Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in autumn

30.08.2017 The trees

Severe frosts can be dangerous for trees and shrubs planted with love. Because of this, gardeners and gardeners have a question: how to keep your garden in the cold season without losses? For this, autumn top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs is extremely important (in autumn, which means from the first day of cooling). Indeed, if you take care of your plants in advance, the result will please you - next year you will have a good harvest.

Garden shrubs and trees begin to feed in the period when they have already bred, until the end of September - beginning of October.

[sc name = "info" text = "At a later time, fertilizing fruit and berry crops is practically useless, because they go into a dormant state and cannot fully absorb nutrients.”]

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are compounds of inorganic origin that have a narrow spectrum of action. Namely, a certain type of fertilizer solves a specific problem. The main types of mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, potash and phosphorus.

When choosing top dressing for your perennial crops, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Choose specialized formulations specifically designed for shrubs, conifers, perennials or fruit plants. Then you will choose the best fertilizer for your plants.
  2. If you decide to feed your garden in the autumn, choose compounds with a minimum of nitrogen. After all, this element promotes active growth, and it is better to contribute it in the spring. This must be considered when choosing.

As a rule, on packages with nutrients there is a note “autumn”. There is practically no nitrogen in such top dressing, but there are other substances that plants need to cope with the cold - calcium, potassium and phosphorus. They will support the immunity of plants and their resistance to a sharp decrease in air temperature.

  • Phosphorus help to make the roots stronger, increase the sugar and protein content in the juice. This cannot but have a positive effect on fertility.
  • Potassium removes excess fluid from garden crops, thereby preparing them for the cold. Trees and shrubs that were fertilized with potassium in the fall will tolerate even severe frosts.

You can add phosphorus and potassium to the soil together, they complement each other perfectly. In addition, the effectiveness of phosphorus is given by organic substances. Mix it beforehand with peat in a proportion of 10 kg of peat (humus) - 300 g of double superphosphate. Add some water and leave the mixture for a couple of months. With the onset of autumn, this top dressing should be applied to the tree trunk circles, trying to penetrate as deep as possible so that the roots of the plants are saturated as best as possible.

[sc name = "info-attention" text = "When applying fertilizer for the autumn feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in the fall, be sure to follow the instructions. In no case, do not overfeed it! It can be very harmful. ”]


Organic fertilizer dressing

There are fertilizers that consist solely of organic compounds. These include, for example, peat, compost, bird droppings, manure. As a result of decomposition, they form valuable trace elements, and also enrich the soil with carbon dioxide, which promotes photosynthesis.

You may be interested in:
  • Manure and droppings are added to the soil during digging, in order to make it more fertile. Do not make this fertilization under the root of the plant - this can harm him. Fertilize garden soil with manure once every 2-3 years, at the rate of 300-400 kg per 100 m².
  • Ash is an equally valuable element for feeding fruit trees and shrubs in autumn. It is obtained by burning weeds, unnecessary branches and tops of plants. It is also introduced during the digging of the soil, every 3-4 years. For 1 m² of soil you will need up to 1 kg of ash.
  • Peat is another type of fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in the fall, consisting of decayed and compressed remains of plants and animals. This substance accumulates in marshy areas. The soil enriched with this element breathes well, air and water penetrate perfectly into it. But peat contains few nutrients, and therefore you should not use only this substance to feed your garden crops.
  • Compost will allow for a long time to ensure the fertility of the soil, so gardeners it is especially appreciated. They need to be fertilized with earth at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 m².
  • Sawdust is another ingredient that will help make the land fertile. By themselves, they do not have nutritional properties, but help to make dense soil more loose. And in soil with a lot of sand, sawdust will help retain moisture for a long time and not dry out. In addition, over time, sawdust turns into a useful humus.
  • Siderata are plants that help improve the condition of garden soil. These include clover, alfalfa, lupine, oats or rye. Experienced gardeners sow them at the end of summer around fruit trees.

Feeding of certain types of trees and shrubs

Different types of plants fit different nutrients. What is suitable for some garden crops can cause irreparable harm to others. That is why it is so important to choose the right fertilizers correctly.

Apple trees are usually fed several times a season. The roots of this tree need phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Therefore, these nutrients are introduced into the root system.

Acidified soil will impede the good yield of apple trees. Lime will help to cope with this problem. It is introduced in the process of digging.

Pear trees need no less phosphorus and potassium. They are traditionally introduced under the root. It is also good to feed this fruit crop with ash.

Needs good nutrition in the fall and blackcurrant. Under the bushes in the autumn, 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers, 10-20 g of potassium and 50 g of superphosphate are applied. In principle, such a composition will give your shrubs all the necessary substances. In addition, it is good to plant legumes under the currant bush in autumn. This will help to get a good harvest of large, healthy berries in the summer.

Sea buckthorn also eagerly responds to the autumn fertilizing with fertilizers. You need to make them in October, once every 2-3 years. A mixture of compost, superphosphate and potassium salt should be uniformly spread over the entire surface on which sea buckthorn is planted and bury in the soil 10-15 centimeters in depth.

Plum also needs to be fed in the fall. To help in this case, firstly, organic mixtures will come. They contribute to the restoration and development of the root system. To get a good harvest next year, feed the tree with potash fertilizers. And if your plum grows on sandy soil - it certainly needs phosphorus.

There are many ways to feed fruit trees and shrubs in the fall. Each gardener decides independently which one to choose for him. But it is important at the same time, to feed the soil constantly. Only observing this condition, you can get an excellent harvest.

In addition, before the onset of the winter season, trees and shrubs need to be watered well. You need to do this at the end of October, and then next year the garden will delight you with an abundance of berries and fruits.


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