Features of planting and caring for white cabbage

24.10.2016 Cabbage

Features of growing white cabbage in the open groundCabbage is a fairly popular crop. It has useful properties, in addition, the cultivation of white cabbage in the open ground is a simple process, but you need to know some features (subtleties). We’ll talk about this. We assure you that growing a good harvest will not be difficult for both experienced summer residents and beginners.

Preparing the soil for planting cabbage

Before planting the crop, you need to consider some points, such as: choosing the right place, preparing the soil and seeds for planting. A distinctive feature of cabbage is its resistance to low temperatures. You need to plant the plant on lighted areas where almost no shadow is formed.

Cabbage is a two year old plant. In the first year, a head of cabbage matures, which can be eaten.

Cabbage in the garden
In the second year, a peduncle grows from which seeds can be collected.

The soil for planting cabbage needs to be selected fertile. The best option would be loamy soil with a high humus content. Due to which moisture will be retained longer in the soil, nourishing the root system of the plant. The soil should be low in acidity.

Good predecessors for cabbage are: cucumbers, onions, root crops, legumes, crops. These crops supply the land with nutrients that have a positive effect on the development of the head of cabbage. Cabbage should not be returned to its original place within 2-3 years.

By the way, it will be useful to know what to plant after garlic next year.

The soil for planting has been preparing since spring. To do this, you need to dig it up, make narrow beds, make fertilizers in the form of humus or compost. Of mineral fertilizers, superphosphate, potassium sulfate are perfect.

Preparation of white cabbage seeds for sowing

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To improve seed germination, they need to be treated with hot water. For this, they are filled with water for 15 minutes, after which for several minutes you need to hold the seeds in cold water.
Seeds of white cabbage
Processed White Cabbage Seeds
It does not hurt to sustain the seeds for 12 hours in a solution of mineral fertilizers.
To harden the seeds you need to hold them for a day in a cold place: refrigerator, basement. In this way, the seeds can germinate.
To harden the seeds, you need to hold them for a day in a cold place
Features of planting white cabbage seeds in open ground

In order for the cabbage to form and mature, it is necessary to observe the timing of sowing. Otherwise, the culture will be unstable to diseases and pests.
White cabbage
How to grow white cabbage
Planting seeds must be dealt with already in May, and in some areas even from March-April. It is not necessary to delay the planting, because the cabbage must ripen before the first frost.
For planting, grooves with a depth of 1 cm and a distance between seeds of 3-4 cm are prepared. Seeds in the groove are laid out one at a time. The soil after planting is compacted. After a week, the first shoots may appear. If necessary, after emergence, they need to be thinned.
Seedlings of cabbage
Cabbage care
Care for white cabbage

Watering is given special attention. It must be of high quality and timely. Water the plant immediately after planting, the frequency of irrigation is 3-4 days. Water temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees.

Feeding is also an important procedure when caring for cabbage. The first top dressing is carried out 20 days after planting. In its quality, a mullein solution is used. A second feeding will be required after 10 days. You can use chicken droppings. The third top dressing is carried out only for late varieties of cabbage.

In addition, weeds must be removed and pests and diseases controlled.

Among the pests, the most dangerous are: aphids, slugs, snails. For their destruction it is necessary to powder cabbage with wood ash, tobacco.

Chemical agents are also considered effective pests.
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Hardening cabbage

The procedure is carried out during the seedling period. It is carried out 20 days before transplanting seedlings into the soil. For stabbing, you need to bring the seedlings to a cool place, you can not allow a temperature drop of less than 5 degrees. In warm weather, you need to provide seedlings with sunlight.


Early cabbage is already harvested in July-August. To do this, heads of cabbage are cut with a sharp knife. Late cabbage is harvested last, October-November. Such cabbage can be stored all winter. If cabbage is cut for sourdough, then you need to do this in October.
Features of planting and caring for white cabbage
Cabbage will be better stored if you cut it with a long poker. It is also recommended to leave several leaves near the head of cabbage. During storage, the temperature regime should not exceed 0 - 5 degrees. Humidity for storage has parameters of 80-85 percent.

Also learn about growing cauliflower in open ground and caring for it.

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