Overview of hot pepper varieties for indoor and outdoor cultivation

6.04.2018 Pepper

It is difficult to imagine various national cuisines without adding hot hot pepper pods. This spicy plant came to our region from Bolivia, where it has been grown for 6000 years. Hot pepper is used not only when eaten, but also very common in folk medicine due to its beneficial properties.


The height of the bushes of this mid-season variety reaches a height of about a meter. From the moment sprouts appear to harvest, an average of 145 to 150 days pass. Pepper is characterized by a medium degree of sharpness and is well stored. It is used in all types: for preparations for the winter, fresh and dried. The fruits have an elongated shape with a sharp curved end, resembling a trunk.


Adjika is a mid-early variety characterized by strong and tall bushes that do not require tying. The variety is widespread due to aroma and piquant taste.

The fruits have a rich red tint, wall thickness of about 3 mm and weight 90 g. Up to 25 pods are formed on one bush.


The variety is considered adapted and most in demand among mid-season throughout Russia. Pepper begins to bear fruit 120 days after emergence. The bush is strong and sprawling, semi-ram, reaches a meter in height. The plant gives a high yield of very sharp pods.

You can harvest red peppers for a long time, since the fruiting of this variety is very stretched. Fruits weighing 10 g have a conical shape with a flat tip and a smooth surface.

Ram's horn

Hot pepper Lamb horn is a mid-season variety. It is very unpretentious, but with good care gives very high yields. Extremely sensitive to high humidity and does not tolerate stagnation of water. A characteristic feature is the color of the fruit - they can be yellow or red. In shape, they really resemble a ram's horn: at the base, the pods have an uneven ribbed surface, and the sharp tips are slightly twisted.

With frequent watering, the crop is not sharp, but in hot weather and rare watering, pepper grows very sharp. The variety tolerates transportation well and retains its presentation. The bushes are low, compact and do not require garter.

Hungarian yellow

A very beautiful variety of medium sharpness has yellow slightly curved pods with sharp tips. The fruit weighs 30–45 g. Hungarian yellow is widespread throughout the world and is considered very popular among its relatives.

It refers to the middle ripening period: fruit harvest begins on the 120th day after germination of the sprouts. The bushes grow low (40–45 cm), compact, they do not need garter and stalk formation. The variety is resistant to many diseases and low temperatures.


The ripening period of this hybrid is 150 days. The name received pepper for a very unusual and beautiful fruit - in the form of a turban. Ripe fruits have a very pungent taste and are mainly used in the preparation of marinades, salting and canning.

The bushes grow tall, so they need trellis, but bear fruit for a long time and plentifully. Planting and care of the variety are standard. The vizier is resistant to most common diseases.

Magic bouquet

The name of the variety was due to the bouquet arrangement of fruits on the bushes. It belongs to early ripening varieties - the crop can be harvested for 110-112 days. The magic bouquet is perfect for ripening in the middle lane with a short summer period.

The fruits are cone-shaped with a blunt tip, medium sharpness and very small size with thin walls. Due to the very small fruits, a yield of 1–1.5 kg per square meter is considered a record.


The hybrid variety has early ripening - the first crop can be harvested already 115 days after the growing season. Small bushes of compact size bear fruit long and plentifully.

Fruits of red color have an elongated conical shape with a sharp end. Pepper is great for fresh consumption due to its medium sharpness, juiciness and thick walls. In appearance, the variety is very beautiful and has no flaws.


Plants of this hybrid are distinguished by record yields: up to 6 kg per square meter. The plant is extremely demanding on sunlight and can easily tolerate drought, heat and temperature changes. Therefore, when growing seedlings, additional light sources will be required.

Upward-growing fruits are colored yellow and red, have a cone-shaped shape and very fleshy, sharp-tasting walls. The length of the fruit is 20 - 25 cm. The dinosaur belongs to the early ripening varieties - harvesting begins 100-110 days after the growing season. Powerful semi-spreading bushes reach a height of 60 cm.

For mother-in-law

The early ripening variety reaches maturity on 115-120 days. The bushes are quite compact, 60 cm high do not require formation and tying. The merits of the variety can be safely attributed to the friendly ripening of peppers, high productivity and excellent transportation.

Fruits 10-12 cm long have a conical shape, average weight 65 g, rich red color, strong pepper aroma and a pungent spicy taste.


