When in the Urals you need to plant pepper for seedlings

30.01.2018 Pepper


Growing any vegetables in regions with a harsh climate requires a lot of work, let alone heat-loving crops such as pepper. But thanks to the work of breeders, varieties and hybrids appeared that produce very good yields, even in the Urals.

True, you have to grow seedlings for pepper, because otherwise the culture simply will not have time to bear fruit.

Ural gardeners grow peppers in greenhouses, under shelters (arches with a film or non-woven material), in greenhouses. In the conditions of a hot summer, peppers grow well in the open ground, but such seasons in this area are rare, and frosts can always descend suddenly. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and grow plants indoors.

When to plant pepper for seedlings in the Urals according to the lunar calendar?

For pepper, with its long growing season, it will be necessary to sow the seeds at a fairly early date. The correct selection of a variety also plays an important role, since early and mid-ripening varieties are more suitable for the Urals.

Seedlings must be at least 60-65 days old, while taking into account climatic conditions. Even in a greenhouse in these territories it is better to plant peppers no earlier than the end of May. A capricious thermophilic culture does not tolerate temperature fluctuations, so it is better to wait for stable heat.

As for the choice of varieties and hybrids, it is better to take those that are intended for cultivation in regions of risky farming, are resistant to diseases and are characterized by early fruiting periods. In the Urals, the following varieties and hybrids of peppers showed themselves well:

  1. Winnie the Pooh - a variety familiar to many gardeners, early, productive, stunted. Bushes-fortresses can be planted tightly, the yield from this does not decrease. The height of the bushes is up to 30-40 cm.
  2. Dobrynya - very early, up to 90 days, sweet pepper. Differs in excellent taste, unpretentious.
  3. Latino is an early hybrid; about 110 days in terms of time before harvesting.
  4. Topolin is also an early ripe variety, with medium-sized fruits.
  5. Freckle F1 is an early hybrid with beautiful orange-yellow prism fruits.
  6. Montero is a tall variety of early ripe pepper (up to 100 days). Very fruitful.

Of the mid-season varieties of sweet pepper, we note Bogatyr, Player, Atlant.

Determining the timing of sowing pepper, gardeners are usually guided by the data of special sowing calendars (according to the phases of the moon). And although the best days for sowing are different every year, there are still definite common dates for sowing the culture. In the Urals, the best time for sowing is from February to March, although some gardeners begin seedling "sowing" in January.

IMPORTANT! Sowing pepper in January is possible, but in this case, mandatory additional illumination of plants.

By the way, seedlings will have to be lightened up in February and even in March, since heat-loving pepper needs a long daylight for good growth. Too early sowing of seeds (in January) can lead to the fact that seedlings will be drawn out due to lack of light, more pain. But it’s also not worth it to be late for sowing, since peppers in the conditions of a short summer will not be able to give the result that they are capable of.

When sowing, you need to consider:

  • seedling transplanting time to a permanent place (early June);
  • fruit ripening period (in early ripening varieties and hybrids - approximately 90-110 days);
  • weather conditions of a particular season.

Also, when calculating, do not forget to add the time necessary for seed germination (from 5 to 14 days).

February sowing

February is the best time for sowing sweet pepper seeds for seedlings. According to existing rules, this culture must be sown with the growing moon. The new moon day in February 2018 is February 16, and February 21, 22 and 26 will be favorable days for sowing peppers. Landing is possible on other days of the period from February 17 to February 28.

ON A NOTE! The day of sowing is the date of planting in the soil (when sowing with dry seeds), and the date of soaking the seeds (or other type of pre-sowing preparation). If the seeds were soaked for germination on a favorable day, and sowing in the soil falls on an unfavorable day, this is quite normal and can be sowed safely.

Thus, choosing the best date for sowing according to the lunar calendar is the beginning of your pre-sowing seed treatment.

March sowing

In the first spring month, the following days will be optimal for sowing: March 8, 9, 10, 11, and also from March 20 to 24. It seems that it is better to skip work on a holiday, but the remaining dates open up a wide field for you. And it is advisable to catch up with these dates, as sowing of pepper in April is possible, but due to the late planting dates, not all fruits can reach technical maturity.

April sowing

April sowing peppers for seedlings is not suitable, especially for gardeners in the Urals. The long growing season of the crop requires seedlings to reach a certain age, namely about 60-65 days.

In circumstances of force majeure (there are different situations in life), sowing is possible this month - April 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, but later days are not suitable for work. Only ultra-early hybrids and varieties are suitable, but there is no guarantee that there will be a result. With such late dates, pepper will not have time to produce a crop, all the work will be wasted.

Outdoor planting and care

So, in order to get a crop of sweet pepper in the conditions of the harsh Urals, it is very important to choose the right timing for sowing. But no less important are seed preparation activities. Pepper belongs to capricious cultures, and although today many varieties of unpretentious are bred, the basic techniques of agricultural technology must be observed.

You should also listen to the recommendations of experienced vegetable growers who know some of the "secrets" of obtaining excellent crops even in the Urals. By the way, the care here is no different from agricultural technology in the middle lane or in the Northwest, where the likelihood of cold summers, frequent rains, and temperature changes is also high.

ON A NOTE! In the Urals, sweet pepper gives the best results when grown in a greenhouse and in shelters. Therefore, with open ground it is better not to risk it or, in extreme cases, to grow plants on ridges under arcs or non-woven material.

Pepper seeds germinate for a long time, and pre-sowing treatment will speed up the process. These procedures provide good germination, as well as the protection of peppers from various diseases.

Seed preparation

Each gardener prepares seeds for sowing in his own way. Experienced people have proven options that allow them to grow strong healthy seedlings.

It is recommended to carry out with seed material:

  • dressing;
  • hardening;
  • germination.

