Planting and grape care in the suburbs

10.11.2015 Grape

Grape planting and care in the Moscow region featuresWhen choosing varieties for planting grapes in the suburbs, you need to focus on the banal parameters. This is the final taste, appearance, yield indicator and disease resistance. Grapes: planting and care in the suburbs are recommended to start with the following varieties: Delight, Original black, Kesha-1, Timur, Cardinal and others.

Landing Information

Since grapes love heat and light, you need to choose the right place on the site for planting. It should be the south side of the households. the buildings. For several bushes, it will be enough to dig holes of six tens of cm in all parameters. If there will be more bushes than a couple, it is better to dig trenches with a depth of 60 cm or more. The bulk of the roots of this plant is four tens of cm deep in the soil.

As for the length of the trench, it all depends on the expected size of the bushes. For undersized varieties, one meter will be sufficient; for overgrown varieties, a stock of two meters or more is taken. Be sure to install the trellis over the trench and pull the wire over it in several tiers. So the grapes will be easier to actively grow up. For gardeners, information about Siberian iris: planting and care in the open ground.

About land cultivation

Grapes: planting and care in the suburbs for the winter, you need to prepare the soil for this crop. At the bottom of the finished trench, pour two dozen cm of broken brick, then lay out the earth, not forgetting about organic as well as mineral fertilizers.

Grapes planting and care

Advice! You can lay pipes along the trench with holes through which you can quickly and easily irrigate.

About Extra Nutrition

For additional feeding, this culture is extremely responsive. It is better to stay on phosphate and potash fertilizers. Phosphorus is needed during the laying of fruit buds, it will help increase the immunity of the berry, accumulate more sugar and even accelerate ripening. Potassium is required to protect grapes from drought and possible cold. It also affects yield and sugar content in berries.

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Manure is the most valuable fertilizer for grapes, regardless of what soil it grows on. Therefore, trace elements in their grapes in the suburbs also need to be provided. It is enough to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers once every couple of years, but not deeply into the soil (no deeper than forty cm so that the fertilizers do not appear at the base of the roots).

Crop necessary!

Grapes: planting and care in the suburbs of cuttings is always carried out. There are many ways to form grapes, but for starters, it’s best to master simple ways. Tell all about a garden for a bummer who doesn't dig all the secrets!

Grapes planting and care in the suburbs

Formation of grapes using the Guyot system

It is done after planting, without waiting for the next year, that is, it is used to trim young cuttings immediately. After molding, one shoot with three eyes remains. In the spring, when the second year is already counting down, leave two shoots with 3 eyes for each. With proper care, the shoots should be strong, seven mm in thickness. For a year of growth, the third one can form already two links of fruits.

Shelter is a must!

Grapes: planting and care in the suburbs implies shelter. A strong decrease in temperature will lead to the fact that a culture without shelter simply will not survive. So, sheltering grape seedlings in the suburbs is required!

Grapes planting and care in the suburbs cultivation

You should wait until the leaves fall and trim.Remove the vines from the supports when the air temperature drops to five degrees Celsius. Pin to the ground and tie, cover with sawdust, boxes, fir spruce branches and foil. After the snow falls, it is recommended to fill the place with shelter and snow.

You can also use ordinary dry leaves fallen from trees in season to shelter your grape plantation. First cover the vine with leaves, and then cover with a plastic bag. Wait for a cold snap and, if it is strong, additionally lay on top trimmed cnt, tkmrb raspberries, snowball. In the spring, remove the leaves and you can use them to make compote.

Grapes: planting and care in the suburbs requires knowledge of certain technologies and processes. But, in addition to shelter and trimming, caring for the crop is not very troublesome and does not take much time. But then, what is the harvest of fragrant and sweet bunches worth it yourself. Grapes grown in the suburbs can be used for harvesting and even for making homemade wine.

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  1. Avatar


    For 10 years in a row we have been collecting an excellent harvest of wine grapes, carefully pruning in the fall, and it is also important to make light pruning in the summer, otherwise the work is in vain! Stepsoning is a very significant item in grape care!

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  2. Avatar


    I have been doing my grapes in the country for a very long time. I started planting it 7 years ago, since then it has half-covered my house, and gave a lot of harvest. It happened that I thought the grapes would not survive the winter, because the temperature was minus thirty then, but my worries were in vain, the grapes wintered quietly, and the next year gave an excellent harvest. Most often, I make delicious wine from grapes for sale, and I also sell it to wholesale grandmothers in the market. In this article, I learned a few more useful tips that I already apply in my country house. I believe that grapes are an indispensable thing in the country.

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