The proper cultivation of pepper seedlings

12.03.2015 Pepper

Planting pepper for seedlingsGardeners understand that pepper seedlings at home require special attention. Only with the right approach to the initial stage will it be possible to grow strong seedlings that will survive the transplantation in open ground and give an excellent harvest. By the way, landing days can be verified with Lunified calendar.

What you need to grow pepper for seedlings

Seed pots

Small containers in which seeds will be planted. You can buy convenient pots of this type in specialized stores, or you can use clean jars of yogurt or sour cream. It is important to plant the plant in a separate pot so that they do not intertwine with the roots during growth. Then it will turn out to plant the pepper in the open ground as carefully as possible, without damage. Often it is the damage to the root that causes the seedlings to not take root after planting on the beds.

Seed selection

To choose seeds for seedlings you need not too old. Those seeds of peppers which have lain for three years or more are considered old. Germination of young seeds will be excellent, but old ones will not please with such indicators. If seeds are to be harvested on their own, it is important to provide them with the correct storage conditions. They include insulation from heat sources, as well as protection against moisture.

How to grow good pepper seedlings

Growing place

Seeds are planted in pots, but now you need to find a good place for them to sprout. Peppers love the sunny side, therefore, you can put them on the southern windows. If there is insufficient light (for example, when seedlings are planted in February), then it will be necessary to provide it with additional artificial lighting. For these purposes, ordinary table lamps are suitable.


Of course, choosing garden soil for growing pepper seedlings is not a good option. It is better to buy peat mixed with land in a one-to-one ratio at the store. Moreover, the land from the garden must be taken in the fall. There is also a great way to grow pepper seedlings. Pepper seedlings at home in peat tablets will turn out strong, quickly rise, and in the end, each bush will delight with a rich harvest.

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Features of growing pepper seedlings

Interesting! Peat tablets at an affordable cost can be bought today in almost any specialized store. Growing on tablets allows you to not prepare the soil separately, moreover, in many situations, additional feeding of seedlings is not even required. As practice shows, plants grown on tablets transfer the transplant well to the open ground and give a rich harvest.

Other features of growing seedlings

If we proceed according to the scheme described in this article, when a separate jar is selected for each seed, then a pick will not be needed. In other cases, a picking of pepper seedlings at home is carried out when the first 2-3 leaves appear on the plant. Peppers need to be planted promptly, otherwise, with growth, the roots will begin to weave, and replanting peppers without injuries will be extremely difficult.

Small jars must have openings to drain excess water. Of course, there are no such openings in jars of sour cream, but it is not difficult to make them yourself. Next, fill each container with prepared soil, leave room for water to be collected during irrigation (not more than a centimeter). Pour the soil.

Secrets of Rotating Peppers

Before boarding the seeds will need to be soaked for 4 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate (you can use a solution of a growth stimulator). It is best to plant pepper seeds in early March. Peppers can shoot up to one month.But a lot here depends on the seeds, there are cases when the first peppers hatch already after a week.

Next, you will need to plant 2-3 seeds in each prepared jar with soil and sprinkle them with earth a little. Cover with foil and send to a warm place until germination. Every day, check the soil for moisture.

When the sprouts appear, then put the banks in a bright place on the south side so that the seedlings do not stretch out much. The edge of the film opens slightly, but it is completely removed only after another five days. Seedlings must be regularly watered, but in moderation: over-drying or overfilling is not allowed. Many, especially novice gardeners, are interested in the issue of feeding pepper seedlings at home. This can be done once every ten days using mineral or peat fertilizers.

How to grow a delicious pepper

Interesting! If the temperature on the street is already above +5 degrees Celsius, then in the afternoon it is recommended to place pepper seedlings on the balcony. Maximum sun and heat will make the seedlings of this vegetable strong.

In how to plant pepper seeds on seedlings and grow strong seedlings at home, there are absolutely no difficulties. This culture does not require special care: a sufficient amount of light, heat and water. Some tricks will help ensure that the seeds will please with germination, and plants already planted in the ground - an excellent harvest.

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