Description and description of the best varieties of hot pepper

3.03.2018 Pepper

In the wild, this type of pepper grows in South as well as Central America. It is called differently: hot, spicy, chili, bitter, but this does not change the essence, we are talking about one plant.

In the partitions of its fruit-pods, as well as in the seeds, the alkaloid capsaicin is contained, which gives them sharpness. Peppers are used in cooking, it is also one of the components in various recipes of traditional medicine.

Description and characteristics of hot pepper

The plant is a small bush, the height of which varies from 25 to 50-60 cm. Bushes usually branch well, leafiness is good. The leaf blades are elongated, the color is bright green. As for the size and shape of the fruit, as well as the degree of their sharpness, color scheme, here is the full variety!

Hot pepper can have pods long, narrow, wide, in the form of flashlights, cones, cubes, berries. Usually, during the period of technical ripeness, the fruits have different shades of green, but when they reach biological maturity, the peppers are:

  •         red
  •         yellow;
  •         orange
  •         purple
  •         cream.

The fruits are distinguished by aroma, as well as pungency, which is measured on a special Scovilla scale. And there are a huge number of varieties, as well as varieties, including pimento, chipotle, jalapeno, serrano, habanero, Jamaican and many others.


IMPORTANT! You should not confuse peppers with hot peppers and hot peppers.

The properties

The fruits of hot pepper are removed not only in ripe form (upon reaching the color characteristic of the variety and type), but also with green pods. The fruits contain a record amount of vitamins A and C, as well as carotene, various essential oils, acids. Capsaicin helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and also gives a very powerful resistance to cancer cells. Pepper is useful for strengthening men's health, helps with nervous disorders, in addition, the endorphins contained in it have a positive effect on mood

Many culinary dishes, as well as pickles, pickles are difficult to imagine without the use of hot pepper pods. Most of all, this pepper is used in dishes of South American cuisine, where seasonings, side dishes, and various sauces cannot do without it. In the legendary Tabasco sauce and curry seasoning there are always pods of hot pepper.

Vegetable is recommended for weight loss, but only if there are no problems with the heart, stomach, kidneys. In any case, you need to remember about the measure and do not consume pepper in large quantities.

We always cultivated this culture in the south of the country (back when the USSR was still in place), but in the more northern regions such opportunities were not possible due to the climate. True, many planted undersized bitter peppers in pots at home, then using it as a seasoning. Nowadays, a huge number of different varieties of this vegetable have been bred, so gardeners have the opportunity to grow pepper in a variety of areas.

IMPORTANT! When growing, it is necessary to place plantings of bitter and sweet peppers as far as possible from each other.Crops can be dusted, and then instead of juicy and sweet fruits, you get only one spicy pepper.

The choice of varieties is large, in our review the most popular and well-proven hot peppers are presented.

Varieties of hot pepper

Like many other representatives of the large nightshade family, this crop has varieties of different ripening dates. When choosing pepper, one should take into account the growing season of the variety, the degree of severity, the height of the plant.

Bouquet of the East

The taste of the fruits of this fruitful hybrid, indeed, is an unusual composition, where sharp and sweet notes are combined. This variety is mid-season, it will take about 115 days to harvest the first green pods.

The height of the bush in the greenhouse can reach up to 1 meter. Fruits - narrow cones, during full ripening - bright red. The mass of pods on average is about 100-130 grams. Hybrid Bouquet of the East is characterized by productivity (up to 5 kg per square meter), long fruiting period.


Unusual fruits of a chalmoid form will surprise you with a variety of hot pepper Vizier. Late variety (fruiting occurs after 150 days), the fruits are removed at the end of August, so this must be taken into account when planting.

The bush grows to a meter, the plant is compact. Interesting are the fruits of the Vizier, similar in shape to a Muslim turban. During the period of technical maturity, "turban" have a light green color, when ripe, they become scarlet. Their weight is about 23-30 grams.

