Timing of spraying trees and shrubs in the spring from pests

15.04.2016 Diseases and Pests

When to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pestsMany summer residents determine the time when to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests, as they say "by eye" or are too in a hurry with the process and do everything in advance. But more and more often you can find different articles on the topic that spraying gardens with pesticides in the spring is not worth it, because not only pests, but also insects that pollinate gardens are destroyed in this way. As a result, such an incorrect approach can lead to the formation of ovaries on fruit trees and shrubs.

There are strictly scientific methods for determining when to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests. If you follow these deadlines, you will succeed in doing everything correctly and on time. As a result, the trees will be protected from parasites, but the beneficial insects that should pollinate the flowers will not remain damaged. How to organize garden for lazy people.

Specific dates and recommendations when to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests

In March

The best time to spray these trees from pests is the period of March and the very beginning of April. These trees require early work in the garden, in addition to spraying, they include the removal of dry bark, the destruction of the nests of the gold-shingles and hawthorn, who like to winter these trees in the bark.

Important! When pruning is carried out, it is imperative to cut out the annual shoots on which wintering silkworm eggs are located. If you do not get rid of them on time, then in the future, by the end of spring, this can lead to serious negative consequences.

solutions for spraying the garden

In April

As for April, the apple trees can begin handle from apple blossomsif the temperature in the yard is warm and a few days have been established at least in the region of 4-6 degrees of heat. At the end of April, it will be necessary to process apples and pears from scab and fruit rot. During the period of swelling of the kidneys, spray with a 1% mixture of 100 grams of copper sulfate with 100 grams of lime, which are diluted in ten liters of water.

In addition, you can carry out additional treatment of trees with the drug "HOM", which is bred in the amount of 40 grams per ten liters of water. When the buds begin to bloom on the pear, tick treatment should be carried out, for this, colloidal sulfur is used.

In May

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We move further on the timing and recommendations when to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests. As for May, here we will have to carry out additional processing during the flowering period. At this time, there is a danger that the caterpillars of the leafworm will damage the tree. You can use any biologically active drug for spraying.

spraying the garden from pests

After the flowering of the trees is completed, they should be checked for the presence of scale insects. If a parasite is detected, then an additional treatment is carried out with the appropriate chemical product, which can be bought at a flower shop. If moth is detected on the plants, the Fozolon Rogor-S preparation can be used for processing in May.

In May, you also need to protect your trees and shrubs from the possible development of a bucket, a powdery rose. For processing of this type, 2 ml of the drug “Skor” is taken, which is diluted in ten liters of water. You can also use the drug "Topaz", which is bred in exactly the same proportions.At the end of May, when the temperature is already stable at ten degrees Celsius, moths may appear on the plant. If this parasite in the garden has a place to be, then it will be necessary to treat the trees with insecticides. This is done in the evening. Seedlings purchased in MarchHow to save them before landing?


Despite the fact that the request in this article refers specifically to spring processing, experienced gardeners who are competent in caring for trees and shrubs know that additional treatment of trees may also be necessary in early summer. Again, in the summer, moths often appear on plants (especially, the apple tree is at risk). You can use the same drugs that were indicated in the May section to combat this parasite.

treatment of trees from pests

Important! Moths, like other parasitic pests, can adapt to the drug, which is used constantly. Therefore, it is best to alternate preparations for spraying: then parasites will definitely not get used to them.

Ticks can settle on trees in the first month of summer, then it will be necessary to treat them with colloidal sulfur or similar preparations. From the bucket, traditionally, the “Skor” or “Agat-25” agent is used, you can just stop at copper sulfate.

It should also be recalled that already after harvesting, the trees are prepared for winter. For this, additional processing is carried out with synthetic preparations, spraying of fruit trees using infusions of pome crops.

spring garden spraying

As you can see, it’s quite difficult to accurately determine the time when to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests. It all depends on in which period which particular pest can actively manifest itself. In this article, we described common types of pests for horticultural crops, as well as periods of their appearance on trees and shrubs. The gardener is required to carefully examine each plant and, if necessary, take specific actions for its processing.

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