Description and description of sweet and bitter pepper for a balcony

19.02.2018 Pepper

Peppers can be grown not only in the country house, large industrial greenhouse hangars, but also in your own balcony. What varieties of pepper are best suited for this and whether it is possible to get a crop no worse than in the garden, now we will tell.

Description and description of pepper for a balcony

Growing pepper on the balcony is becoming a popular thing among many housewives who want to get fresh vegetables when there is no plot in the country. An ideal place to grow pepper is a balcony. The photophilous and hygrophilous plant with pleasure will be placed in your apartment. The balcony should be located on the south, west or east side, so that the plant is fed by the sun throughout the day.

On the balcony, you can plant both sweet pepper and bitter. Growing pepper on a balcony is like caring for indoor flowers, which are more demanding to care for. The main thing is to choose the right variety that will take root and bear fruit.

The variety must be:

  •                   determinant. Tall plants are impractical, and undersized plants are great for growing in pots. Recommended plant height - 40-50 cm.;
  •                   with a non-sprawling root system. This factor is one of the most important, because some plants may not have enough space in the pot, and they will begin to die;
  •                   with a long fruiting period. Some plants, after a certain amount of ovary, stop releasing flowers and continue to bear fruit. Hot pepper will delight you longer than sweet pepper.

Rules for growing pepper on the balcony

Compliance with certain rules for growing pepper on the balcony will provide excellent yield indicators. Consider the basic elements of proper cultivation and care of a vegetable crop:

Pepper soil preparation.

To grow pepper, you need to prepare the soil in which you will plant the seed material. You can prepare the soil for planting yourself, but in the conditions of the city it is difficult to find turfy soil, organic fertilizers, so it’s easier to buy ready-made soil, with all the necessary elements.

     Purchased land should already be disinfected, but to be safe, treat the soil additionally. This can be done with a solution based on the Fitosporin preparation or with a manganese solution (painted in a slightly pink color).


Pepper care on the balcony.

Seed is sown in cassettes or in a box so that they can be covered with a film, creating a small greenhouse until the seeds germinate. Upon reaching 10-15 cm, the plants are transplanted into separate pots. Use ceramic or plastic pots, but always with a capacity of at least 6 liters.

Top dressing should be done when at least three leaves appear on the plant. For feeding, you can use a solution based on 10 liters. water, 50 g of urea, 125 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt. In the case of a small number of plants, reduce the volume of water and, accordingly, fertilizer. One plant needs 50-100 ml. liquid top dressing.

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The air temperature on the balcony should be at least + 20-25 degrees. To maintain humidity, periodically use a spray bottle to humidify the room.

Do not place plants near a direct heat source (heater, battery). If you place pots of pepper near them, then the sprouts will begin to wither and lose moisture.

You do not need to tie up and pinch headquarters bushes. Water pepper is worth water at room temperature to protect against the occurrence of a black leg. Tap water must be settled before irrigation.

Before flowering, plants are fertilized with potash and phosphorus fertilizers so that the fruits grow fleshy and tasty.

Agrotechnical techniques

  •                   you do not need to fight weeds;
  •                   periodically it will be necessary to loosen the soil, because a crust will form from the water. Loosening allows you to saturate the roots with oxygen, thereby accelerating the process of gas exchange, which means the development of the plant;
  •                   mulch the soil. To do this, you can buy hay in a store where they sell food to various animals. Mulch will reduce soil evaporation, and maintain heat balance;
  •                   the appearance of pests when growing plants on the balcony is excluded, since they have nowhere to take in the apartment and in general in urban areas.

Varieties of pepper for the balcony

On the balcony, anyone can grow sweet and hot peppers. In taste, vegetables are absolutely identical to fruits grown in a greenhouse or on an exhaust gas.

Hot peppers for the balcony

  • Variety "Hungarian yellow" represents hot pepper with excellent quality indicators. The stunted plants will allow you to grow it on the balcony. Yellow pepper in technical ripeness already reaches a mass of 60 grams with a wall thickness of 3-4 mm. Ripe red fruits. On one head bush, up to 30 peppers are formed.
  • "Jalapeno orange" is a member of the Jalapeno pepper group, stands out for its orange color of the fruit. Bushes plants decorative. The fruit weighs no more than 50 grams, and the maximum length is 9 cm. Vegetables are very burning, therefore they are used in the preparation of spicy dishes. On the bush, 30-35 peppers are tied for the entire growing season.
  • "Early jalapenos" - pepper with an early ripening fruit, 80 days after transplanting seedlings into pots. This variety requires good watering, only then the pepper will quickly gain mass in 30-40 grams. The diameter of the Jalapeno is 2-3 cm, and the length is 4-8 cm.
  • "Jalapeno purple" - medium hot pepper with a weight of 35-40 grams. Tiny fruits in deep purple. The bushes grow low, the root system will feel great in a pot. During the fruiting period, 25-35 fruits are tied to the plant.
  • "Jalapeno yellow" among all types of "Jalapeno", this variety stands out with a pleasant spicy taste with sourness. Grows a small mass, 25-30 grams. On a sprawling, headquarters bush looks very beautiful. On one plant, 30-35 peppercorns are formed.
  • The Magic Bouquet pepper has a bouquet arrangement of fruits. The bushes reach a height of 70 cm. The fruits are small, only 2.7 g. In one formed bunch there are 5-10 peppercorns. Used in the preparation of spicy dishes, pickling.
  • "Fiery volcano" refers to a tall species of plants that will need a garter to support. The fruits are narrowly triangular. In length reach 10 cm, with a wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm. Weight is 15-20 grams. The fruits are painted fiery red. It is used for making paprika, hot sauces, and drying.

