Calorie pepper stuffed with meat and rice - BZHU per 100 grams

3.06.2019 Pepper

Every year, more and more people pay increased attention to proper nutrition. As a result, many familiar dishes from childhood are banned. So, people who monitor their weight often refuse pepper stuffed with any meat and rice, as they consider it a high-calorie product.

But is this really so? This dish is part of the Bulgarian, Russian and many other cuisines. It attracts everyone with a simple recipe and a small waste of time for cooking. Also a positive point is that it maintains a balance of taste and quality and, with proper preparation, can be used in dietary nutrition.

Nutritional value and calorie content of peppers stuffed with meat and rice

Nutritional value and calorie content of a dish depend on the composition of the filling.

Paprika itself is very beneficial due to its high vitamin content. Among vegetables, the largest amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is contained in it.

It also contains capsaicin, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and helps to reduce appetite. As for the ingredients included in the filling, you should consider the type of minced meat, rice, as well as cooking methods.

Bju stuffed peppers

Paprika itself is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates and a minimum of fat. Thus, 100 g contains:

  1. Protein - 1.46 g
  2. Carbohydrate - 5.60 g
  3. Fat - 0.16 g

Calorie content and nutritional value of minced meat also differ; BJU is provided below in the table:

Minced pepper Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Chicken 5,3 2,1 10,2
Turkey 16,2 0,6 1
Beef 7 7,5 4,3
Pork and beef 2,1 0,2 21
Pig 11 14,3 7

Most housewives add rice to the minced meat. Several types of cereals are known, such as: white, brown, wild, red, long-grain, basmati. Each of them has a different nutritional value:

Rice Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
White 6,5 0,5 76,4
Brown 6,58 1,89 62,41
Wild 3,99 0,34 21,34
Red 7,5 2,57 64,11
Long grain 2,69 0,31 28,31
Basmati 7,5 2,6 62,3

Calorie dishes

Calorie content depends on which ingredients are included in the dish, as well as on the preparation methods. By itself, bell pepper contains 75 kcal per 100 g. The table shows the different types of stuffed pepper with the number of kilocalories per 100 g.

Pepper Calories, kcal
Stuffed with vegetables 57,9
With chicken 110,2
With minced turkey 74,5
With minced pork 203,4
With ground beef 113,3
With pork and ground beef 223,4
With beef and rice 152,5

Thus, when choosing the stuffing for the filling, it is worth considering its calorie content and nutritional value.

How to reduce the calorie content of a dish?

In order to reduce calories, it is worth considering the ingredients that make up the composition. Pepper stuffed with vegetables is considered the most dietary. If necessary, for meat filling, you should choose low-calorie meat, such as chicken or turkey. For cooking, it is desirable to use the loin. Pre-minced meat does not require cooking, it is added raw.

On a note!
As for cooking methods, the vegetable should be consumed stewed or using a double boiler (due to steaming, calorie content is reduced by 2 times).
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The tomato paste that is used for dressing must be a natural preparation. The one that is sold in stores contains a large number of preservatives and adversely affects the body. The paste should be added directly to the pepper, without pre-frying.

When frying onions and carrots, a minimum amount of oil should be used. But in general, it is recommended not to fry the gravy, but to add onions and carrots in raw form. Do not use sour cream and mayonnaise. In addition to their high calorie content, they contain a large amount of cholesterol, which increases the risk of developing vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis.

Of spices, only salt and black pepper are used for cooking.

If you add additional herbs, such as cilantro, rosemary, oregano, basil, then in the future they contribute to increased appetite.

The timing of taking a particular dish also matters. For example, peppers stuffed with meat are best consumed at lunchtime when a full meal is recommended. This is due to the fact that during this period the body digests well the incoming food and does not cause fatty tissue deposition in undesirable places.

As for peppers stuffed with vegetables, it should be consumed in the evening due to low calorie content. Thus, the gastrointestinal tract will not be overloaded before physiological rest (sleep).

Low Calorie Stuffed Pepper Recipe

To prepare a dietary dish, you need to use brown rice, as well as low-calorie meat. Only in this case, your favorite dish will not contribute to weight gain. For cooking you will need:

Ingredient Qty unit of measurement
Minced chicken 500 g
Bell pepper 10-13 PC.
Rice 3 tbsp
Bulb 2 PC.
Garlic 3 cloves
Carrot 1 PC.
Greenery taste
Tomato paste 2 tbsp
Salt Taste
Allspice 1-2 PC.
Bay leaf 1-2 PC.

Brown rice is boiled in salted water until half cooked and set aside for cooling.

Brown rice
Brown rice

Wash vegetables thoroughly.

The legs are cut off and the core is cleaned.

Rinse the chicken and grind it with minced meat along with the onion. Raw carrots are added here, which must first be rubbed onto a fine grater. It is added in its raw form, because when frying in oil, the calorie content of the product will increase. Then mix rice with minced meat. Add salt, pepper, spices, garlic to taste. Stuff the hearts of vegetables.

Next, put the peppers in a bowl and pour them with tomato juice or homemade pasta.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Every 15 minutes you should turn it over. The total readiness time is 40 minutes. A bay leaf is added to the marinade.

Common questions

Does pepper help to lose weight?
If you take into account all the cooking rules to maintain a low calorie content, then the dish will help in losing weight, namely, not to fry onions and carrots for gravy. Do not use sour cream and mayonnaise as an additional sauce. When choosing minced meat, give preference to chicken or turkey, and it is better to use vegetables. Cooking is necessary in a double boiler or in the oven. Use tomato paste only from natural ingredients.
What is a healthy dish for?
The vegetable contains many vitamins, mainly A, E, C. Vitamin A helps to improve vision, skin, hair and nails. Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is a natural antioxidant, it improves metabolic processes in the body, and is also beneficial for reproductive health.

Vitamin C is found in the largest amount among all known vegetables. It stimulates the immune system, strengthens the vascular walls, thereby preventing various kinds of bleeding. Also, do not forget about the content of capsaicin, which acts on malignant cells and leads to their death.

Which rice is better to use to lower calories?
Brown rice is considered the most dietary. It has seven times more iron and vitamin B1, six times more calcium, five times more potassium and four times more magnesium than white polished rice. But everything is useful in moderation. The normal daily dose of brown rice is 150-200 g. It rarely causes an allergic reaction, and has practically no contraindications, except for people with gluten intolerance.

Such a dish can be part of a proper diet and dietary product. However, it is worth considering the constituent components, cooking methods, additional additives. We should also not forget about the quality of products and the rules for their storage.

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