Refers to varieties with early ripening: the crop ripens 100 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The Danube has gained immense popularity among Russian gardeners due to its very high yields. The plant has a height of more than a meter, so it needs a garter. The hybrid is very resistant to arid climates and temperature extremes.
Fruits have an oblong shape and green color, but sometimes there are also red tint.

Burning nose

Another mid-season variety common in Russia: peppers can be harvested already 110-115 days after emergence. A plant of determinant type 70–75 cm high.

Fruits on the bush are collected in piles as bouquets. Pepper has a strong aroma and pungent taste. In the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are green, in the stage of ripeness they are red in color, weigh 20-30 g and a length of 10 cm. Due to the thick walls, narrow glossy fruits are successfully used both fresh and in the manufacture of spices.


The early ripe variety yields very high yields already 110 days after the growing season, you can collect 5-8 kg of peppers per 1 square meter. Externally, the yellow and red fruits are not similar to the varieties of hot peppers, since they have a trapezoidal shape as in sweet varieties. But the taste is quite piquant.


The mid-ripening variety begins to bear fruit 110-115 days after emergence. The plant is compact, semi-spreading, reaches a height of 70-75 cm. The bully is an undemanding plant when leaving, resistant to drought and temperature changes, but it will need a lot of lighting.

Fruits in ripe state have green or red color, conical shape with a sharp proboscis and reach a weight of 20 g. The pulp is juicy, piquant, medium sharp with a mild aroma and a wall thickness of 2 mm. The variety is characterized by high productivity: 3.5-4 kg of peppers can be harvested per square meter.

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Mid-ripening variety ripens for 115-120 days after germination. The name of the plant speaks for itself - the fruits are characterized by increased sharpness and piquancy. The bushes are low, sprawling up to 60 cm high and do not require tying.

Peppers weighing 20-30 g have the shape of long and narrow cones of dark red color. The wall thickness is 2 mm. The variety is demanding on lighting and abundant watering - only if these conditions are met, it bears fruit abundantly: you can collect 5 kg of crop per square meter.


Impala belongs to the early varieties of pepper - ripening occurs already on 60-70 days. The hybrid has a pronounced immunity against various pests and common diseases. The bush is massive, strong, reaches a height of 70 cm and does not require tying to a support. The plant does not require frequent watering and sunlight, it tolerates heat and drought.

The plant produces large, long fruits weighing 80 g. In mature form, the vegetable has a deep red color and a narrow conical shape. Great taste, aroma, medium pungency rightly classify Impala as the best variety of hot pepper.

Cayenne bitter

Fruits in already 110 days after the growing season and belongs to mid-season varieties. A relatively new type of hot pepper has already become very widespread in the world due to its unusually burning and spicy taste. Pepper is known to many under the name Peperoni and Chile.

The plant grows up to 60 cm in height and has branched stems. The fruits of cayenne pepper have a variety of shapes and colors: they can be spherical and in the form of ordinary pods of red, yellow and even the color of dark olives. The variety gives an excellent harvest.


The fruits of an unusually beautiful variety are spherical in shape and small in size, resembling more berries. The plant can be used on the site not only for growing a sharp crop, but also for decoration. Bushes bear fruit for a long time, giving excellent yields. Low-growing pepper - only 40-50 cm high, semi-spreading and densely leafy, with pointed leaves.

The plant begins to bear fruit 110-115 days after germination. Fruits are small in diameter, reaching only 1.5–2 cm and weighing 2.5 g. The variety is resistant to adverse external factors.

Chinese fire

The Chinese fire bears fruit on 110-115 days and belongs to mid-season grades. The plant easily copes with hot and dry weather and requires a lot of sunlight. This hybrid belongs to the best grades of hot pepper due to its strong burning ability. Pepper is characterized by resistance to diseases and adverse factors. Spreading bushes reach a height of about 50 cm.

The fruits have the shape of a long curved horn, reach a length of 20-23 cm and change their color as they ripen from dark green to saturated red. The weight of the peppers is on average 50–70 g. The variety gives an excellent harvest.

The Queen of Spades

The mid-ripening variety begins to bear fruit 110-115 days after emergence. Low rounded bushes have a height of only 20-30 cm and can be perfectly used as decor on the site due to the beautiful view. The plant grows well in shady areas.

Small fruits sticking up are conical in shape. In the process of ripening, they acquire a diverse color: yellow, orange, purple, and in the stage of full ripeness they turn dark red. The length of the fruit reaches 10-12 cm, and the weight is 10-12 g. The taste of medium hot pepper with a little sweetness.


