Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016

10.05.2016 Cucumbers

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendarPlanting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar should be carried out in strict time. All for the reason that too early or late planting can lead to the fact that the entire crop will die. There is probably no garden in our country where cucumbers are not grown.

Currently, cucumbers have become even more popular for the reason that they are an excellent dietary vegetable. For this reason, cucumbers are planted, of course, among all the crops, one of the first to eventually get a great early harvest. How to grow Phlox perennial: planting and care, photo.

As for the method of planting cucumbers on seedlings, it can be carried out in different ways. The first option is, directly, planting seeds in the ground and growing seedlings at home. The second planting option is to land immediately in open ground, but only on condition that the gardener lives in a warm region. It is clear that the Lunar calendar, which is always an assistant to the gardener, can help here: to determine the best days for planting cucumbers on seedlings.

General information

The most common way to grow cucumbers is to use seedlings. Moreover, seedlings are also grown for the simple reason that as a result, it will be possible to collect the maximum yield from each bush. However, it must be borne in mind that when transplanting, cucumbers can be sick and take root quite difficult. To prevent this from happening, you should plant the seeds immediately in separate cups so as not to conduct an additional pick.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings

It is best to choose ordinary plastic cups for planting cucumbers, but their volume should immediately be chosen somewhere on the floor of a liter, and the minimum height should be 12 centimeters. If you use containers of a smaller volume, this will significantly slow down the growth of the bush in the future. When is the planting of cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in the Urals and in other regions of a large country?

The best time to plant seedlings is the end of April and the very beginning of May. You do not need to immediately plant the seeds in the ground, first they should be soaked in water, wait until they germinate, and then prepare them for planting. Before planting, in each container it is imperative to make holes through which excess water will quickly move away from the roots.

Plus, the holes at the bottom of the cups are needed in order to get enough oxygen to the roots. No more than two seeds should be planted in one vessel, make sure that the soil is sufficiently moist. The planting depth should not exceed one centimeter, but they are grown in a warm room, where the temperature is from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius.

About the growing process

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Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 by Lunar calendar, exact dates, we will give at the very end of this material. In the meantime, I would also like to note what difficulties most often arise in the process of growing cucumbers. First of all, it is a lack of sunlight. Because of this, the plant stretches. To avoid this, after the first sunrises, it is best to transfer the seedlings to a room where the air temperature is within 20 degrees of heat. Moreover, the seedlings that sprouted the worst, you need to put closest to the light.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016

When the seedlings sprouted a little, it was time to plant the cucumbers in the garden. The sprouts should have a strong root system, a strong stem no more than 30 cm in height.Cucumbers that are suitable for transplantation are distinguished by the dark green color of the leaves, as well as by the short distances between future antennae.

When to land

It is time to consider the specific dates when planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in different regions of the country. To get the best yield and maximum fruit from each bush, it is important to grow cucumbers precisely by seedlings. As for the landing dates, then you need to pay attention to the variety:

  • Early varieties of cucumbers can be planted in early April. The lunar calendar for the current year shows that the very end of March, as well as mid-April, in particular, the 11th, are perfectly suitable for this.
  • Mid-season, like later varieties of cucumbers, according to the Lunar calendar, you can plant on April 22 and 23, or in early May, before the 10th, and then in May after the 15th. The last period of spring is great for planting cucumbers, because at this time the earth is already warming up enough and you don’t have to worry at all about the fact that the earth is not warming up for planting seedlings.

About growing conditions

To get an excellent harvest, of course, only correctly selected dates on the lunar calendar will be few. Here you also need to remember that each vegetable that is grown on the site has its own preferences for care. In particular, ordinary cucumber seedlings are completely resistant to cold and drafts. Do not open the window in the room where the cucumbers are grown or do it on the balcony.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar

Advice! If it became necessary to ventilate the room where the young seedlings of cucumbers are located, then the seedlings should be removed from this room.

Another important point is, of course, to ensure that cucumbers do not stretch, which is quite common at home. Everything is clear here - each plant will reach the top, and especially young seedlings. But, if you do not interfere with them, then the seedlings will be long and thin, will begin to break easily and dry quickly. Therefore, it is best to consider a good diffused light distribution system.

The best dates on the Lunar calendar of 2016, when you can plant seeds of cucumbers for seedlings:

  • February 11 and 12.
  • March 1 and 2, 24-26, 29 and 30.
  • In April it is the 7th and 8th number, also the 11th, 22nd and 23rd numbers.
  • In May it is the 9th, 10th, 11th and 22nd.
  • In June, seedlings can be planted on 5, 11-12.

This is the basic information about how to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2016. according to the lunar calendar. We hope that you will be able to meet the most favorable days to get an excellent harvest.

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