Sweet pepper "Belozerka": characteristics and description of the variety

21.12.2017 Pepper

Sweet pepper is grown almost all in the infield. This is an excellent vegetable crop for harvesting for the winter and eating fresh. A good choice would be sweet pepper "Belozerka". This is confirmed by the characteristics, description of the variety, high productivity, positive reviews.

Sweet bell peppers contain a lot of vitamins, and do not lose them when canned and stored frozen. That is why the vegetable is grown in large quantities in personal plots.

Among the many varieties of sweet pepper, "Belozerka" has a good characteristic, in the description of the variety indicates high productivity, according to gardeners - the fruits have a pleasant taste. For successful cultivation, you need to know all the features of this plant.

Grade description

Sweet bell pepper "Belozerka" is an early ripe variety. Harvested 140 days after emergence. The fruits look smooth in the shape of a cone, have 3 faces. At the beginning of ripening, they are light green in color, then turn yellow, when ripening, they turn red. The weight of one fruit can reach from 90 to 140 g.

Ripening is friendly, the yield reaches 8 kg per season from one square meter. Pepper has a pronounced aroma, pleasant taste. The wall thickness depends on weather conditions and plant care, an average of 5 to 7 mm.

Attention! For many summer residents, this variety is known under the name "Lumina". It is he who appears first on the shelves of local markets, because he ripens before anyone else.

The bush of this plant is compact, grows in height from 40 to 70 cm. It is practically not necessary to tie. A peculiar crown of foliage forms from above, which protects the fruits from the sun.

Disease resistance

Sweet pepper "Belozerka" has excellent resistance to various dangerous diseases. He is not afraid of the following diseases:

  • Alternarnariasis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • Verticillosis;
  • apical, dry, wet rot;
  • viral infections.

This variety can be grown in a greenhouse or in open ground. For him, unexpected temperature changes are not dangerous. Against insect pests, it is enough to spray once a season for prevention by any means.

The advantages and disadvantages of culture

Each variety has its own "pros" and "cons", which must be considered when choosing the appropriate culture for growing.

Positive aspects of the Belozerka variety

  • easy to grow;
  • does not require a lot of fertilizer;
  • high productivity;
  • stored for a long time;
  • it is resistant to disease;
  • tolerates transportation well.

There are no obvious flaws in this variety. Some summer residents of central Russia note that with sweet peppers there is a lot of trouble when germinating seeds and seedlings. But this is a southern culture, for growing in the northern regions you need to spend more effort.

With such positive qualities, the Belozerka variety is grown for commercial purposes - for sale. In the household, this variety is universal. It is well suited for stuffing, fresh storage, canning.

Ripening speed

Sweet peppers of all varieties ripen approximately 4 months after emergence. Ripening rate may be affected by:

  • weather;
  • the temperature of the water that they are watered;
  • illnesses;
  • pests;
  • amount of sunshine.

Variety "Belozerka" ripens 115 days after sowing in the soil with good care, favorable weather conditions.

Seed and seedling preparation

They begin to deal with seedlings of peppers in the last week of February - the first week of March. It is important to remove bad seeds. To do this, fill the seeds with water for 2 hours. Empty float to the surface, the rest must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection (for 10-15 minutes). You can use biostimulants (Zircon). Use according to instructions.

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On a saucer, spread wet gauze with pepper seeds, put in a warm sunny place, for example, on the windowsill of the sunny side. So the seeds will germinate faster. It is important to add water in a timely manner. For seedlings, prepare pots with earth.

Advice! Before planting seeds, you need to disinfect the soil. To do this, pour boiling water over it. This will prevent plants from becoming infected with fungal diseases.

In each pot of soil should be poured 2 cm below the rim. Hatching seeds must be carefully planted with tweezers into the soil, covered with soil, slightly compacted. Watering should be careful so as not to wash off the seed. Pots should be set in a bright place with an average temperature of 25 ° C. Cover the top with a film or glass to create greenhouse conditions.

