The timing of planting broccoli seedlings in 2017

21.03.2016 Cabbage

broccoli seedlingsIn this material, we will try to accurately and objectively analyze the timing when to plant broccoli for seedlings in 2017. Just want to note that this type of cabbage is unpretentious. Regardless of the type of soil, broccoli will give a good harvest. The only fact that you should pay special attention to is the acidity of the soil. If it is too high, then it is better to use lime and chalk to reduce performance.

The places where later broccoli seedlings will be planted on the site or in the greenhouse should be well placed. Great neighbors for this type of cabbage are carrots or beets, all kinds of cabbage, lettuce, parsley or celery.

When and how to plant seeds for seedlings

To understand exactly when to plant seedlings broccoli in 2017 in the Moscow region or another region, the issue should be sorted out in order. Before calling any specific dates, we pay attention to the fact that the seeds must be properly approached. To do this, they are dipped in hot water and left for a quarter of an hour. Then stand the seeds for the same amount of time in a solution of trace elements to strengthen the planting material.

After that, the soil is prepared. It was already noted above that any land can be used. Of course, breathable and fertile land will only benefit the plant. You can prepare a mixture based on peat or wood ash, adding humus and a little nitrogen to it.

when to plant broccoli for seedlings in 2017

It is best to take special seedling boxes for planting seeds. Pre-water the soil with warm water, let the water settle. Then spread the seeds on the surface and sprinkle them with a small layer of earth. Cover the container with the seeds with a film to increase the temperature and humidity. When sprouts appear, polyethylene can be removed, and the box can already be rearranged to a constant place of seedling growth.

As for leaving, then on throughout the process of growing seedlings, she needs daily watering. To stimulate the growth of broccoli seedlings, you can periodically add mineral fertilizers to the ground. If the sunrises are weak, then they can be safely removed right away: strong seedlings will not grow from such sprouts.

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Specific landing dates

It is time to consider specific dates when to plant broccoli for seedlings in 2017. In March, the period from the 16th to the 18th is best for this. In April, seed planting can also be carried out, the ideal time period will be the period from April 8 to 21.

planting broccoli seedlings

It is necessary, when choosing the dates for planting broccoli, to understand that planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse is carried out on the 35-45th day of seedling growth. That is, independently every gardener can, knowing this nuance, calculate the most favorable day for planting. Such a growth period at home requires broccoli, so that the bushes become strong and calmly transfer the transplant.

When seedlings are planted at home, it is also important to remember the specific climatic conditions in each region. In the first half of March, seeds are sown by those who have the opportunity to plant seedlings in mid-April. If you wait until May, then the cabbage will outgrow and will not take root after the transplant.

Advice! You can start broccoli sowing in mid-March until the end of the month. Between plantings, it is recommended to make an interval of several tens of days, so it will turn out during the season to collect several cabbage crops.

When to feed broccoli:

  • Two weeks after planting in the ground, the first top dressing is carried out. Mullein is taken, which is diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten.Also add a spoonful of urea to a bucket of water. One liter of solution is taken to fertilize one plant.
  • Two weeks after the first feeding of broccoli, a second should be given. This time, the mullein is mixed with nitroammophoski. One plant requires two liters of solution.
growing broccoli seedlings 2017

Important! Only after three months of growth in the open field, broccoli will begin to ripen. It is important to remove the heads of cabbage in time - before they begin to bloom. It is this cabbage that has the most delicate and juicy taste properties. Note, when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017.

Now you know when to plant broccoli for seedlings in 2017 and even how to independently choose the dates that are suitable for a particular situation. We hope that this garden season will bring you many pleasant moments and only an excellent harvest.

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