February 2019 lunar landing calendar

10.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

To determine the landing days in February 2019, you do not need to make complex calculations. All data on these issues can be found in the lunar planting calendar of the gardener. Here are the most favorable days for planting different crops.

. In heated greenhouses, even in January and February, you can sow and transplant plants. But not many gardeners have this opportunity. Therefore, use the February days for planting seedlings. For gardeners and gardeners at this time, there are other things that need to be done in February.

The relationship of the moon and terrestrial plants

It has long been scientifically proven that magnetic pulses emanating from lunar craters reach the surface of the Earth, affect the strength of the tides on our planet. Astrologers argue that this effect is also on people and plants. Long-term observations and experiments of curious gardeners, their books and notes do not refute these conclusions. But no one has yet been able to substantiate and publish materials that would confirm this hypothesis.

Plant growers themselves decide whether or not to trust the recommendations indicated on the lunar calendars. One factor in favor significantly outweighs all the judgments against. If a lot of this is written on the Internet and the media, then people are interested in such issues.

How does this happen

The moon is always facing the earth on one side. Earthlings see her in the night sky in the form of a flat disk. Within 29.5 days, its illumination changes. First, the light part gradually decreases, turns into a thin, barely noticeable sickle, then completely disappears. A day later, a bright band appears on the other hand, and begins to grow, filling the entire disk. During this time, the moon makes a complete revolution around the globe.

People divided the periods of modification of the lunar disk into four parts and called them: Full, waning, growing and New Moon. According to experts, root crops need to be sown and planted in the waning phase, and other types of fruit crops in the growing moon. The New Moon and Full Moon are the turning points of the activity of the vital forces of plants. These days you can not carry out any work with seedlings.

At a certain time, the night star falls under the influence of the constellations of the zodiac. Astrologers are confident that these stars are able to enhance, neutralize or reduce the effects of lunar impulses. All constellations make up the cosmic zodiac belt. There are twelve of them, and their names correspond to the Signs of the Zodiac.

By their ability to influence the fertility of cultivated plants, signs are divided into five groups: high productivity, medium, low, negative and neutral degree. These indicators say: if you plant seeds on days when the moon is influenced by these signs, then:

  • seedlings will develop well;
  • when transplanted into the ground, it will quickly take root;
  • productivity will increase by 10-15%.
The rules for sowing seeds and seedlings must be followed. Any violations of the technology will lead to negative results. Even the fact that the plants were planted on auspicious days will not save them.

Event Schedule

In the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 2019, an approximate work plan for this month is indicated. It lists fruits and vegetables that can be planted for seedlings, and identifies the most suitable days for this.

Number Moon Zodiac signs General work Sowing crops
1 Waning



In the garden, the paths are cleared of snow, trampled around the trees. Pure snow melt to get melt water for watering seedlings Radish, radish (in heated greenhouses)
2 Waning Capricorn Continue the same work. Preparing seeds for seedlings of vegetables Also
3 Waning Capricorn Snow water is harvested and containers are placed in a warm room. Also
4 Waning Aquarius Start pruning trees and whitewashing trunks and thick branches (in the southern regions)
5 New Aquarius Harvested cuttings for propagation of fruit trees in the spring
6 Growing Fish Continue harvesting cuttings
7 Growing Fish Purify fruit tree stems from dried bark, treat them with lime solutions Cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes, greens, cabbage. Biennial and perennial flowers
8 Growing Fish You can start grafting apples, cherries, pears, cherries Same thing but exclude tomatoes
9 Growing Aries The adhering snow is carefully knocked off the crown, damaged branches are cut Hot peppers, flowers
10 Growing Aries Chemical traps are laid around bushes and trees to control rodents. Hot peppers, flowers
11 Growing calf In greenhouses, garbage is removed, last year's beds are cleaned, the earth is dug up Cucumbers eggplant, bell peppers, greens, cabbage, flowers
12 Growing calf Form new platforms for seedlings of vegetables, berries, perennial flowers, herbs The same, add perennial seeds and herbs
13 Growing calf Fertilize previously planted seedlings, moisten the soil, dive The same, exclude greens
14 Growing Twins Inspect seeds harvested on their own, damaged seeds are removed Parsley, peas, beans
15 Growing Twins Soaked crop seeds for planting on seedlings The same, add dill, watercress, flowers
16 Growing Cancer Bulb and perennial preparations of perennials are taken out from cold storages; Cucumbers, eggplant, sweet pepper, hot pepper, greens, cabbage, flowers
17 Growing Cancer Harvested cuttings of berry bushes for spring propagation, grafted in autumn, removed from the cellars for warming. Also
18 Growing a lion Inspect the greenhouses, determine the plan of work for their repair. Indoor cleaning, wall and ceiling are treated with antiseptics
19 Full a lion Hanging feeders on trees to attract birds
20 Waning Virgo In greenhouses, beds are prepared for sowing early root crops and greens
21 Waning Virgo Prepare the seeds for planting: soak, germinate, disinfect Early beets, carrots
22 Waning Libra Tree strains freed from snow cover are treated with lime mortar. The same, add turnips, parsnip
23 Waning Libra Before planting root crops make a complex fertilizer Radish, radish (in greenhouses)
24 Waning Scorpio Cut bushes of gooseberries, currants. Cuttings are prepared for spring propagation Cucumbers eggplant, Bell pepper, greens, radish and radish (in greenhouses)
25 Waning Scorpio Take care of previously planted seedlings: water, dive, feed Also
26 Waning Sagittarius Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and cabbage are harvested in heated greenhouses Onions on greens, leeks
27 Waning Sagittarius Cut ripe greens: dill, parsley, onion, salad Also
28 Waning Capricorn Perform an audit of all work performed. Eliminate deficiencies Radishes, radishes, beets, carrots (in heated greenhouses)

