When to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

20.03.2016 Marigold

When to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendarMarigolds are quite famous and beloved flowers of many people. These unpretentious inhabitants of gardens and orchards were introduced in the XVI century from South America. To date, there are a large number of varieties of these plants. They differ in a special and peculiar smell, which has beneficial effects on humans, which may be why they are in great demand among most people.


Today, many are interested in when to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar? Favorable days are considered mid-March, but, of course, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region. Since the plants are quite thermophilic, on the basis of which, in some regions, sowing of seeds occurs at the beginning of April.


For the proper cultivation of this unique flower, one should take into account its beginning of flowering, that is, from sowing to the appearance of flowers, the time interval can reach from 1.5 to 2.5 months. Of course, in most cases this depends on the climate in the region.


When sowing marigolds for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar and how to properly care for them, many gardeners already know and agree that it is better to sow in early April. Since these flowers do not like frost, and in March the weather is still cold.

When to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017

Some gardeners begin to sow seeds in early January, but then it should be noted that flowering will be closer to mid-May, and as you know, the land is still cold at this moment, so this approach is suitable for those who want to grow their favorite plants, for example, the balcony.


In order to ensure friendly flowering in June, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and varieties of this plant. For example, if marigolds are upright, then it is better to sow them in mid-March, and if the plants are stunted and have small leaves, then sowing should be postponed until early April.

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When to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017, everyone decides individually for themselves, because often the seeds are purchased for an amateur, that is, to their taste. Someone likes large flowers, and someone small and so on. But it is worth noting that they all have their own personal approach to growing. Therefore, choosing a variety of loved ones, it is necessary to fulfill their requirements.


It should be noted that when choosing seeds, it is necessary to pay attention to their shelf life, because their germination will depend on this. Of course, fresh seeds have a high degree of timing, which do not exceed two years.

When to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2017

There is an opinion that today in most cases seeds of hybrids are acquired. Based on what, sowing their collected seeds may not please the result, since it is possible that in the future they will retain their original properties to a rather lesser extent.


Usually, before planting, the seeds are soaked in a damp cloth, which is placed in a dark place. After three days, the seeds should hatch and then stronger and larger shoots are selected from them. When planting, it is better to select nutritious soil, then the seedlings will be strong. Sometimes experienced gardeners cultivate the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting, which prevents many plant diseases. Because the disease is often found "black leg", from which plants quickly die.


Marigolds love a lot of light and heat, without this quality seedlings it is impossible to achieve.When planting in the ground, grooves are made, carefully spilled with water to moisten the soil as much as possible, after which flowers are planted at a distance of 5 cm. If all the necessary requirements for these amazing plants are met, then the result will only please.


To decorate your site will bloom for a very long time petunia, such an original flower will bring many joyful moments to you and preserve its color until the very frost.

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