Capsicum tincture for hair - how to use and reviews

1.06.2019 Pepper

Hot pepper alcohol is a fairly aggressive drug. It can be used not only inside, but also in trichology to get rid of problems with hair and scalp, but only according to strict indications. Tincture of capsicum, or hot pepper is used to strengthen hair, prevent hair loss, and also helps to get rid of dandruff.

All these therapeutic effects are achieved due to the unique composition of the drug, which is truly rich and diverse. But therapy will not be safe if you do not take into account contraindications and the possible harm of the "burning" tincture.

Useful properties of tincture of capsicum, scope

Pepper contains in its composition burning substances. Penetrating into the skin, they activate the blood circulation, significantly improving the nutrition of hair roots. Thanks to this, they become much stronger, begin to split less, gain strength and shine.

Useful properties of tincture are due to the presence in its composition:

  • capsaicin;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • retinol;
  • magnesium
  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • essential oils.
Pepper tincture
Pepper tincture

Thanks to this composition, it is possible to achieve:

  • stimulation of blood circulation with increased blood supply to the hair bulb;
  • strengthening and accelerating the growth of strands;
  • increased local immunity;
  • shine of hair;
  • nutrition strands with useful substances;
  • prevention and termination of cross-section or brittle hair.
Problem hair is a nuisance that not only girls, but also men, face. Hot pepper tincture helps to get rid of it for a long period of time.
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Pepper is advisable to apply if the strands are weakened due to:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • following too strict diets that limit the intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • taking certain medications;
  • adverse heredity;
  • overwork;
  • CNS disorders;
  • constant stress.
Conducting cosmetic procedures using this product gives fairly quick results. The first positive effects can be noted already after 2-3 weeks from the start of therapy.

In addition to reducing the intensity of hair loss and cross-section of hair, it is possible to reduce their fat content. In parallel with this, dandruff will gradually go away. Masks, lotions, tonics with pepper helps to get rid of such a problem as oily seborrhea of ​​the head caused by a fungal infection.

The use of pepper in trichology and dermatology is justified. But a responsible and cautious approach is necessary to the issue of treatment, since this tincture is by no means a harmless medicine!

How to cook and apply tincture of pepper for hair

It is recommended to use a tincture made at home, although you can use the pharmacy option. Moreover, the liquid is part of many ready-made masks and lotions against hair loss.

To make the medicine yourself, you need 2 pods of medium-sized chili pepper pour 200 ml of alcohol. Place the container in a cool place for 7 days, stirring regularly. Then the tincture should be filtered and poured into a glass jar.

On a note!
On vodka pepper tincture is prepared for 14 days. All other principles of manufacture and use are no different from the means insisted on alcohol.

Rules and features of application

The use of this tincture should be taken seriously, otherwise you can harm your health. To make home-based beauty treatments safe, you must:

  1. Before the first use of alcohol extract, conduct a test for the sensitivity of the body to it. To do this, a small area of ​​the skin of the inner side of the wrist or elbow is treated with the product, and after 15-20 minutes the result is evaluated. The absence of redness, itching, swelling in the treated area suggests that tincture can be used without the risk of allergies.
  2. A solution is prepared for rubbing into the scalp immediately before use. To do this, 1 part of the tincture is mixed with 10 parts of boiled water.

    Another option for using the extract is to add various masks to the composition.
  3. It is recommended to process only the scalp. The tincture is not applied along the entire length of the curls, because it is too burning, and can harm the structure of the hair. To protect the strands, it is recommended to lubricate them with vegetable oil (for example, burdock) before the cosmetic procedure.
  4. It is important to protect not only the hair, but also the skin of the hands, so the manipulation must be performed with rubber or cellophane gloves. You can use a brush or hair brush to rub the solution. You need to rub the medicine with light massaging movements.
Tincture Application Results
Results of tincture application

After processing the roots of the hair, you need to wrap the head with plastic wrap, on top of which place a scarf or towel. Creating a greenhouse effect contributes to a more intensive absorption of beneficial substances into the skin, which will provide a more lasting and pronounced effect from cosmetic manipulations.

Recipes for combined hair masks based on pepper tincture

The use of pepper in the composition of the masks is most desirable and appropriate, since other components of the cosmetic product somewhat smooth out the aggressive effect of the extract.

It is important to strictly observe all the proportions of the mask components, otherwise it can cause adverse reactions.

Mask with almonds and yogurt

Dilute 15 ml of pepper in half a glass of castor oil. Pour in 45 ml of yogurt and mix well. It is recommended to mix the ingredients in earthenware dishes with a wooden spatula. Yogurt should be infused gradually, constantly stirring the composition of the mask.