After about 7 days the first shoots will appear (film or glass can be removed). Periodically, the pots need to be turned in different directions to the sun, so that the stem is formed even, and not tilted in one direction.

Note! Abundant watering will make the plant stretch up, the stem will be thin. This is not very good at transplanting. You can understand that the water is excess, by the accumulation of water in the pan.

You can feed the seedlings with liquid fertilizers, for example, Mortar, Agricola. Use according to instructions. 2 weeks before transplanting into the open ground, it is necessary to begin hardening the seedlings. To do this, they take it out in the daytime to the street. The plant gets used to lower temperatures. But the plant must be protected from drafts, direct rays of the sun.


The Belozerka pepper is transplanted into the open ground when the weather is fine. In central Russia, this is approximately the end of May - the beginning of June. The average daily temperature should be at least 18 ° C. Pepper does not like clay soil. In the beds you need to add peat, humus. Between the rows should be at least 50 cm, between the holes - 40 cm. The depth of the pits should be such that the entire root system fits, and the neck is located at the soil level. If desired, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium can be added to the well.

Landing Rules:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot with a lump of earth.
  2. Place in a cooked and watered hole.
  3. Sprinkle with earth.
  4. Tamp.
  5. Pour warm settled water.
You can grow sweet pepper "Belozerka" in many regions of the country. In the southern regions, it can grow in open ground, in the more northern regions it will feel good in greenhouses.

Care Features

During growth, the plant must be watered in a timely manner, approximately 2 times a week, cut off stepsons, yellowed leaves, fertilized with organic fertilizers. It is advisable to water in the evening, when the soil cools down a little.

Important! Loosening is an important part of caring for plants, leading to increased yields. It should be noted that in sweet bell peppers, the root system is located close to the soil surface. When loosening, one must be careful not to damage it.

Before the first flowers appear, water the plants from above by sprinkling. In the future, you can water under the root. One plant should account for up to 7 liters of water per irrigation.

Interesting! Sweet peppers will give a good harvest if they are planted in the place where zucchini, pumpkin or cabbage used to grow.

Plant nutrition

For better development of the root system, increase productivity, plant strength, you need to regularly feed;

  1. When the first three leaves appear near the seedlings, you need to add 5 g of potash fertilizers and 15 g of superphosphate to 5 liters of water.
  2. After 2 weeks, the second top dressing is the same as the first time, but it is necessary to increase the concentration of nutrients by 2 times.
  3. When transferring seedlings to the soil, Kornevin fertilizer can be added to the hole for better plant survival.
  4. When the first flowers appear, fertilizers are also applied, for example, ash. For 1 square. meter need 2 cups of ash. At the same time, hilling and cultivation of the earth is carried out.
Perhaps another application of fertilizers. They must be used according to the instructions. Each summer resident develops his own plant care system over time.

Responses of those who cultivated the Belozerka variety

Vladimir, Saratov:

“I have been growing Belozerka for a long time. The result is always excellent, even if the summer is rainy, there are few sunny days. The pepper ripens quickly, it tastes good even if you pick it off while still green, without waiting until it turns red. ”

Irina Alekseevna, Tula region:

“Sweet peppers are grown constantly. "Belozerka" like its unpretentiousness. It is generally believed that bell peppers are moody in cultivation. But Belozerka is not picky about leaving. Our soil is fertile, so that we even manage without top dressing. ”

Klimovs, Izhevsk:

“At our summer cottage, we plant sweet peppers in a greenhouse. Weather conditions do not allow planting in open ground, they will grow for a long time. Grade "Belozerka" is very suitable for us. You can not wait until the fruits ripen. We pluck them when they are still light green, but have become large. They are good to taste. Some ripen to red. A very good variety, we did not even know, but, it turns out, it was brought back in the last century. ”

Sweet bell pepper varieties "Belozerka" is an excellent option for beginner gardeners and skilled summer residents. Simple care gives a stable high yield at minimal cost and changeable weather.

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