This early-ripening variety with a standard scheme of sowing and care has become widespread in Russia, as it matures in just 95 days. The bush is closed, half-stemmed of medium height (40-50 cm). The plant has a very beautiful decorative appearance, and this is its peculiarity.

The fruits are smooth and glossy 7-8 cm long. In the ripening stage, they have a whitish-green hue, and when ripening, they acquire a rich red color. The variety is large, and the flesh is juicy, aromatic and moderately sharp.Pepper is perfectly adapted for cultivation in the northern regions, tolerates adverse conditions and low temperatures.

Mother-in-law's tongue

Mother-in-law's tongue is an early ripening variety ripening in 100 days. The bushes are quite compact, 50 cm high, not requiring tying and shaping. It is grown in a standard way in all regions of the country. The variety is characterized by resistance to tobacco mosaic, rot and drought.

The plant bears fruit with peppers weighing about 50 g. Slightly curved fruits 10-12 cm long have an elongated-conical shape, green or red. Pepper has a strong aroma and pungent spicy taste.


Tula belongs to early ripening varieties - the period from the first shoots to the appearance of the fruit is an average of 95 days. The bush is standard, semi-spreading, reaches a height of 40-60 cm.The hybrid is rightfully included in the list of the best hot pepper varieties grown in Russia, as it is ideally adapted to local conditions, feels great in any soil and is resistant to common nightshade diseases.

The fruits have a saturated red color and a mass of 15-20 g. The pulp is fragrant, juicy, sharp with a wall thickness of about 4-4.5 mm. Pepper gives an excellent harvest - from one bush you can collect 500-600 g of fruit.


This is the most common mid-season variety of hot pepper in Ukraine: it takes 112-118 days to the stage of technical maturity, 140 days to the biological one. The bushes are small, semi-spreading, 35-40 cm high. Pepper tolerates even the lowest temperatures and is resistant to various viral diseases.

The fruits have a conical elongated shape with a sharp tip and intense red color in ripe form. The length of the fruit ranges from 4-9 cm, and the mass is 10-20 g. The pulp has a pronounced sharp taste, quite dense with thin walls. Pepper gives a yield of 1.5 kg per square meter.


This mid-season variety, ripening in 100 days, got its name from the capital of Cuba - Havana. The homeland of Habanero is Mexico, and currently not a single dish of Latin American cuisine can do without it. But even in the conditions of the Russian climate, the variety adapted perfectly, but when grown, it requires a lot of sunlight. Habanero belongs to peppers of very strong burning ability, and the most acute part in them is seeds.

The fruits have a characteristic heart-shaped shape, unsurpassed beauty and weigh about 15 g. The color of peppers in biological maturity is diverse: orange, red, pink or white. The variety has a floral aroma and is used in cooking in fresh and dried forms in all types of dishes.


The variety got its name from the place where it grows in Mexico. This mid-season variety is widespread throughout the world; its fruiting begins after 110 days. Although he is used to growing in hot conditions, and is very demanding on sunlight, the plant has taken root well in the Russian climate. The bushes are tall, reach a height of 1 meter and require the formation and tying.

Fruits in the ripening stage grow 5-8 cm in length and weigh about 50 g. The shape of the peppers is narrow and conical with a blunt tip. In the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits have a green color, and then they turn red and acquire a glossy shine. The pulp is sharp with pronounced sweetness.

Dragon tongue

Dragon's tongue refers to varieties with early ripening: 95-105 days pass from the appearance of sprouts to full ripening. The variety is represented by strong sprawling bushes 65-70 cm high, on which the fruits ripen very amicably. The variety is characterized by cold resistance and high immunity to common diseases, therefore it is intended for cultivation in all regions of Russia and is undemanding in care.

Narrow red fruits have a drooping appearance on the bushes and a conical shape with a slightly curved sharp end. The mass of the fruit is 15-25 g, and the length varies from 10 to 10 cm. The pulp is characterized by a very pleasant aroma and strong stinginess.From a square meter of planting, you can collect up to 2 kg of peppers.


Those who already have experience in growing hot pepper varieties in central Russia note that most of them feel great in cold climates and are undemanding in care. Fruits can be consumed in all forms: pickle, preserve, freeze, dry and grind. Hot peppers not only give excellent harvests, but also look very nice on a personal plot, playing with all the colors of the rainbow and capturing the eyes of neighbors.

Giving a little attention to the plants, providing them with regular watering and sunlight, lovers of spicy dishes will be able to enjoy the results of their work all winter.

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