The taste is medium-sharp, the pulp of pepper is very juicy, aromatic. Fruits are widely used for preservation, salting, cooking paprika. From one square meter remove up to 3 kg of fruit. The variety is distinguished by high commercial qualities of the fruit, resistance to disease.


This variety of pepper will not only please you with an excellent harvest of peppers, but can also become a real decoration when growing it at home.

The plant is not very tall, up to 60 cm tall, very compact. Fruits - elongated cones, weighing up to 20-25 grams. The taste of peppers is very burning.

In terms of ripening, this variety is early, and after 95-105 days you can remove the first pods. The yield of Gorgon is high, while the variety is also characterized by long fruiting. The decorative qualities of the plant are also magnificent, while the Gorgon variety grows well both in film greenhouses and on the balcony, as well as in the open ground.

For mother-in-law

This wonderful variety of hot pepper under the colorful name For mother-in-law will require a minimum of care from you. It grows small, only up to 50-60 cm, so it does not require garter, formation.

Variety feature: unpretentiousness, excellent productivity. Fruits are elongated, cone-shaped, up to 10-13 cm long. The weight of the pods on average is about 55-60 grams. The pulp is juicy, the taste is burning with piquant notes. This variety has a very strong aroma. It is used in cooking, for preservation, various preparations.

By maturity - early, up to 110-115 days.


An interesting variety of Medusa, the fruits of which grow up, will surprise with the bright color of the pods and its yield. The bush is very compact, up to 20-25 cm high, so it is great for growing in pots.

Feature of the variety: demanding on lighting, nutrition. The fruits are narrow, cone-shaped pods, in a state of technical ripeness - cream, yellowish, orange, in the biological - bright scarlet.

The taste of the fruit is very burning, bitter. In terms of ripening, Medusa is an early pepper, after 100 days you can harvest the first fruits.

Lightning white

Early ripe variety of hot pepper Lightning white can be grown in shelters, in open ridges. The height of the bush is up to 1.2 meters, the plants are semi-spreading, leafy.

Fruits of an interesting cream color (in biological maturity); during the ripening period, the pods are white in color. Pods weigh about 100-110 grams, the walls are juicy, up to 5 mm thick.

The taste of the fruits of this variety is unusual - sweet, with an admixture of spicy-burning notes.Variety feature: high percentage of sugars.

Ripening time is 105 days, at the same time up to 18-20 fruits are formed on one bush of White Lightning. The pods are suitable for preparing various salads, seasonings, they are good in drying and freezing.

Lightning red

Early hybrid Lightning red forms the first fruits as early as 95 days after emergence. The plant is powerful, vigorous, up to 115-120 cm high. Peppers are narrow conical pods with an internal fleshy partition. It is she who gives the pepper a sharpness.

The mass of the Lightning pods is about 100-130 grams. The color during ripening is bright red, in a state of technical ripeness - orange.

The hybrid is characterized by excellent yield, in addition, it is little affected by diseases, resistant to adverse conditions. Hybrid Lightning red does not reduce productivity when grown in open ridges, unpretentious.

Lightning black

The “fellow” of the previous hybrid, but only in a different color version, is the hybrid Lightning black F1. This is a medium-hot pepper of medium early ripening (110-112 days), fruitful, unpretentious.

The plant is powerful, in height - up to 70-80 cm. Fruits are long and narrow pods with a sharp-spicy taste. Fruit weight - about 120 grams, pods are smooth, glossy, black

The value of the hybrid is its excellent yield and resistance to bad weather conditions. With proper care, it will bear fruit until the fall. Fruits are great for various marinades, preservation, seasonings.


Superchilli - an early hybrid of hot pepper, begins to bear fruit in 70-80 days. The bushes are very compact, about half a meter high. Fruits are spiky cones growing up. The skin color of unripe peppers is light green, then, as it ripens, it turns orange and then bright red.

