Planting grapes in central Russia for beginners

14.11.2018 Grape

In order for the grapes to take root well, it is necessary to carry out preliminary procedures with young seedlings. How to plant a grape for a beginner: what soil is best for growing grapes, what to do with it before and after planting. How to water and at what time the culture does not need watering at all, than to fertilize, how to crop and a lot of useful information about growing and caring for grapes.

What you need to know about landing

Before planting young grape sprouts in central Russia at a permanent place of growth, it is necessary to carry out preliminary procedures with them and prepare for planting.


You need to temper the young sprouts before planting. For 14 days seedlings constantly need to take out to fresh air. On the first day, such air procedures are best done no more than 15 minutes. Then increase the quenching time by half an hour daily.

The first 7 days, young growth requires protection from exposure to sunlight. The remaining three days of hardening, the young grape sprouts are best kept constantly in the fresh air. An exception may be frost. Then it is better not to expose the young grapes to subzero temperatures.

Tempering preliminary procedures are necessary. Unhardened young seedlings can either badly or not at all take up and stop developing.

How to plant grapes

What soil to choose for planting grapes

Grapes are picky culture and can grow in middle lane Russia on different soils. There are only two types of soil, which categorically is not suitable for grapes: saline and with a high content of groundwater (swampy). And the best option would be sandy and rocky soil. In such soil, stagnation of water does not occur, which very favorably affects the growth and development of grapes. This culture does not like high humidity.

Grapes are resistant to winter cold and can withstand temperatures up to -15-18 ° C, and some types up to -25 ° C.

What soil to choose for grapes

Seat selection

When will you choose a place for grape planting, consider the following main points:

  • it is a sun-loving culture. The territory with a constant light source is ideal for planting grapes in the main place;
  • the place where you are going to plant the grapes should not be blown by the winds. This is especially true of the north side;
  • south-west and west - the most successful side for planting grapes in central Russia;
  • for cultivation it is better to choose flat places, but at the same time not very steep slopes (southern and southwest) are permissible. The lowlands and slopes on the north side are dangerous for grapes. In such places, there is a high probability of damage to the fruit buds by frost, which can occur in late spring;
  • choosing a place for planting, consider what used to grow in this area of ​​the site. The best precursors are fruit plants. If grapes were already growing at this place, then this part of the land is not suitable. First, vegetable crops and flowers should grow on this territory for several years.
Place for planting grapes

Pit preparation

Below are step-by-step instructions for preparing a landing pit:

  1. Dig a hole 60 * 60 cm in size. The depth of the recess should be - 0.8-1 m.
  2. Be sure to cover the bottom of the pit with drainage.Since grapes love rocky soil, drainage should also consist of small brick fragments, pebbles, gravel.
  3. After the drainage layer, fill the pit with a mixture of sand, gravel and fertile black soil. The proportions of the components that make up the mixture are as follows: sand - 0.5 buckets, gravel - 1 bucket, chernozem - 3 buckets.
  4. When planting grapes, be sure to normalize the soil acidity level. This will help you dolomite flour or ash. They need to be added to the pit. If the soil is slightly acidic, then you will need 1 tbsp. dolomite flour and 1.5 tbsp. ashes. With acidic soil, respectively, 2 and 3 tbsp.
  5. Pour fertile soil with the last 25 cm layer.
  6. Do not throw everything all at once at the same time into the pit. Do this gradually, watering each successive layer with water. At the same time, slightly seal it with your hands.
Grape pit

Landing pattern

Grapes do not like transplants, so the first time you have to choose a permanent planting location. Observe the required distance between the seedlings. It depends on the size of the vine:

  • 3 m for long (from 2.5 m);
  • 2 m for short (1.5 m);
  • 1.5 m for plants with one vine.

Between the rows, the necessary distance should also be observed: from 2-2.5 m. In these intervals, other crops can be planted. The best among the neighbors of grapes are strawberries and herbs.