All of these procedures are preceded by the selection of seeds, which is convenient to do using saline. In a jar of water (0.5 liters), 1.5 teaspoons of ordinary table salt are stirred and pepper seeds are immersed in a solution. Only those specimens that settle to the bottom will be suitable for sowing. All emerged seeds can be thrown out.

Also required is the disinfection of peppers, for which you can use the well-known potassium permanganate or special preparations. This technique helps to increase the immunity of plants, prevents the occurrence of various diseases. In the difficult Ural climate, heat-loving crops can often get sick, and therefore it is better to take care of prevention in advance.

Pickled seeds in potassium permanganate for about 20-30 minutes, the solution should be pink.Proportions: 500 ml of water will require approximately 2 grams of potassium permanganate. You can also apply disinfection with the drug Maxim (act according to the instructions).

IMPORTANT! Observe the holding time of the seeds in the solution!

Also, many gardeners conduct hardening of seeds, placing them for a while (8-10 hours) in the refrigerator. The temperature should be minus one degree. Before hardening, seeds must be soaked so that they swell slightly.

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Good results are obtained by immersion of peppers in special solutions with growth stimulants. For this culture, the procedure is important, since pepper has a long germination period. Soaking can be carried out in an infusion of ash (20 grams of ash are taken per liter of water), in Epin or Zircon. Observe the dosage of the drug, as well as the exposure time. For ash infusion, 24-26 hours will be enough, when using drugs they are guided by the instructions.

All these methods do not take much time, but you can hope for a good germination of seeds and getting healthy seedlings.

Traditional sowing methods

Traditionally, pepper seeds are sown either in common wooden boxes, or immediately sown in separate containers (pots, glasses). With a general sowing, a pick is required, which is carried out when the plants release 3-4 real leaflets.

Since the seedlings of this culture do not tolerate picking, many gardeners immediately sow capricious pepper in glasses or pots. They put two seeds in the ground of each tank, when the seedlings grow a little, leave the strongest, and cut the second.

ON A NOTE! First, the seeds are sown in small containers, after the method of transshipment (together with an earthen lump) they are transplanted into cups or pots of larger volume.

Sweet pepper needs containers with a height of at least 12 cm and a diameter of about 8 cm. It is better not to sow immediately in large separate cups, since in this case the root system will develop worse.

You can use peat pots or tablets for sowing, but in this case it will be necessary to control the level of humidity. Peat quickly absorbs water; plants may not have enough moisture. A good option: plant pepper seeds in peat tablets, and later, when three real leaves appear on the seedlings, transplant the tablet immediately into a glass with soil.

When using plastic glasses, it is necessary to make a hole below to drain excess moisture. The cups themselves are installed in pallets.

Tanks for seedlings, as well as soil are prepared in advance. They must also be disinfected (use potassium permanganate).

During the period of seed germination, it is important to observe the optimal temperature regime (+ 23ºC ... + 25ºC), and to create a better microclimate for peppers, the containers are closed with glass or film.

When the first sprouts appear, the film is removed, dishes with seedlings are placed in a lit place.

After that, the temperature is reduced to + 18ºC ... + 20ºC to avoid stretching the seedlings. So the peppers stand for about 5-6 days, and then again set the temperature + 23ºC ... + 24ºC. Further care - watering, top dressing, cultivation.

We use homemade paper cups

The sowing season is a troublesome period for gardeners, which, among other things, requires financial expenses. To save on containers for seedlings will allow the use of homemade paper cups - cheap, simple and convenient.


For peppers, this method is also convenient in that when transplanting it is not necessary to take the plant out of the cup, it can be put directly into the hole.

The containers are prepared from any paper (newspapers can also be used) by wrapping sheets around a plastic glass or bottle. They do the bottom by tucking the material inward.When using newspapers it is better to take double materials. Do not be afraid of printing ink; with current printing technologies, it does not pose any harm to plants.

Fill the cups half with earth, sow the seeds, and then, as the plants grow, add soil.

ON A NOTE! Such paper cups must be installed on a pallet so that water flows there when watering.

When landing on a permanent place, the paper can be easily removed. Peppers can also be planted directly in glasses; paper will easily and quickly rot in the ground.

As a conclusion, it remains to note that there are no special techniques in the preparation and planting of pepper seedlings in the Urals. The determining factors are the timing of sowing, as well as the choice of varieties and hybrids resistant to the climate of this region.


Olga, Izhevsk

Already what year I can’t grow peppers. Tomatoes grow (in a greenhouse), but with peppers - trouble. Either the seedlings are weak, then the summer does not allow, the cold is standing, and my peppers only bloom and do not have time to set anything. I read the information on cultivation, I realized that I did a lot of things wrong. I took into account that it is not necessary to sow very early, but it is even better to select hybrids.


Igor, Perm

Peppers we grow under the arcs in the garden. Sow Swallow, Health, Winnie the Pooh. Last year we tried the Firstborn of Siberia, but I didn’t really like the fruits, the walls are thin and the taste is so-so. But there were a lot of fruits. I have been growing seedlings since mid-February, using square paper boxes made from juice. Even in adverse seasons, we still have pepper. I take it off in green, then it matures at home.


Vera, Chelyabinsk

I always grow Winnie the Pooh and the California miracle, last year I bought two more peppers (advised). It was the Siberian format and the Siberian bonus. These are peppers, they liked it terribly. For lecho and stuffing it is better not. The Bonus also has such beautiful fruits, in color - like oranges. I have them growing in a greenhouse, both fruitful and large. These are mid-season varieties, the fruits of the Siberian format are larger, egg capsules, and the Bonus is slightly smaller (about 300 grams). The taste is good, there is no particular flavor. Gutted a couple of peppers in the fall, getting ready to sow my seeds this year.


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