Pods grow up to 20-25 grams. The taste is spicy, with a pleasant spicy pepper. This hybrid is ideal for growing indoors: on the loggia, balcony.

Fire maiden

The name of the variety speaks for itself - the pods of this "fiery" pepper are very sharp, burning. The bush is very spreading, grows to 120-140 cm, but does not need to be formed. The drooping fruits have the shape of a cone, by weight - small, up to 3-3.5 grams. Unripe peppers have a green color, in a state of biological ripeness they acquire a rich red color.

The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, it is recommended for cultivation in various regions. It is used in cooking, for spices, for preparing hot powder.

Double abundance

Unpretentious variety of hot pepper Double abundance is characterized by high productivity, resistance to temperature extremes.

The plant usually has a height of about 70-80 cm, powerful, tall. Fruits - trunk-shaped pods, weighing up to 70-80 grams. It is recommended to grow in greenhouses, since there the bush forms up to five tiers of fruits. 30-40 pods can be removed from one plant. The fruits are fleshy, with thick walls, the taste is sharp.

Used for cooking spices, preservation, as well as fresh. In dried form, retains all its properties until those years. By the growing season - an early variety (up to 110 days).

Burning bouquet

The variety of this pepper is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Higher yields are obtained when grown in greenhouses.

The bush is small, up to 45 cm in height, upright, leafy. Pods weighing up to 2-3 grams euthanize the bush during the period of mass fruiting.

The shape of the fruit is in the form of a cone, the pods are very beautiful, with gloss. The color of ripe fruits is dark red. To taste this pepper is very sharp, used in preservation, for the preparation of seasonings, in cooking.

Chinese fire

Harvest hybrid Chinese fire is a lot of burning peppers on one bush. The plants themselves are small, about half a meter high, but sprawling. Fruits are long curved pods, during full ripening acquire a dark red color.

The mass of pods is up to 70-75 grams, the taste is spicy, burning.The first pods (still green, but already grown to the right size) can be removed after 110-115 days. Fruits are used both fresh and for drying. They are suitable for cooking a wide variety of seasonings, good in conservation.

Trinidad small cherry

The fruits of this kind of pepper are completely different from the long pods familiar to everyone, as their shape resembles large berries. The variety ripens in 80-90 days, a large number of fruits are formed on each bush.

The plant is powerful, strong, up to 80-90 cm high. The peppers are small, no more than 3 cm in diameter, the color is orange and red. Variety feature: burning fruits with a pronounced cherry flavor. Pepper Trinidad Small Cherry is very decorative, looks elegant and bright.

Indian elephant

The mid-ripening variety (fruit ripening after 115 days) is distinguished by compact bushes and excellent yield. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm, well leafy. This pepper tolerates drought well, but is very demanding on lighting.

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Fruits are long narrow pods, in technical ripeness they are green, in biological ripeness their color is bright red. In terms of productivity, the Indian elephant also deserves only flattering reviews, with one square meter you can collect up to 3.5 kg.

The taste of the fruit is semi-sharp, the walls have a thickness of up to 2-2.5 mm. Pods weighing about 20-25 grams are used for marinades, as well as fresh.

Miracle of Moscow Region

The tall variety Miracle of the Moscow Region is distinguished by interesting fruits that are single-forming on branches. Plant height - up to 100-120 cm, few leaves.

Fruits are drooping, cone-shaped pods, glossy, beautiful. Before full ripening, their color is yellowish, during the period of biological maturity, when the pepper is fully ripe, it turns red. The mass of pods with a slightly sharp taste is about 40-50 grams. The fruits have a pleasant spicy aroma.

Variety feature: high fruit set, productivity. The Miracle variety of Moscow Region has proven itself when grown in the regions of risky farming. Fruits are suitable for canning, salads, various seasonings.


Jalapeno's hot pepper is known to many gardeners, and he came to our latitudes from hot Mexico. Without pods, it’s hard to imagine many Mexican dishes.

