Ways to deal with hogweed in the area

7.08.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to deal with hogweed in a summer cottageIf you do not take care of the fight against hogweed immediately, as he was spotted on the site, then a harmless fight can develop into a war with this plant for more than one season. The fact is that hogweed is a plant that transfers many diseases, which is its strength. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage.

Why is it difficult to get rid of hogweed

Hogweed belongs to the genus of annual plants, but this does not prevent it from growing again and again in a summer cottage.

The strength of the hogweed, and as a result a difficult struggle with the weed, is determined by the following factors:

  • Accelerated plant growth - in one day the hogweed can grow by 10 centimeters;
  • Cutting off the stem (which many do in trying to get rid of the weed), sleeping buds wake up, which is why attempts to bear new fruit can last up to 15 years;
  • Hogweed is a self-pollinated plant;
  • A plant alone can hold up to 70,000 seeds;
  • The root of the formed plant goes into the ground to a depth of 30 centimeters;
  • Hogweed seeds are toxic and dangerous not only for other plants, but also for humans;
  • Germination lasts up to 5 years;
  • Hogweed stubbornly tolerates frosts;

In view of such "strengths", it is important to know how to deal with cow parsnip in a summer cottage. Fortunately, the weed also has weaknesses. And even if they are much smaller, they can be used to the detriment of the plant. Read about which lawn grass helps weed on participation.

What can be used against hogweed

To know how to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage, you should study its weaknesses, which include the following:

  • Hogweed needs sunlight;
  • Hogweed does not like excess water and its stagnation;
  • The plant does not breed rhizome;
  • Hogweed is an annual plant;

At a soil depth of 30 centimeters or more, seeds germinate only in exceptional cases. Having looked through this list, one can already guess how to deal with the cow parsnip in a summer cottage. But, before embarking on this lesson, you should remember about the toxicity of the plant, and do not forget to use safety precautions.

Precautionary measures

Since direct contact with hogweed can harm human health and burn the skin, you should know how to protect yourself in this case. After all, it is easier to prevent such burns than to treat them later.

You may be interested in:

1. When dealing with cow parsnip or working in areas where it grows, always wear gloves and a mask that protects the visual organ.
2. Wear clothing that covers all areas of the skin, as well as made of waterproof material.
3. So that weed juice does not accidentally get on the skin through the sleeve, it is better if gum is sewn at the end of the sleeve.
4. Work should only be in boots or boots, no slates or sneakers that open part of the foot.

And only after the necessary equipment is ready, you can begin to work on how to deal with the cow parsnip in the country (video).

Weed Control Methods

It is advisable to start weed control before flowering, and it is best to use an integrated approach in several ways to guarantee a goodbye to the problem. About, rat and mouse repeller which is better choose?

The first thing you can do is dig the root of the plant.After all, hogweed cannot breed by rhizome, which means it cannot develop further! But, when digging up, difficulties may arise, since the root of the plant is deep enough. But, because of the effectiveness of this method, you can work hard. If the plant is still young, then it can easily be pulled out of the ground by hands. This is best done after rain, when the soil is wet and pliable.

hogweed on the site

Another way to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage is to cut umbrellas. Most often, this method is used when the plant has already managed to throw out umbrellas, but the seeds did not have time to ripen. Umbrellas are cut and burned. But, how to remember. Even after cutting the umbrellas, the plant can shoot, so the procedure will have to be repeated periodically.

If seed ripening has begun, then we can safely proceed to the least measure of struggle - this is burning. Usually, the entire area on which the weed grows is burned immediately. But, this does not mean that the problem does not appear again, so this method is rarely used.

How to deal with hogweed in the country

Despite the fact that many gardeners are categorically against the use of chemicals in their area, which, although they can harm unnecessary plants, but can also harm the right plants, you can still use one tricky way. Namely, to use the folk method of how to deal with the cow parsnip in the country. It is necessary to introduce 2 ml of diesel fuel directly into the stalk of a hogweed (using a syringe for these purposes), the plant will begin to die slowly. A safe method for other plants, and detrimental to the annoying hogweed. Secrets how is created Tomathouse.com for seniors.

It’s important to know the methods of how to deal with cow parsnip in a summer cottage so that the weed does not grow so that there is no living space left on the plot. The sooner you start caring for the territory, the more likely it is to be protected from weed.

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