About picking cabbage after sunrise

6.06.2016 Cabbage

When to dive cabbage after germinationCabbage is a very tasty and healthy vegetable that is easy to grow in your own beds if you follow all the instructions and recommendations in this matter. Despite the fact that this heady plant is unpretentious in maintenance, it still requires time-consuming in order to get a full-fledged, healthy and healthy vegetable.

In order to accelerate the process of plant growth, cabbage is most often grown through seedlings. But to reap the benefits of your work as early as possible, it’s best make a pick. When to dive cabbage after sprouts - this is one of the most important questions, the answer to which you need to know, if you take up the pick.

What is a pick

The fact that the picking process exists and is actively used in the garden environment has been known for a long time. But some still don’t know what it is. Picking is the process of transplanting seedlings from a common container into small isolated containers. Thus, each small plant will get an individual pot for growth and development. In this matter, it is important not to miss the timing of the dive. About when to dive cabbage after sprouting further and will be discussed.

What is the purpose of picking

One of the main reasons in favor of the picking process is the choice of not the most nutritious soil. As seedlings grow, soil nutrients are depleted, and they are simply not enough for all seedlings, which significantly reduces the quality of cabbage growth. When picking, the soil is replaced with more fresh soil, and each seedling has a chance for full growth without hunger. The following properties are important for the soil: the ability to absorb and retain moisture, air impermeability, the absence of infection with bacterial infections and fungal diseases.

The second reason why you need to pick is the ability of the root system of a plant to develop better in a limited area for growth. That is why when picking, it is best to use small containers, rather than wide and spacious containers.

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The subtleties of the cabbage picking process

To comprehend all the nuances of this process, you must first find out when to dive cabbage after germination (video). The most common period when diving cabbage after sprouts is the phase of the seedling before the formation of two true leaves. Some gardeners believe that picking should be done even earlier. However, it is important to consider that it is very difficult for a very young plant to move another container without damaging its fragile stems. In order for the plant to grow further and fully develop, it is enough to pick only once.

When to dive cabbage

If it is clear when to dive cabbage after sprouts, then it remains a mystery how to do it. For a dive, you need to prepare small containers, it can be cups, film cylinders or peat tablets. During the transportation of cabbage, you should ensure that cabbage roots are not bent during transplantation. They must be strictly vertical. That part of the soil, which is located near the stems, must be compacted, and then add the substrate up to the cotyledons.

Immediately after the picking process, care must be taken to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on containers with seedlings. Also, you can not overfill the soil, but only moisten it a little. It is best to store containers after a dive in a place where the temperature will vary from 10 to 15 degrees.

When to dive cabbage recommendations

So the most important thing is that Need to Know about Cabbage Picks: this is when you dive cabbage after sprouts (in the phase when only the first two leaves are formed), and make sure that the roots do not bend. It is also necessary in the future to comply with all conditions of plant growth.

Good luck in the beds!

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