Mosaic on cucumbers: what is it, causes of the disease, how to treat

20.08.2019 Cucumbers

Cucumber mosaic viral disease is provoked by aphid activity. Favorable conditions for it will be a temperature above +25 C, sharp night cooling. The greater the difference between day and night t, the higher the risk of infection. Gardener mistakes can provoke a mosaic disease. Dirty equipment, the use of contaminated seed, the lack of preventive tillage, and the abundance of biological residues or weeds in the ground will jeopardize the future crop.

Varieties of mosaics

Tobacco - extremely rarely affects the crops of cucumbers. To a greater extent, it is fixed by summer residents who grow sweet pepper. A characteristic marble pattern is formed on the sheet plate. A few days later, tobacco cucumber mosaic to falling leaves. Other types of viral disease.

Variety Signs Notes


It is found in greenhouses. One has only to look at the photos posted in the directories to see the main symptoms. A lot of small round white spots appear on the leaf plate.

After 1-2 weeks, the edges of the leaves that suffer from the ordinary mosaic are wrapped. There is no way to quickly treat them. Green elements remove


The first signs are noticeable immediately after transplanting the fruit into the ground. Leaves gradually become swollen. Many spots of light yellow color form on their surface.

The affected bush stops growing. Leaves fall


At the initial stage, imperceptibly signs on the leaves of planted cucumbers. Only with a detailed examination can you see points with a pale yellow-white tint

If no response has been taken, the stain will become large. Subsequently, the white cucumber mosaic changes the shape of the leaf plate

In severe cases, several viral diseases are found on the site. For example, symptoms of green and white mosaic are noticeable on the leaves. The latter is referred to as the “CV2A virus." More often it is fixed in greenhouses, where seedlings are too tightly planted. The gardener should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • near the veins, barely blurry spots of a white-yellow color are noticeable;
  • after 4-5 days, the spots merge;
  • their color changes to white-green;
  • the leaf becomes pale yellow or white.

A week later, the affected bush stops developing. There is no medicine, therefore, it remains only to remove and burn it.

On a note!
As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, seedlings need to be processed. Not only the bush suffers, but also the fruits. They change shape, and then they get a bitter aftertaste.

Treatment of affected bushes

You need to save the crop immediately after the signs of the disease are detected. The task is to localize the affected area. Shoots and leaves with traces of pathogen activity are immediately removed, and then burned away from the beds. Store contaminated biological residues is prohibited. The tool that was used to remove the affected seedlings is discarded. If this is not possible, then it is boiled for 30 minutes. After that, the instrument is disinfected in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedlings are treated with a symptomatic method. There are no specific antiviral drugs. The second rule is to water the crop with pesticides is pointless. Mosaic is not susceptible to them.Botanists have developed recommendations, based on which you can increase your chances of success:

  • the affected area is treated with an unsaturated solution of potassium permanganate, if the lesion area is up to 20%;
  • within a radius of 2 m from the affected bush, chemical aphid control agents are used;
  • every 10 hours control the level of soil moisture;
  • so that on the leaves of planted cucumbers not yellow spots appearedcorrect watering mode;
  • Microfertilizers, which are sold in gardening goods stores, will help boost seedlings' immunity.

If the area of ​​the affected area is more than 20%, then the plant cannot be saved. It must be disposed of and disposed of in a fire.

Folk methods

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The viral mosaic on planted cucumbers, the treatment of which with folk remedies is effective in the initial stage, can be stopped with a 10% solution of natural milk. Take a product with a minimum level of fat content. Processing is carried out 1 time every 12 hours for 2 weeks. The second method is to take the mullein and urea. The composition is prepared as follows:

  • 1 kg of mullein;
  • 10 l of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of urea;
  • the mixture is brought to a homogeneous state.

Cucumbers are processed in a proportion of 1.5 liters of solution per one "square". If the gardener "missed" the beginning of a viral disease, you will have to take a more effective remedy. Take concentrated whey and dilute it with water. The recommended proportion is 1: 2. Up to two drops of iodine can be added to the finished mixture.

A more radical option is tincture of dandelion, peel of onion, tobacco. Each ingredient is required in a volume of 300 g. The listed elements are poured into a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for about 12 hours. Before use, it is diluted with 5 l of pure water. Consumption - 2 liters per m².

On a note!
Folk methods are auxiliary in nature. They will not replace traditional ways to combat mosaic.

Preventive actions

The infectious virus of cucumber yellow mosaic is more difficult to cure than to prevent. The task is to inspect the seedlings. The first agrotechnical method is the elimination of weeds near the plantation. Remove biological residues, traces of the past crop. The second agricultural technique - there should be no debris near the beds. Other recommendations:

  • regardless of the source of origin, the seed is subject to mandatory pre-treatment in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • pathogen resistant seeds selected;
  • compliance with crop rotation rules;
  • a plant with minor signs of illness is subject to immediate removal and burning;
  • soil near the place where the damaged bush grew is immediately treated;
  • on the site regularly carry out preventive treatment of soil from aphids;
  • on the site monitor the stability of the temperature regime, the level of humidity.

Cucumber mosaic is a viral disease that destroys seedlings. Carries her aphids. Besides insect pests, the gardener’s actions and inaction are to blame. The use of infected tools or seeds, the lack of preventive treatment of the soil - all this increases the risk of infection. Minimize the risk will help regular inspection of landings. The affected seedlings are immediately removed, and the soil and the remaining cucumbers are treated. The viral disease of country cucumbers spreads rapidly. Do not hesitate to take response measures.

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