Pepper “Cow’s ear”: characteristics of the variety, cultivation, reviews

10.01.2018 Pepper

Sweet bell pepper is a fairly frequent guest on our gourmet tables and more. Since it has good taste and a large supply of vitamins. Therefore, gardeners often grow various varieties of bell pepper, and among them the Cow’s Ear variety takes pride of place. This variety is a leader in taste among other types of bell pepper.

Characteristics and description of the variety

To determine the choice of variety, you must carefully study the characteristics and description. After all, the choice of a gardener will depend on these parameters, how much he will be able to use not only the taste qualities of this variety, but due to the ripening time, will he be able to grow it on his site in a certain region.


The yield of this bell pepper with its proper cultivation is up to 3 kg from one bush. If you do not adhere to the basic rules of care, then the fruits will be small in size and with thin walls.

Height, plant weight, color, shape

In fruits, a distinctive feature is the thick and fleshy walls. The hue of the ripening fruit changes from a dark green color to a rich red hue.

The length of a single fetus can reach 16 cm in length, while the mass reaches 200 g. The fruits are considered one of the largest among other varieties of bell pepper. The wall thickness reaches 7 mm. The shape, elongated in the form of a cone, reminiscent of its appearance cowhide. Hence the name of the variety. The bush is quite powerful and sprawling. With proper cultivation, its height reaches 75 cm.

IMPORTANT! This variety belongs to the mid-early species in terms of ripening.

Ripening speed

To obtain fully ripened fruits, the gardener will need 130 days from the sprouted seed to the fully ripened fruit.

IMPORTANT! In central Russia and to the north, bell peppers of any kind are grown only through seedlings.

Reviews of those who planted

Galina Mikhailovna

I have been planting a cow’s ear annually for many years and always have a good harvest of salable fruit. It grows best in a greenhouse, as it has rather large bushes. When planting it, I leave up to 50 cm between planted seedlings. With pepper, which has thick walls, it is good to cook lecho or use it in salads. The variety has an amazing taste without additional bitterness.

Olga Mitrofanovna

The variety came to me by accident. A neighbor gave up extra seedlings. How grateful I was when the first fruits began to ripen. My whole family is now eating this Cow's Ear, both fresh and in salads. And it’s not difficult to grow it all, the same as for other varieties of bell pepper.

Tatyana Ivanovna

The variety is tasty with a thick, juicy pulp without bitterness. Pepper bears fruit, wonderful, although this year I practically did not fertilize it. Large fruits cover my entire palm.

Features of cultivation and care of the variety

In order for the plant to show itself well, it is necessary to prepare a nutritious soil. To do this, purchased soil labeled "For seedlings" is mixed with soil that is available in the garden. Thus, the seedlings will not have a period of adaptation when planting at the main place of cultivation.

In order for the seeds to be with good germination, the necessary manipulations must be done:

  • select live seeds. To do this, they are immersed in a saline solution in a glass. Those seeds that have surfaced are dead, they are removed, and they continue to work with the rest;
  • Now the seeds are soaked for several days, and so that the moisture does not constantly evaporate, put a saucer with seeds in a transparent plastic bag;
  • for disinfection, seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Such seeds are planted in prepared plates with nutritious and loose soil. Then, in order not to wash the seeds, gently pour warm water from a spoon and cover with a bag. When most seeds have sprouted, the bag is removed and seedlings continue to grow until the pick. It comes when two real leaves have grown on pepper.

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IMPORTANT! Bell pepper does not tolerate diving and therefore seedlings will be better if it is planted in peat cups.

Before transplanting to the main place, the seedlings must undergo hardening in the open air.

The remaining measures are suitable for any bell pepper and are to:

  • the place was chosen sunny;
  • the weather was warm;
  • when watering, only warm and preferably settled water without chlorine should be used;
  • during flowering, watering so that the flowers are not wet, that is, it is necessary to water it under the root;
  • weeding and loosening of the soil surface is carried out after each irrigation or rain and this will lead to an increase in yield;
  • do appropriate for the growing season top dressing of bell pepper bushes.

By following all these rules, you can be sure to get a good stable crop.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like any pepper, this variety has its positive and negative properties.

  • great taste;
  • possesses the property of good transportability;
  • stored for a long time under appropriate conditions;
  • the variety is resistant to various kinds of diseases;
  • ability to give large crops;
  • early fruit ripening.
  • does not tolerate cooling on the ground;
  • only sunny patches of soil are suitable for cultivation;
  • poorly tolerates air temperatures above 30 degrees.

The main purpose of the variety

The variety "Cow's Ear" according to reviews of those who grew or used in cooking, is considered universal. It is used in the manufacture of:

  • summer vitamin salads;
  • lecho;
  • in preservation for the winter, it acts as an excellent spice or main type of vegetable.
IMPORTANT! Culinary products made on its basis do not have bitterness.

What regions are grown

Actually this vegetable is intended for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, such as the Krasnodar Territory. But the gardeners of the northern regions grow this vegetable in their greenhouses. Since summer is short at the latitude of the Moscow Region, their greenhouse may be closed at the end of May due to return frosts. And in early September, the first cold snap is taking place, so the entrance to the greenhouse, where bell pepper is planted, is also closed so that the low air temperature does not affect the crop. But during the day the greenhouse must be ventilated so that there is access to fresh air.

Seedling planting dates

The term for planting pepper depends on where the finished (adult) seedlings will be planted. If the seedlings of bell pepper will be planted in mid-May in open ground, then they begin to prepare it in early March. If it is planted in a greenhouse, then the seeds are planted in the ground 2 weeks earlier, that is, about February 16th.

Resistance to disease and adverse conditions

Sweet peppers can often be infected:

  1. phytoplasmosis.
  2. verticillosis.

These diseases create root rot, which leads to the complete death of the bush. Therefore, the bush is removed from the soil and destroyed outside the site, so as not to infect the soil in the garden with the help of harmful spores of the disease.

The Cowshoe Ear variety is well resistant to various kinds of diseases that are inherent in this type of plant.

But on the pepper, such pests can appear:

  1. Colorado beetle.
  2. aphid.
  3. slugs.

To get rid of pests, you can use various folk remedies or use special chemicals that are sold in specialized stores.

IMPORTANT! Never gets the Tobacco Mosaic disease.

Storage rules

The fruits of the "Cow's Ear" are stored much longer than other types of bell pepper. But we must not forget that they should be stored only in the refrigerator, then their presentation will not undergo external changes.

Basic storage rules for bell pepper:

  • pepper is put in sterile dry containers, preferably made of plastic;
  • in a plastic container there should be openings in the side walls for “breathing” pepper;
  • when storing sweet pepper in a plastic bag, the threat of drying and decay of the fetus is created, since there is no air exchange;
  • the temperature regime in the place where the fruits will be stored should be within 10-11 degrees of heat;
IMPORTANT! In order for the fruits to have a long shelf life, they are harvested unripe and then, with the right temperature conditions, they ripen in the vegetable store.

By the way, very interesting tomato variety cowhide ear.

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    Very productive grade. On the bush, a height of not more than 0.5 m very beautiful and fragrant peppers ripen. Peppers of this variety can grow in a greenhouse, or maybe in the open air. From seedlings to fruiting takes four months with a little. Recommended for cultivation in the south of Russia. Adapts to local conditions.

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