Landing pattern

Landing depth

The depth of planting seedlings will depend on the type of soil:

  • up to 45 cm if it is black earth or clay;
  • up to 60 cm if it is sandy soil;
  • up to 55 cm if it is loam or sandstone.

If on your site the groundwater level is close to the surface of the earth, then when planting, consider the following points:

  • make high earthen embankments (1.5 m - width and 0.5 m - height);
  • cover the bottom of the landing pit with slate. Then the roots of the plant will abut against it and begin to grow along the sides. This will prevent the root from growing inland to the waters;
  • build a special drainage system: dig out two indentations with a depth of 1-1.5 m. The grooves should be located on both sides of the plant at a distance of 1 m. Fill these indentations with bricks, pebbles, gravel.

When planting, fertilize the soil with complex minerals. It is also good to add ash to the soil. Such tillage is enough for three years.

After a seedling is planted in the ground, it must be watered.

Use only warm water to water the grapes.

Initially, after planting a plant in a permanent place for watering, you need to use 1-2 buckets of water. After the soil settles, re-fill the hole with soil and do not compact. The earth must remain loose. This will ensure good air exchange.

After planting, mulch. Fill the pit with dry leaves, straw, etc. This will retain moisture and prevent it from evaporating quickly.

Grape planting

Disembarkation methods

You can use various methods of landing. Their differences are in different methods of preparing the seat with different planting material.

Classic way

How to plant grapes

With this method of planting, you should dig a hole in the autumn with a size of 80 * 80 * 60. It is better to do this in advance so that the settling earth does not cut off the seedlings sprouts.

Lay the bottom of the pit with drainage from broken bricks, gravel, and pebbles. The next layer should consist of sand, gravel and fertile soil (ratio: 1 bucket / 0.5 bucket / 3 buckets). Also, be sure to adjust the acidity of the soil with dolomite flour and ash (described above).

Before planting, it is necessary to trim the cuttings. To do this, slice obliquely at the bottom under the kidney. In the upper part, the cut should be horizontal and located at a distance of 3-4 cm from the kidney.

It will be useful to use drugs that stimulate root growth (Epin, Kornevin, etc.). Dissolve stimulants in a bucket in water and leave cuttings in it for 2 days. After this time, move the cuttings into jars with ordinary clean water. Within a month, the first root shoots should appear.

The water level in the jar with cuttings should not exceed 5 cm, otherwise the cuttings may suffocate.

After the first roots appear, cuttings should be transplanted into a container for seedlings. Fill it with earth with a layer of 5-7 cm. Do not forget to lay out a drainage layer of 2-3 cm before the earth layer (described above).

Be sure to water the planted cuttings. Watering should be frequent, but the amount of water is small.

With the classical method, plant prepared cuttings at a constant place of growth in May - June. The main guideline for you should be the temperature of the earth. It should not be lower than 16 ° C. After planting, do not forget to pour 1-2 buckets of warm water (the amount of water is indicated per plant) and mulch with a mixture of sand, sawdust and dry earth.

On the trellis

Landing on the trellis

Grape itself is a climbing plant. Therefore, it will be logical to use supports when growing it.

The essence of this method of growing is as follows: put a support pillar next to a planted bush. Between them pull the wire.

Supports can choose at your discretion. They can be wooden and metal. Wooden will last you about 20 years. But it is better to choose steel poles. The diameter of the posts should be 50-100 mm, and the wire 2-5 mm.

On the ridges

On the ridges

This method is more suitable for the northern territories.

If you are going to grow grapes in this way, then you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Dig a moat in the following sizes: length - 10 m; depth 30 cm; width - 100 cm.
  2. Prepare the soil for planting using the method described above.
  3. Fill the trench with prepared fertilized soil. The height of the beds above ground should be 35 cm.
  4. Plant young growth of grapes in an earthen ridge to a depth of 45 cm.
  5. For watering and fertilizing the plant, use a piece of pipe that immerse in a ditch.

