Description of the Albion Strawberry Variety and Care Features

10.12.2016 Strawberry

Strawberry Strawberry "Albion", a description of the variety, photos, reviews show that this is a fairly common berry that gardeners like. The peculiarity of the variety is that its selection occurred relatively recently, only about ten years ago in California. But since such a strawberry It has already spread throughout the world and, if we take just the North American varieties of garden strawberries, then Albion can be called the most common.

An important feature that is always distinguished in the description of this variety is the possibility of obtaining a constant crop throughout the summer period. Bushes begin to bear fruit already in late May, and the last berries are harvested, as a rule, in September.

Glafira Adamovna, 63 years old: “I live far from my children and grandchildren. They try to come to visit in the summer for at least a couple of weeks, and I always want to please them with fresh berries from their site. But each year, the arrival time is different and before they just did not get on strawberries. Now I grow Albion and the problem has disappeared by itself. The main thing is that relatives come in the summer, and there will still be more or less strawberries ”.

In order for strawberries of this variety to please the harvest all year round, all the important requirements in the process of growing them must be met. Under such conditions, in the open ground, the bushes will bear fruit for 90 days, and in greenhouse conditions they can bear fruit for 120 days. For a full period of summer, one bush gives about two kilograms of berries during the season. And this is the first strawberry that appears after sowing the seeds the next year.


About the merits of the variety

Description of the Albion strawberry variety with photos and reviews can take a lot of time. Because, it is a good garden strawberry which exclusively pleases gardeners. The bushes grow medium or large, they have a pronouncedly developed tri-lobed leaves, they have a rich shade of malachite. The flowers are large and strong, arranged in a circle.

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As for the sweet fruits themselves, then in this variety they are also quite large. In particular, the weight reaches about 40 grams, often reaches 50 grams. With drought and intense heat, the fruits become smaller, but do not disappear at all. The photo shows that this strawberry has an elongated conical shape, saturated scarlet color. The pulp of the fruit is dense, aromatic and very juicy.

Strawberries of this variety are resistant to air drought, but an insufficient amount of moisture in the soil does not tolerate well. Similarly, this variety is vulnerable to freezing roots. Especially according to reviews, they note resistance to such common strawberry diseases as gray fruit rot and leaf anthracosis. The bushes themselves form a few mustaches and rosettes, so that, if desired, the plant can be successfully propagated by seeds.

Important! Long-distance transportation berries of this variety are well tolerated. They can maintain their original appearance without releasing juice for a long time.

Peter Pavlovich, 65 years old: “I would like to note that the fruiting of the“ Albion ”strawberry is completed in late autumn. That is, for the Kuban, where I live, this variety of berries is ideal. But in other colder regions of the country, the fruiting period can be extended if film bushes are provided for the bushes. ”

Strawberry Albion

Observe the features of planting garden strawberries "Albion":

  1. The plant is recommended to be planted on the open and sunny side.
  2. For growing crops, choose light soil, clay soil and slightly acidic soil are also suitable.
  3. In the sandy soil, this strawberry will grow, but the berries will be large and not sweet. On clay soil, the berries will be small, but very sweet.
  4. The soil for growing this garden strawberry must be fertile to increase nutritional value, regularly fertilize the earth.
  5. Directly on the quality of seedlings will depend on the amount of yield. If the root system of seedlings is good, then in the end it will quickly grow. At the same time, the root neck of each seedling bush during planting should not exceed 6 mm.
  6. The distance between the bushes to observe about 30 cm, between the rows must be at least leave a free space of 70 cm.
  7. For 10-14 days, withstand seedlings in a cold place, and then only plant in open prepared soil.
  8. Before planting seedlings, moisten the soil, seedlings deepen down no more than two centimeters.

Strawberry "Albion": variety description, photos, reviews confirm the information that from each bush it will be possible to collect up to two kilograms of berries and this is not in any particular month, but during the entire summer season, when there is continuous active fruiting.

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    Marina Krylova

    Tell me where you can buy this variety, tendrils? I live in Kazan.

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