesting onion vegetables, but this can only be done if weather forecasters do not promise many rainy days for the last month of summer. Only in dry weather will vegetables retain their palatability, but if rain and cold are promised in August, harvesting should begin in the last days of July.

If judged not by weather conditions, but by when to pick onions in the suburbs in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, then experts say that harvesting should start from August 15th, and onions on the twentieth should be harvested. During this period, the moon in the sky decreases, which allows you to save the future harvest until the next season. Nevertheless, we do not recommend removing garlic and onions in these numbers, since forecasters promise heavy rains in the second half of August, they can lead to rotting of fruits under the ground.

When to harvest onions in the suburbs

How to calculate the onion assembly period?

Most often, the onion matures seventy or eighty days after planting, but the timingyellowing onionswill depend on the type of vegetable selected. Well, in order to accurately calculate in what period it is worth picking onions, it is enough to remember the date the vegetable was planted in the ground, and then add about seventy-five days to this date, so the exact harvest date is obtained, it can vary from seventy to eighty days.

You will also have to consider what the summer period was like, when the summer months are hot and there is not so much rain, the onions ripen in a short time, that is, the crop can be harvested in seventy days, when the summer is rainy and not too hot, the crop will ripen a little longer, in this case ripening will last up to ninety days.

When to harvest onions in the suburbs

How to dig a bow from the garden

If the soil is sufficiently loose, then the onion heads can simply be pulled out of the ground with your hands, in some cases it is quite difficult to pull the onion out of the ground, so you have to use a shovel. It is worth digging out vegetables only in sunny weather, if it rains outside, the bulbs become too wet, this will lead to its premature decay.After the vegetables are dug out of the beds, they should be left on the beds until the evening in the sun.

It is not enough to know when to harvest winter onions in the Moscow Region, it is necessary to consider and how to prepare it for storage, it is necessary for normal storage that the bulbs lie under the sun's rays throughout the day, this will help dry out the rest of the earth on vegetables. During drying, it is worth periodically turning the bulbs so that they are dried evenly from all sides. Once the onion has dried sufficiently, you can take a large box and put the vegetables in a prepared box. After that, the onion is cleaned in a dark and cool place, for example, in the attic or in the pantry.

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A balcony is also suitable for further drying, but still this option is not desirable, onions remain in this box for one more week, since the vegetables need to dry sufficiently, this will prevent rotting during storage. If onion vegetables are grown on the beds in the summer cottage, then after digging, the fruits are left on the beds for drying for another week, in which case they will not have to be put in a separate box. The only drawback of such drying is that when the sun sets, you will have to put all the onions in boxes under a canopy or in other shelters.

When to harvest onions in the suburbs

While the onion will dry, it is worth constantly monitoring the condition of its neck, when the neck is still soft and fresh, the onion is not ready for storage in the basement, but if the vegetable has a dry neck, it is safely collected in boxes and sent to the basement for storage until next season . It is worth remembering that the better the onion dries, the longer this vegetable will retain its freshness, some varieties can be stored for about a year and a half. When the fruits are poorly dried, they soon begin to rot, which will lead to decay and good fruits. In this case, you will have to constantly sort through the vegetables, as well as monitor the humidity in the room.

How to prepare onions for drying

During the drying of vegetables, it is worth paying attention not only to the bulbs themselves, but also to the feathers of the plant. Once they are completely dry, you can cut them from a vegetable or simply cut them off. It is also recommended to remove too long roots, but it is not recommended to remove the entire root system. Immediately after pruning, onion vegetables are sent to storage boxes for the whole winter until the next harvest. It is important to know not only when to remove the onions from the beds for storage in the suburbs, but also how to prepare them so that they lay all winter in the storage place and do not begin to rot.

When to harvest onions in the suburbs

You can find many options for drying onions and garlic, some leave the heads on the ground and periodically turn them over, others use women's nylon pantyhose to dry, put onions in them and hang them in a ventilated place. There are different storage methods, so you can also store vegetables in nylon stockings or tights, but many housewives learned to weave special braids, it is very convenient to cut onions from them, and this will also prevent root crops from rotting.

To use the storage of onions in braids, it is necessary to tear out plants with long feathers before drying, these feathers, after pulling out the onions, are immediately woven into braids (the bulbs can be pre-washed), so each vegetable will dry out sufficiently, and this will also help to conveniently store it in the kitchen or in the basement of your home. It is very important to clean the onion on time, if you overdo the vegetables in the ground, they can not only rot, but also overripe, and this will negatively affect the shelf life of the bulbs.

A few words about sowing onions

The shelf life of vegetables will depend not only on when to pick onions and garlic in the suburbs, but also on the proper sowing of the plant in the ground in spring.Since onions have been grown by gardeners for more than five millennia, experts have already been able to identify which varieties germinate better and which are worse. Still, there are only two options. planting onions, in the first case, onions are grown using seed; in the second, sowing is carried out using seeds. According to gardeners, seed germination is much better and faster, so most summer residents try to buy high-quality seeds for planting onions in the garden plot.

When to harvest onions in the suburbs

Sowing takes place at the end of winter, or at the very beginning of the spring period, gardeners can prepare seeds so that they sprout a little faster. To harden and wake up the plants, the seeds are immersed in chilled water for two days, the seeds are constantly stirred, this tempers the plants. And when the seeds begin to give the first seedlings, they are sent to the refrigerator for one week, after a week the seedlings are well dried and the sowing begins.

How to remove garlic and onions from the garden

The collection of garlic occurs as well as the harvesting of onions, as soon as the feathers began to turn yellow and lay on the beds, the first harvest can begin. Do not rush to harvest, if the head of garlic can not form properly, the neck will be soft and begin to rot in the first place. If the gardener wants to accelerate the process of ripening vegetables, he can simply mow the whole tops, in which case in a week it will be possible to collect the available crop from the beds.

Nevertheless, many do not resort to this method, since garlic can deteriorate before the harvest. The drying process of this hot vegetable can be done during dry and sunny weather, the garlic must be well dried so that the husk is completely dry. Vegetables can ripen already during drying, the main thing is that the tops should be well dried, and not remain green, otherwise the neck of the garlic will rot, which will destroy the vegetables during storage.

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