Favorable days for planting cucumbers in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

10.05.2018 Cucumbers

Any summer resident will agree with the statement that it is very convenient to plant vegetables in open ground, and most importantly, economically, because you do not have to spend money on materials for the greenhouse, film, etc.

Fortunately, many vegetables, including cucumbers that have been loved since childhood, can be planted in this way. However, it is important to clearly determine the specific landing dates and correctly complete the entire process.

How to choose a date

Most modern summer residents, as before, are based on the experience of their ancestors and use a special solar-lunar calendar, which provides useful tips and detailed recommendations based on knowledge of the biological rhythms of certain plants, as well as on the influence of the four phases of the Earth's satellite.

The lunar calendars for gardeners and gardeners are based on summary data obtained in the course of research conducted by astrologers and biodynamists. As a result of an objective account of all the main factors, scientists designate the periods most favorable for planting specific crops in one way or another.

So, on what days of 2018 should cucumbers be planted in open ground?

Sowing cucumbers with seeds

When planting cucumbers, it is important to take into account weather and climatic conditions. So, the most optimal temperature for sowing cucumber seeds is a mark of 15 degrees Celsius. This means that the soil has warmed well and is already filled with all the nutrients necessary for the successful growth of the vegetable.

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Of course, before sowing seeds into the ground, they must be properly prepared, namely:

  • disinfect with a medium intensity potassium permanganate solution;
  • pour warm water for 12 hours;
  • remove from container and wrap in a moist cloth for germination for approximately 1 week.

Since each of us wants to enjoy sweet and juicy cucumbers all summer and autumn, as well as have time to roll up a sufficient number of cans of pickles for the winter, it is recommended to sow several varieties of planting material at once - early ripe, mid-ripe and late ripe.

The last spring month provides gardeners with two favorable periods for planting cucumbers in open ground using seeds:

  • May 4-6when the waning moon is located in the sign of Capricorn and favors all summer residents actively working in their areas;
  • from May 19 to May 23when the moon is in a growth phase and gradually moves from the sign of Cancer to the sign of Virgo, promising the rapid emergence of friendly and viable seedlings that are resistant to pests.

Planting Cucumber Seedlings

To plant cucumbers in this way, first of all, you need to take care of the proper preparation of the seedlings.

It is better to germinate seeds 3 weeks before the seedlings are placed in the open ground. For this purpose, special peat pots are ideal. A guide for the gardener should be the level of development of the seedling. The appearance of two pairs of true leaves indicates that it is time for the summer resident to plant beds. This occurs on approximately 15-20 days.

As for the most favorable days for planting cucumber seedlings, the solar-lunar calendar suggests paying attention to the following dates:

  • May 18, 19. The growing moon in the sign of Cancer will not leave the crop without its protection and will certainly contribute to its uniform saturation with all necessary nutrients.
  • May 24-26. The moon continues to grow rapidly, and since there is very little time left before the full moon, which negatively affects the formation of fruits, you need to manage to cope with the landing work. As a result, the cucumbers will be very strong and juicy.
  • June 14, 15. As the young moon is just beginning to grow in the sign of Cancer, the temperature and humidity promise to be at the level of climatic norm. And this means that you can safely plant seedlings in open ground, without fear of sudden fluctuations.
  • June 21, 22. The growing moon in the sign of Libra signals summer residents that it is no longer worth pulling with sowing. It's time to prepare the beds for fresh sprouts and wait for the time when it will be possible to enjoy sweet and crispy fruits.

So, the lunar calendar traditionally forms the work schedule of gardeners in their personal plots. But the direct choice of the method of sowing - that is, seedlings or seeds - will have to be done independently. Of course, the preliminary germination of seeds before the formation of the first true leaves protects plants to a large extent from the harmful effects of unstable weather conditions. However, if the air warms up enough and the weather forecast does not promise sharp cooling, then you can plant seeds. In any case, subject to all the rules for caring for the crop, a plentiful, strong and healthy crop is provided.

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