The plant is medium tall, highly leafy. Peppers - pods up to 7-10 cm long, taste - hot-burning.

ON A NOTE! The severity of many varieties depends on the growing conditions of the pepper.

Surprisingly, this variety is harvested in a state of technical ripeness, that is, while the fruits are green in color. Red peppers are considered lower in quality, and in Mexico itself, green pods are exported. The fruits are distinguished by a juicy and thick wall.

Habanero tobago seasoning

A very productive variety of hot pepper, characterized by fruits with a very burning taste. Up to 1000 small pods of various shades ripen on the plant. The mass of each does not exceed 15 grams.

The fruits of Habanero Tobago Seasoning have a pleasant aroma of fruit, juicy, with a spicy note. An interesting peel of the fruit, which resembles a compressed material. The color of the pods can be red, brown, green, yellow, creamy white.

The homeland of this variety is islands in the Caribbean.


An unpretentious variety of hot pepper from VNIISSOK breeders forms pods that have a sweet-spicy taste.

The plant is quite powerful, with a height of up to 1.2-1.3 meters, so garter and supports are definitely needed. It is recommended to form a bush in two stems to obtain high yields.

Fruits - elongated cones, pods, weighing about 25-30 grams.

In biological ripeness, the fruits are bright red, but they can be removed even earlier, still green. Peppers ripen on about 95-100 days.


Mid-early variety, suitable for growing on beds, but better and better results will be under shelters. The plant is tall, but stocky, dense, therefore, does not need garters. The peppers of saturated red color have a conical shape, the mass of elongated pods is 80-90 grams. The pulp in its structure resembles the pulp of varieties of sweet pepper. The taste is spicy.

This variety is widely used as a spice and seasoning for soups, main dishes. Pepper Adjika is suitable for preservation, marinades.

Yellow fruit varieties

Gardeners and varieties with yellow fruits are grown, which is very unusual for many. Still, hot pepper is more associated with red.

Hungarian yellow

On a small bush of Hungarian yellow variety ripened many wilted pods weighing up to 25 grams. This is an early ripe variety, about 90 days pass before harvesting the first fruits.

The plant is compact, average height is 40-50 cm. The fruits are cone-shaped, during ripening - bright yellow, fully ripened pods acquire a reddish hue. The taste is spicy, with a little sweetness, there is an aroma.

It is used for preservation, marinades, as well as in the preparation of various dishes. A feature of the Hungarian yellow variety is its resistance to slight cold snap.

Jamaican yellow

The early ripe and productive variety of hot pepper has very interesting fruits, similar to small bells. Coloring is yellow, a skin with gloss. Fruits with thick walls weigh up to 25 grams.

The homeland of the variety is Jamaica, it is this pepper that is used there to prepare the famous Jerk seasoning. Taste and aroma - classic hot pepper.

The plant reaches a height of 70 cm, grows well in pots and containers. The first fruits can be removed after 80-90 days.

Despite its southern origin, this variety is successfully growing in greenhouses in many regions of the Russian Federation.

Salting variety

Different types of hot pepper are used for salting, but it is traditionally believed that the Tsitsak variety is still the best. There is such a national dish in Armenian cuisine, and in honor of it the variety got such a name.


It belongs to the national selection peppers, it is very common and loved in Armenia, Georgia. Today it is grown in many regions of Russia, in the fall making blanks with fleshy, sharp-sweet fruits.

The plant has a sturdy stalk, medium leafy. The height is usually up to 60-70 cm. Tsitsak variety is fruitful, undemanding to lighting, but still giving the best results in sunny areas. Fruits are pointed pods, about 20-22 cm long, in technical maturity having a pale green color of the skin, in biological - red.

The pods are distinguished by fleshy flesh, medium-sharp in taste, a faint sweetish note is felt.

Application: pickles, marinades, also this pepper is tasty in fermented form.

