About co-growing cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes in a greenhouse

19.07.2015 Cucumbers

cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouseThe question of whether it is possible to plant cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers in the same greenhouse arises from the fact that in many summer residents the place in the greenhouse is strictly limited. By the logic of things, if vegetable crops need different conditions of detention, then they definitely will not get along in one greenhouse. But is it really so and are there any secrets to save space and get a varied crop?

To get a good crop of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse, you need to create your own special microclimate for each crop. And here a problem arises. Because a microclimate suitable for one vegetable can be completely fatal for another. Do you know, why does garlic turn yellow in the garden and what to do?

About the features of growing

To obtain a good harvest of green fruits, when growing, you need to create moist and warm conditions. The constant spraying of bushes from the spray gun is encouraged. Cucumbers do not tolerate frequent ventilation, and many varieties can be pollinated independently, which is a big plus.

As for peppers and tomatoes, they need a moderate temperature regime when growing, and excess moisture will only harm. Tomatoes are especially poor at high humidity, but they grow very well with constant ventilation of the greenhouse. It turns out that cucumbers, along with tomatoes and peppers in the same greenhouse, to put it mildly, will be uncomfortable.

Important! With the increased humidity that cucumbers require, tomatoes and peppers can get late blight, be affected by fungal infections. If the air is dry when growing cucumbers, this will adversely affect the growth of the fruit. Pay attention to the correct care for tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

peppers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

How can cultures be divided?

In principle, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers in one greenhouse will be negative. But what to do in a situation where there is simply no other way out? You can try to divide the culture.

A direct division is carried out, which implies the creation of a separate microclimate for a particular crop in a single greenhouse. It will be necessary to allocate part of the greenhouse for tomatoes and peppers, to fence off cucumbers using a film or oilcloth. So it turns out to exercise control over air humidity: the main stumbling block in the joint cultivation of the described crops.

You will also need to divide the surface of the soil. Between the beds, you can dig in sheets of roofing felt or iron. They will help protect the soil where the tomatoes grow from excessive moisture against the background of the fact that cucumbers are watered much more often.

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one greenhouse for cucumbers and tomatoes

Important! Since tomatoes like airing, in the part of the greenhouse where they will be grown, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a window leaf.

What you need to separate the greenhouse:

  • Make separate entrances from the end sides;
  • In the department with tomatoes, there must be vents to ventilate the greenhouse;
  • Create a barrier not only in the air, but also in the soil. Otherwise, the moist soil of cucumbers will moisten the ground under peppers and tomatoes, which will negatively affect their growth;
  • Bring a transparent film from the floor to the top of the greenhouse so that each crop has the opportunity to grow in a suitable microclimate;

Advice! When planting cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse, it is imperative to plant them in opposite ridges. Then you can definitely avoid problems with soil moisture.

Separation option

Some sources say that for the separation of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse, you can use the position of the structure itself. If she stands from west to east, she has two doors, then it is possible to form ridges in the following order:

  1. In the northern, cool and moist part, plant cucumbers;
  2. In the central part, where maximum ventilation occurs, plant tomatoes;
  3. In the southern part, where it is hot and a lot of sun, plant peppers;
growing peppers and cucumbers in one greenhouse

Best neighbors

In principle, cucumbers and peppers will grow well in one greenhouse. Both cultures tolerate high humidity well, do not require constant ventilation. Cucumbers grow well with green onions and lettuce.

If it is difficult to plant tomatoes and cucumbers into different greenhouses, then it is best to separate one greenhouse. This requires some effort, but everything is quite real and can be dealt with in one day. As for tomatoes, you can grow eggplant, watermelon with them.

In principle, adapt to ignore the negative answer about whether it is possible to plant cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers in one greenhouse, if desired, it will always work out. The best solution here is to split the greenhouse. Film separation is done from the ground to the ceiling, and in order to separate the soil, an ordinary iron sheet is dug.

The right neighbors for vegetables - This is an important condition for growth, which not all gardeners remember. The choice of a neighbor vegetable is so important that, according to various sources, up to 20% of the final crop depends on it, its taste and quality.

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