When the mixture is ready, it must be applied immediately. Only the scalp is processed, after which it is wrapped in a plastic cap and a towel. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes.

Rinse off the remaining mass with warm water. Since the mixture contains vegetable oils, shampoo can be used to wash your hair, but it should not have fragrances or dyes.

Vitamin Almond Mask

This mask helps with dandruff, prevents alopecia, strengthens the hair and reduces their cross section. To prepare the mixture you need to mix in an enameled bowl 15 ml of tincture and the same amount of burdock oil.Add 3 drops of oil extracts of vitamins A and E to the mixture. Mix all the components well, put in a water bath and warm up a little.

The resulting composition to process the hair follicles of the head.

The mask should be rubbed with light circular movements. Soak the product for at least 30 minutes. It should be borne in mind that with oily hair type it is necessary to take not oily vitamins, but solutions for injections containing directly the vitamin itself and water for injection.

Mask with yeast and honey

Dilute 15 ml of pepper, 100 ml of milk, which must be preheated a little, add 5 ml of honey. Cover the container with a napkin, wait half an hour. After this, mix the mass again. During the stirring process, slowly add 1 tbsp. l dry yeast. Again, mix everything well, immediately apply a mask on the head. The exposure time is 40 minutes.

Such cosmetic manipulations should be carried out 1-3 times a week. The first positive results can be seen after 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications and possible harm tincture of capsicum

It is strictly contraindicated to use the tool:

  • with arterial hypertension or chronic hypertension;
  • people with excessive dryness of the scalp;
  • in the presence of any damage to the epidermis of the head;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during menstruation.

Also, severe intolerances to the use of this medication include individual intolerance. If you neglect these prohibitions, you can provoke a number of unpleasant adverse reactions:

  • itching, burning, peeling of the epidermis on the head;
  • increased cross section and hair loss;
  • headache.

When such negative reactions occur, the use of the extract should be discontinued. Despite the fact that the components of pepper do not penetrate the systemic circulation, it is not worth using it for pregnant and lactating women.

If you apply the medicine on damaged skin, it can lead to epidermal edema, severe burning, pain, formation or enlargement of wounds. Itching, the appearance of dandruff and intense hair loss in this case will be associated with burnt skin.

On a note!
Use this extract is recommended for people with dark or brown hair. Blondes should not get carried away with pepper and masks based on it, because after applying it, ugly dark spots may appear on the hair. Getting rid of them is extremely problematic - you have to wait for the moment when they themselves disappear.

Reviews on the use of pepper

Reviews about the use of pepper tincture from women who have had experience in combating hair loss with it are mostly positive. There is a significant strengthening of the strands, the acquisition of their natural shine, the termination of the cross section:

Koshatina: “I use pepper to accelerate hair regrowth mainly in winter. I am completely satisfied with the result, even more! Hair grows instantly, and the procedure for applying and rinsing the drug takes no more than 10 minutes! In general, I myself am very satisfied with the results and I recommend everyone to try this medicine to eliminate hair problems. ”

Palmero: “For a long time I did not dare to use peppers to accelerate hair regrowth, but all my experiences were in vain. Strands grow quickly, but do not have unnecessary hopes. They cannot grow more than 5 cm per month. Between courses there should be a break lasting at least 1 month, then treatment can be repeated. ”

Oksanochka.ksuxa: “I have been using this tincture for a year now, taking short breaks. Just amazing results - hair grows like yeast! At first, however, there was a slight burning sensation, but I ignored him, and it passed without a trace. ”

Virginia_a: “To use this inexpensive, but effective tool, I recommended a dermatologist. After several unsuccessful dyeing experiments, my hair began to look just awful. I took a chance, bought a tincture and started using it as a lotion. A month later, I noticed the first improvement. After a 30-day break, she repeated the course, and was amazed at the results! The strands became brighter, acquired shine, began to crumble less! I recommend this medicine for problematic hair! ”

Malvinochka: “Pepper pepper accelerates the growth of strands and prevents their loss?” Yes, but that’s not all! Surprisingly, my beautician told me that eyebrows can also be treated with this extract. For many girls they fall out for various reasons, and this misfortune did not pass me by. But after starting to use the extract, the problem gradually began to disappear. All the positive reviews about this tool are true! ”

Pepper pepper is a drug that has a natural composition. It has a wide range of medicinal properties, among which are locally irritating and stimulating. The use of the drug in dermatology and trichology is fully justified, but only if the person does not have contraindications. Otherwise, there will only be harm from therapy.

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