Varieties of sweet pepper for the balcony

  • Maikop 470 is a sweet, high-yielding variety with a maturity of 110-120 days. Bushes are formed up to a height of 45 cm. The fruits are uneven in shape, can be trihedral or tetrahedral, but all are of a pyramidal type. Ripe fruits are juicy and sweet, stand out in dark red.
  • "Winnie the Pooh" - pepper with small fruits, 45-60 grams, but with a very soft and juicy pulp. The wall thickness in this case reaches 5-8 mm. The variety will be pleased with its ripening period, 107-115 days. The plant does not grow more than 30 cm, so it will look like an ordinary indoor flower.
  • "Mysterious Island" is a very early variety of sweet pepper, fruits in technical ripeness can be eaten for 85 days, after germination. The bushes are small, of a bouquet type, 35-45 cm. The fruits are arranged in bouquets and directed upwards with their spouts. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 80 grams.
  • "Dwarf" is a great pepper for planting on the balcony. The determinant plant is slightly leafy, the height is not more than 40 cm. Pepper mass is 50-60 grams, the fruits are conical with a blunt nose. The pulp is thick 6-8 mm. Peppers contain a high percentage of vitamin C.
  • "Agapovsky" - begins to bear fruit early, on the 100th day from seedling emergence. Attracts with its large fruits, 120 grams. Bushes are medium-sized, compact. The vegetables are shaped like a prism. The skin is shiny, red.
  • “Siberian Firstborn” is a stable variety of pepper suitable for growing on the balcony. The bushes are slightly spreading, shtambovye, no more than 45 cm high. Pyramidal peppers, small, 40-68 grams. The walls of the pulp are thick, 8-10 mm. Productivity is stable, not subject to sharp changes in the microclimate.
  • Pinocchio is a popular hybrid of sweet peppers. Cone-shaped, smooth, dark red fruits cannot, not attract attention. The walls are dense and thick, 7-8 mm. Very juicy and sweet. The plant grows to 1 m. Therefore, it will be necessary to establish a support for it.
  • "Watercolor" is an elongated sweet pepper, 10-15 cm long. The fruits are tiny, 20-30 grams, but very sweet. The bushes are highly leafy, 50-80 cm high. The yield is high, the load is 30-60 pieces on the plant at the same time. Vegetables are painted in red-violet color.
  • Treasure Island is a variety of pepper that is valued for its ability to adapt to growing conditions. Fruits of blunt conical shape, weighing 50-60 grams. The skin is smooth, the pulp is dense, it tastes good. Bushes are low, 40-60 cm. Ripe vegetables are painted red with a crimson tint.
  • “Gift of Moldova” is a bell pepper characterized by drooping cone-shaped fruits of red color. Pine bushes will decorate your balcony. The height of the plant does not exceed 40 cm. On average, vegetables grow in a mass of 100-145 grams. Mid-ripening period.


Tatyana Mikhailovna:

I grew pepper on the balcony for the first time. When I was told that pepper can be grown in an apartment, I didn’t believe it, so I decided to try it for fun. Really grows and bears fruit. The most important thing is to grow seedlings, and then maintain a constant temperature regime. Watered like ordinary indoor flowers. At first it loosened the earth, but then it stopped, since the roots were very close to the surface. Grew three bushes of hot pepper and five sweet. Not only could pepper be eaten, it also became a decoration on the balcony. I advise everyone to try to grow pepper on the balcony.


Taisia ​​Konstantinovna:

I always wanted to grow my vegetables, but I couldn’t manage to buy a plot outside the city, so I began to plant almost all garden crops in my potted balcony. A favorite thing was growing pepper. Staff peppers are very practical and unpretentious. The husband loves hot peppers. I really liked the Jalapeno peppers. Every year I plan to grow new varieties of pepper and other crops to show my friends and acquaintances that this is real, and even if they do not dare to try to create a small garden in their apartment.

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