What lawn grass kills weeds

19.03.2016 Flowers

Lawn grass that destroys weedsIs there a lawn grass that kills weeds? In this material, we will consider this issue in detail, so that each person can decide clearly and precisely which type of lawn grass to choose for landscaping their site. Weeds on the lawn are dangerous, they make it yellow, they take water and nutrients from the soil. So, you must fight them.

Previously, only the mechanical method was used to remove weeds on the lawn. When the grass sprouted, they uprooted it, fertilized the soil. But it requires a lot of strength and patience. So, why not go the other way, and even before sowing the grass, cultivate the soil correctly so that the lawn grass has the strength to fight weeds itself? A lot of useful information on the topic of lawn grass, which destroys weeds, can be found in the reviews. We suggest in this material to consider this issue in all details. An interesting way to spend growing potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling.

The main functions of lawn grass

For lawn grass, special perennial grasses appear. They are ways to spread along the ground in such a way that they form a uniform grassy cover. By the type of lawns are decorative and shade-tolerant, as well as sports.

When sowing a lawn, pay attention to how future green cover will be resistant to walking on it. Of course, for decorative lawns, among other things, an aesthetic appearance is very important. Lawns help cleanse the air, they muffle external noise and simply delight the eye with bright greenery.

smooth lawn without weeds

Lawn Weeds

Lawn grass is not often able to independently control weeds, which cause it a lot of harm. But there is a way of struggle, however, about it follows take care in advance. Wild weeds survive under any conditions and can appear anywhere. Even high-quality pre-cultivation of the land is not always a guarantee that weeds will not appear again.

To make the lawn always look good, you need to constantly look after it. Do not do without weeding, without additional power, as well as chemical and mechanical processing. While there is no lawn grass that could completely resist the appearance of weeds. Their seeds will still be carried by the wind, and no one is safe from the fact that weeds will appear again on the lawn even after quality processing.

Important! Despite the above information, many videos talk about how there is lawn grass that kills weeds. If treatment is carried out for prevention in a timely manner, then the weeds will not strangle the lawn grass, and it can develop well.

Lawn grass that destroys weeds
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About weed control

To help the lawn grow actively and beautifully, it is necessary to carry out its additional processing. The first stage of processing is carried out in the ground before the start of the main sowing. The soil needs to be dug up, chemical fertilizers should be added to it. Nitrogen-based fertilizers are also applied in the spring, and in the autumn, based on potassium and phosphorus.

AT lawn growth period it must be cut, beveled. Many weeds do not tolerate such constant interference with their growth. It is especially important to closely monitor the lawn in the first year of its growth. In subsequent years, with the right approach, the time and labor costs of lawn care will be reduced.

What varieties of grass to use for the lawn to control weeds and not lose decorative properties:

  • Polevozhnosnaya polevole.The peculiarity of this herb is that it must be constantly watered, especially in hot weather. But, it resists weeds at 100%.
  • Red fescue is good in that it is resistant to a sharp drop in temperature.
  • Meadowgrass meadow is not afraid of frost. If the seeds will winter on the street, but nothing will happen to the plant and next year the lawn will begin to grow actively and beautifully.
  • Small clover does not require constant feeding or frequent watering. It perfectly protects its territory and does not allow weeds to break through.

Preparing for sowing territory

In order to please the lawn from the first planting, it is important to start preparing for its sowing within six months. First of all, a plot of land is being prepared. It is necessary to remove garbage from it, level the ground and conduct additional processing with a special chemical composition. Then dig the site and, if the hiring has an old dried grass, then it should be completely removed.

lawn without weeds

After a month, the preparation is repeated, and in conclusion, mineral as well as organic fertilizers are applied. Proper preparation of the land is only half the battle, now you need to select seeds for sowing.

Which seeds to choose

Here you should focus on the information that has already been given above. What kind of lawn grasses not only grow perfectly and delight in appearance, but also prevent weeds from appearing. Before planting seeds, the soil needs to be slightly compacted. Then scatter the seeds at the rate of forty grams of seeds per square meter of land. Throw seeds in different directions, evenly. For this, by the way, many recommend using a special seeder.

When the sowing is finished, you need to easily walk on it with a rake. Then sprinkle the seeds with a mixture of peat, the layer should not exceed 1.5 cm. Next, walk along the seeds with a skating rink so that they are properly pressed into the soil. It is important to keep moisture in the ground, so then straw should be laid out on it. When moistening the soil, water should not erode the ground, because, sprouts are weak and tender, they can be easily washed off. If the street is hot, then the lawn should be watered three times a day.

Advice! Planting grass on the lawn can be carried out from mid-spring until autumn. You need to choose a dry day without wind.

It should be clearly understood that its lawn grass is bred, which destroys weeds by 100%. But many types of grass for lawns do not allow weeds in large numbers to break into their territory. Lawn without weeds will grow rapidly and activelypleasing to the eye. The first laying of the lawn is recommended in autumn. We hope that now it has become easier for you to decide which seeds to choose in order to sow the land with a beautiful lawn.

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