When to plant pepper for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar: planting dates

21.01.2018 Pepper

To get a good harvest, farmers make every effort, patience and attention. Most gardeners plant seedlings with an eye on the lunar calendar. After all, it is compiled on the basis of long-term observations and suggests the necessary actions when communicating with wildlife. When to plant pepper for seedlings in 2018 will tell the lunar calendar.

Not a single farmer or summer resident will bother with land and plants, without hoping for a decent harvest. People who love working on the earth are always trying to succeed. A great help in this is the lunar sowing calendar for planting pepper for seedlings in 2018.

The change of lunar phases is surprisingly similar to the change of seasons. The new moon resembles the middle of winter. During this period, they do not plant anything, do not feed, do not cut, because the viability of plants in this phase of the moon is minimal. The full moon can be equated to the “crown” of summer. At this time, all living things have a thirst for moisture, and abundant watering is required.

The periods most suitable for gardeners are the first and last quarters of the second celestial body. Since pepper is a vegetable with above-ground fruits, it must be planted on seedlings in the first quarter. During this period, the plant takes root well and picks up all the necessary juices.

The better survival and future bearing is influenced by the passage of the moon through a particular zodiac constellation. So, pepper for seedlings should be planted on the lunar calendar of 2018 in the days when the satellite is in the sign of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. These are productive zodiac signs. Pepper planted in Taurus will grow slowly but surely and will come out very viable.

Planting Features

Pepper, although it is demanding on light, nevertheless, farmers insist on shading it. This is necessary in order for the plant to quickly proceed to fruiting. Also, the culture needs sufficient watering and heat. Therefore, in different climatic zones, the time and conditions for growing pepper are so different. In this regard, domestic breeders have bred a huge number of varieties intended for various uses.

There are peppers that can be immediately planted in the ground, others are planted and grown only in greenhouses, and there are balcony varieties with medium-sized fruits; It is very convenient for those who do not have a garden plot. There are universal varieties that can be planted in any climatic zone of our country. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, the crop will please both the Urals, Siberia, the Moscow Region, and especially in the south. Already, gardeners are turning to the lunar calendar to find out when to plant pepper seedlings in 2018.

Before sowing seeds, it is worth recalling the main nuances regarding the seed material of peppers:

  • store seeds are better to prefer their own, because they "remember" the care and soil features;
  • germination period is large enough, but there are shoots that sprout later than all the others. It is better to immediately remove them, since you can no longer get a good harvest from them;
  • pepper does not like transplantation, so it is worth sowing immediately in peat pots or special glasses;
  • the plant develops very slowly; in this regard, it is necessary to sow it as soon as possible.

In addition, do not be afraid of hybrid varieties. They, as a rule, have high germination, good productivity, resistance to diseases and pests.

In addition to choosing seed, it is worth taking soil preparation seriously. Currently invented a lot of tools to improve the composition of any soil. With a good digging, fertilizing, peppers will take root both on sandstones, and on loams and peat bogs.

Thus, if you achieve maximum compliance with factors such as climate conditions, especially the survival rate of plants and the passage of the moon through the zodiac, you can get an excellent harvest that will delight the whole year.

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Seedling planting dates

When asked when to plant pepper for seedlings in 2018, according to the lunar calendar, it turns out that since February 18. This will be the phase of the growing moon. The sprouts will be stronger and taller. In the event that it is required that the bushes do not stretch out in growth, but turn out to be spreading and strong, then it is worthwhile to wait a couple of days and start sowing on February 21-22.

These will be the days when the Moon passes through the constellation Taurus - the most prolific zodiac sign. Harvest will come out plentiful. Peppers themselves will be stored for a long time. The only drawback is that they will not give high-quality seeds. For these purposes, it is better to plant a crop when the moon is in Scorpio.

If, in connection with the holidays, the gardener did not have time to plant seedlings these days, then you can try to do this on the 25th and 26th. The moon will go into the constellation Cancer. This is also a fairly productive sign. The plant will be stunted. But here is one minus - it will not be stored for long. Therefore, peppers planted in Cancer, it is better to start eating immediately.

The first spring month is the time to plant pepper for seedlings, and when we turn to the lunar planting calendar of 2018. From the 2nd day the full moon comes, and it will last until 20.00 the next day. Of course, you can’t plant anything on this day. Next, the moon enters Libra. This is a small sign, and even with the waning moon. Time is neutral. You can plant if necessary. No plant will be harmed. The fruits will be fleshy and give a lot of seeds.

The second sign in productivity - Scorpio will come on the 6th and 7th. Landing at this time is highly recommended. Seedlings will quickly begin to grow, pour juice and form a thick stem and powerful roots. Peppers will give a rich harvest, suitable for long-term storage.

Particularly, the landing horoscope is favorable already from the 20th to the 21. The moon will be in Taurus. Then suitable days will come on March 25 and 26, when the Earth’s satellite will pass through the constellation Cancer.

In the period from the 8th to the 24th, you should not experiment with landings. The signs through which the night luminary will pass are unfavorable.

The crop will be small. The green part of the plant will develop mainly. In addition, the moon will be waning and it is better to do landings with underground roots.

In the middle of the month, the Moon will be in Aquarius. This is the most barren sign in the zodiac. You should not plant anything on March 15 and 16. If the plants take root, the harvest will be very frail and painful. But the day is successful for breeders, since there is a high probability of obtaining new varieties and unusual plants in the days of Aquarius.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that there are not so many suitable days when you can plant pepper for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar. In the northern regions, it is better to hurry with seedlings in order to have time to get a crop. It is necessary to use medium and early ripe varieties of peppers.

Begin already in the third decade of February. In the southern part of the country, seeds begin to germinate, depending on the purpose of planting. If seedlings are prepared for sale, then it is better to hurry up in time to sell to all those in need. For yourself, you can wait for the optimal match of soil warming, suitable weather and mood.

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