Greenhouse planting method

Planting grapes in a greenhouse

The greenhouse method growing grapes Allows you to collect your first berries from the bushes ahead of schedule. Quick fruiting contributes to a warm climate. In order to plant a plant in this way you need to know the following:

  • planting soil is prepared in the same way as with all other planting methods;
  • Before you plan to plant the grapes in the greenhouse, first root the cuttings. Place them in a small bowl. There they must be until the first root shoots appear. A warm environment most favorably affects root formation, so keep the cuttings in a warm place;
  • When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, consider the distance between them. It should be at least 1.5 cm;
  • water and fertilize 1 time in 7 days.
In the period prior to flowering, as well as before harvesting, grapes do not require watering. This will only slow down the fruiting process.

Moldavian way

Moldavian way of landing

To plant grapes according to this method, you will need a branch of at least 60 cm. Your actions should be carried out according to the scheme described below:

  1. Twist the vine several times into a ring. Fasten the coils with a rope.
  2. Dig a deep hole and lay there a twisted vine so that 1-2 buds remain on top.
  3. Water as needed. The main thing that you should remember: grapes do not like a large amount of water, but they will not tolerate droughts either.

Landing by this method should be carried out in the spring.

If dry hot weather prevails in your place of residence, then it is worth taking a closer look at the thickened method of planting. Using this method, per 1 square. m planted up to 7-8 bushes that do not tie up as in other cases.

This method of planting increases the chances of defeating the grapes with fungal diseases. The risk of reduced fruiting increases.


The actions that you will carry out after planting are no less important part of the process of growing grapes. The longevity of the plant and its fertility depend on it.


After planting, the plant needs watering.Immediately after planting, irrigate at the rate of 1-2 buckets per bush. Next, focus on the weather. A common watering rate is once every 2 weeks. If it is dry, hot weather, frequent watering. As previously noted, only warm water should be taken for irrigation.

Watering grapes


Those fertilizers that you make during planting will last for 2-3 years. Then top dressing is carried out every year in the spring. For it, you can use the following options: a mixture of potassium sulfate (10 g) and superphosphate (20 g).

Another fertilizer option: a mixture of superphosphate (30-50 g), potassium salt (15-20 g) and ammonium nitrate (25-30 g). Dilute this mixture in 5 liters of water. Use dosage on one bush.

In wet weather it is better to use dry fertilizers. The dosage is the same as for the liquid solution.


Cut the bush immediately after planting, leaving only 2 eyes. This must be done to form 2 new strong shoots. Subsequently, grapes are cut annually.

Winter preparation

Shelter for the winter

With the onset of cold weather, the culture must be covered. And cover all varieties: regardless of whether they are winter-hardy or not.

Shelter is carried out after the leaves have fallen and the first frosts have come. You can use various materials for this:

  • lapnik;
  • slate;
  • agrofibre.

Protection of grapes in the winter is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the vine from the support and lay it on the ground. Make sure that the branch does not break anywhere.
  2. Be sure to put a protective layer on the ground: roofing material, plastic, fiberglass.
  3. Fix the stacked grapes with low arcs.
  4. Place arcs on top of the laid branches.
  5. On the arcs, lay the insulation so that air space remains between it and the vine. Fasten the edges laid on top of the material.

Warming is removed in the spring, immediately after the snow melts.

Pest and disease protection


During the season, spray bushes to protect against damage from various pests and diseases. This can be done as chemicals: you will find them in the garden store and among folk remedies.

Do not rush to immediately resort to chemical treatment of bushes. Try to get by with folk methods first.

To protect the grapes from being affected by fungal diseases, spray it with Bordeaux liquid. Moth, flea and spider mites can also affect the vineyard. To protect the plant from these pests, take ordinary household soap and dissolve it in water (a pack of soap in 10 liters of liquid).

Remember to regularly weed the weed beds. This will be no less effective prevention of various lesions of your grapes.

Following all the above instructions and tips, you can plant grapes without even being a professional gardener. Love, attention and care are the main things that you can give your still small immature vine. And then she will thank you with a rich and tasty harvest.

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    thank! very informative!!!

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