Pepper "Ali Baba": characteristics, description of the variety, reviews

21.12.2017 Pepper

Among the huge selection of vegetables, bell peppers are quite popular in our climate zone. Today, this culture is grown not only on private land or vegetable gardens, but also on an industrial scale. When choosing a variety for planting, special attention is paid to its yield, taste, care features and the attractiveness of the fruit. Therefore, early ripe sweet pepper “Ali Baba” is quite popular. For its cultivation, you need to know the characteristics, description of the variety, reviews, photos and productivity.

This variety was developed by Russian breeders who took into account the peculiarities of the local climate, so the plants give juicy, tasty and large cone-shaped fruits. Sweet peppers “Ali Baba” are especially appreciated due to their high yields and rather compact size of the bush.

The main characteristics of the variety

The plant, whose bush has a relatively small height and reaches a maximum of 45 cm, is intended for growing both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. Ripe “Ali Baba” peppers allows you to get technically ripe fruits 100 days after emergence, which does not prevent him from providing high yields.

The bushes of the plant have dense foliage, dark green color and ovoid shape. The pepper of the variety in question is characterized by the average spreading of the pagons.

On each of the bushes at the same time about 8-10 peppers are formed, located tip to the ground. The shape of the fruit has the form of an elongated cone with a flattened surface, as well as a slightly rounded sharp tip. The weight of each pepper is at least 300 grams.

Note! The stem of the sweet bell pepper "Ali Baba" is not deepened into the fruit, but has a slightly convex shape.

The smooth surface of the pepper has a slightly glossy shine and has a light green color during the period of technical maturity. As they mature, the color of the peppers gradually changes to orange and dark red. The pulp of the fruit has an average thickness that reaches 5-6 mm. Tasting qualities are distinguished by a pleasant pepper aroma and juicy sweetness.

Due to its attractive appearance, excellent taste and fairly large fruits, sweet peppers of this variety are very popular, both for sale and for preservation or preparation of certain dishes. Quite large and elastic cone-shaped fruits are not bad for stuffing.

Features of growing seedlings

One of the main conditions for obtaining a high yield of “Ali Baba” sweet pepper is seedlings prepared in accordance with some generally accepted rules and observing the basic conditions for planting it. The best of the periods for preparing seedlings is February, because at least 100 days must pass from the moment of sowing the seeds until the planting in the ground. In general, the process of preparing plants for planting is largely similar to growing tomatoes.

To get a healthy and strong “Ali Baba” pepper, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Only live seeds are suitable for planting. Important! To determine the quality of sweet pepper seeds available for planting, immerse them in a small container with clean water. Pop-up grains can be thrown away, as they are empty and will not be able to germinate.At the same time, seeds that have sunk to the bottom can be safely used for planting on seedlings, as they will provide fairly strong and confident seedlings.
  2. Before placing the soil in the grains should be soaked for several days in water. For reference! To obtain stronger and more resistant to disease seedlings by soaking the seeds, you can use any growth stimulator. Good examples of such drugs are the compositions of such brands as: “Benefit”, “Bioglobin”, “Ovary”, “Rival”, etc.
  3. It is best to carry out the procedure for preparing seedlings without diving, so experts recommend sowing seeds in peat cups to a depth of about 1.5-2 cm.
  4. Until the seedlings germinate, the containers are placed under glass or film and placed in a warm, well-lit place.
  5. After germination, pepper needs to maintain a certain temperature. During the day, the plant needs air temperature in the range of 25-27 ° C, and at night - at least 13-15 ° C.
  6. Before planting seedlings on a site with open ground, it is necessary to conduct its hardening, which involves observing the night temperature of 10-13 ° C.
Important! Before planting plants in greenhouses, this procedure is not mandatory, but it still helps to give future pepper greater resistance to temperature influences.

Adhering to these simple recommendations, it is enough for you to simply grow high-quality and strong seedlings of sweet bell pepper "Ali Baba" at home. It is worth noting that to obtain strong plants, it is worth avoiding drafts and provide additional lighting from about 8.00 to 20.00.

It is recommended to plant this variety of plants in the place of constant growth in May - June, when the soil has warmed up enough, and the night temperature does not drop below 10 ° C. To ensure optimal growth conditions between the bushes should be a distance of at least 40 cm.

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The basic rules for the care of peppers “Ali Baba”

In order to get a good crop of this crop, it is necessary to provide sweet pepper bushes with appropriate growth and care conditions. Since this plant prefers light types of soil, it is necessary to fluff and fertilize the soil well before planting.

“Ali Baba” variety needs the following care:

  1. Regular watering of bushes. For this procedure, it is recommended to use pre-settled and heated water. For each bush, it is optimal to allocate about 1-2 liters of liquid.
  2. Top watering of pepper is allowed only before the onset of the budding period. After the first flowering and up to harvesting, water is supplied to the bushes exclusively under their base, in order to avoid moisture on the leafy part.
  3. To obtain large and juicy fruits, it is recommended to fertilize the pepper with fertilizers of mineral and organic type. Such formulations are carefully applied under the bush no more than 2 times a month.
  4. Regular weeding and loosening of the soil.

If you perform a procedure for mulching the soil, it is possible not only to reduce the frequency of weeding, but also to optimize the temperature regime and the amount of moisture in the soil. If you adhere to the tips listed above, then sweet pepper will delight with its juicy and bright fruits during the period from mid-summer to early autumn.

Main growing area

The variety of sweet pepper “Ali Baba” was bred by Russian breeders, so it is maximally adapted to the rather specific conditions of our climate zone. This type of plant is characterized by high productivity, adequately tolerates sharp and quite significant temperature differences, and is also immune to most diseases.

It is best to grow this culture in eastern Europe and western Asia, that is, in the temperate zone. The variety of sweet bell pepper "Ali Baba", thanks to the efforts of its creators, is resistant to uneven watering and is quite easy to care for. Due to the many advantages of culture, its cultivation can be found not only in greenhouses and industrial scale, but also on private land plots.

Grade Reviews

Most users who tried to grow this kind of sweet pepper in their area were satisfied with the harvest:

Lyudmila, 49 years old, Kostroma:

“For planting in a greenhouse, I bought Ali Baba sweet peppers. The seedlings were placed in the ground at the beginning of June, after which they were regularly irrigated with water at about 30 ° C. At the beginning of flowering, the plant was fed with mineral fertilizers. The crop was just huge, all the bushes began to bear fruit for 7-9 peppers. The taste of pepper is very tender and juicy. ”

Anna, 27 years old, Vladimir:

“I have been planting this variety of bell peppers for more than a year now and I never cease to be amazed at its productivity. This year, some fruits sprouted their tips up, although they should all be located down to the ground. I admit the possibility that this could happen as a result of pollination of plants with varieties located in the neighborhood. However, this fact had no effect on the taste of pepper. ”

Alina, 32 years old, Samara

“When choosing early-ripening pepper for planting in a greenhouse, I opted for the variety Ali Ali Baba, which has good reviews. In general, I was satisfied. Seedlings were fed with organic fertilizers immediately before flowering. Pepper gave an excellent harvest, which is distinguished by an unobtrusive aroma and juicy pulp. "

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