Little peppers

Low-growing hot peppers are popular, which can also be used to decorate a room (for example, in the kitchen).

Indian summer

The Babyn Summer variety is beautiful and unusual, the bush height of which reaches only 20 cm. The plant is spreading, with a large number of leaves. The fruits have the shape of balls, in biological maturity acquire a bright red color. The taste is spicy, with a strong pepper aroma.

The plant looks very impressive during the ripening period, as at the same time fruits of different colors — cream, orange, and red — grow on the bush (the shade depends on the degree of pepper maturity). Pepper Indian summer is one of the best varieties for indoor cultivation all year round. Differs in the extended fruiting, excellent productivity.


Peppers "crumbs" include the variety Coral, whose bush grows up to 30-40 cm in height. Despite its miniature size, the plant forms a large number of ball-shaped fruits.

The fruit mass is up to 20 grams, the diameter is about 2-3 cm.Unripe peppers have a dark green color, during biological maturity - red. The taste is spicy, spicy. The bush is very decorative, grows well on beds, in shelters, as well as at home like a potted plant. Suitable for seasonings, marinades, preservation.

Bittersweet pepper

Another variety of culture is varieties, the fruits of which combine sharpness and sweetness. Such peppers are used as seasonings, and in dried, ground form.

Chilean heat

Only a hundred days will be required to wait until the harvest of spicy-sweet fruits of the variety Chilean heat. It grows well in greenhouses, in beds, with good and proper care, it will thank an excellent harvest.

Its fruits have a classic cone shape, bright red, with a glossy skin. The length of the pods is about 20 cm. The taste of the fruit is pronounced spicy with sweet notes.

Elephant trunk

Maikop breeders have been bred a variety of hot peppers Elephant trunk. In terms of ripening - this is mid-season pepper, it takes up to 140 days before removing the first fruits. The pods on the bush are drooping, long, slightly curved. Their weight is small, only 15-20 grams.

They have a very pleasant spicy taste. Coloring - creamy greenish, when fully ripe - bright scarlet. The variety is very productive, while resistant to weather extremes.


This variety of pepper got its name because of the unusual shape of the fruit, resembling a crown. Their color is crimson red, in technical ripeness - dark green. The fruits are small, rounded. On a bush usually ripens up to 30-45 fruits.

To taste - slightly sharp, with a very pleasant fruity aroma. Bushes grow to 1-1.2 meters; cultivation indoors is allowed (in pots, containers).

The peculiarity of the Corona variety: its fruits have the highest degree of severity in an immature state, upon reaching biological ripeness, the flesh and walls acquire a pronounced sweet taste, and bitterness disappears.

Purple grade

Among the most unusual varieties are peppers with fruits of a black or purple hue.

Purple bullet

The bush of this variety reaches a height of about 60 cm. The plant is very compact, which allows it to be grown at home in pots. The leaves are small, green with a purple tint.

Fruits - elongated peppers shaped like a bullet, grow upwards in small groups on a bush. The skin is dense, with a strong gloss. In a state of technical ripeness, “bullets” have a violet color, when fully ripened they turn red.

The weight of the fruit is small, about 4-5 grams. The pulp is very sharp. The bush of this variety looks unusually elegant, can be used as a decorative culture.


Victoria, Omsk

Every year I grow jalapeno peppers. His bushes are not very large, they won’t take up much space. The yield for my zone, I think, is very good. I pinch the plants, otherwise the fruits on the bush do not ripen. If the fruits are overripe, then cracks may appear on the skin. The taste is sharp, there is a bit of sweetness, very fragrant.

Lily, Ufa

I have a small plot, there is no place for hot pepper (I can’t plant it next to sweet). Therefore, I grow it at home, always choose Adzhika variety. He is very productive, by July 8 he gave me 20 pods. I dried them, then to grind into powder and for seasonings. Provided with hot pepper all relatives. Great for all meat dishes in winter. The pepper is moderately spicy, pleasant and fragrant.

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