In the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for February 2019, there are days on which it is forbidden to work with plants: from 4 to 6 and from 18 to 20 inclusive. Plants these days are weak, fragile sprouts. The embryo located in the seed will not receive a positive impulse for successful development. At best, it will lag behind in growth from seedlings planted at another time, and at worst it will die.

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Household and other work that does not concern plants can be performed at any phases of the moon. If these manipulations are carried out on forbidden or dangerous days near seedlings, try not to damage them, do not risk. Better transfer such events to another day.


Flowers on the windowsill, curly vines in wall-mounted flowerpots and modest succulents near the computer require constant care and attention. They are sensitive to the influence of the moon no less than garden crops. Therefore, they need to be propagated, fed and transplanted also on certain days:

  • climbing plants are sown with seeds to obtain seedlings on February 1, 2, 8-12, February 14-17.
  • Days from 6 to 12, from 21 to 24 are favorable for picking and transplanting seedlings of indoor flowers.
  • propagation of plants by cuttings is best done 6-12, 15-17, 27 and 28.
  • planting of bulbous and tuberous flower crops is provided for February 6-12, 14-17, 21-23 and 28.

To carry out other work to care for indoor plants in February 2019, there are also recommended days:

  • plants are watered on February 2, 3, 7, 8, 21, 22, 24, and 26;
  • fertilize and feed 2, 3, 6-8, 14, 21, 22 and 24;
  • treated from pests 2, 3, 7;
  • conduct preventive and anti-aging pruning 18, 26, 28;
  • loosen the substrate in pots on February 1, 4, 5, 17, 19 and 28.

Plants are given rest on the 1st, 5th, 10th, 19th, 20th and 27th. These are forbidden and dangerous days.


In the southern regions of the country in February, the first insects are already awakening. Not only useful, but also harmful to plants. Pest control should be started immediately.

Pests feel the influence of lunar impulses no less than plants. In the growing phase of the moon, they are activated, and in the waning phase, they slow down and become less active. At this time, they are more susceptible to the effects of pesticides and folk remedies to combat them.

For preventive work in February, choose any day with a waning lunar stage. They will be most effective on the 26th or 27th.

Measures to protect garden and indoor plants from diseases are also carried out on these recommended days. If it is not possible to comply with the deadlines, do not worry. A suitable time would be the whole period when the moon is waning.

What the moon promises

Novice gardeners ask questions that are related to the lunar effect on plant growth. They doubt whether there will be any benefit from carrying out work to care for seedlings on favorable days. There are no scientifically based answers to these questions. Curious gardeners constantly, over the years, conduct practical experiments. They concluded that there is benefit:

  • when planting seeds on the necessary days, the embryo receives a beneficial impulse from the Moon, which gives it good qualities, stimulates successful development throughout the entire growing season;
  • caring for plants on fertile days reinforces this focus; as a result, seedlings grow and develop in the right mode;
  • qualitative indicators of plant vegetation are improving: fruit ovaries are formed by 10-15 percent more, which means that productivity increases by these percent;
  • seedlings are less sick, pests bypass them;
  • the fruits of such plants are formed in the correct form (depending on the variety), they are more delicious and juicy, their shelf life increases by 20-25%.
You can create your own lunar calendar. Observe the plants in your garden. Record bad and good results. Based on the results, draw conclusions whether to trust the information and recommendations of the lunar calendars.


Information drawn from calendars is not a panacea.Plants during the growing season feel the impact of the environment. Conditions may change every day. They affect crops positively or negatively, regardless of when their seeds are planted.

We can conclude that such information is needed by people. She helps gardeners and gardeners draw up an approximate schedule for gardening and sowing seeds in their plots. Read, learn, share your experiences. Good luck.


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