Tomato "Silver Spruce": characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

23.04.2017 Tomatoes

Tomato Silver Spruce: reviews, photos, description and description of the varietyTomatoes have long been known as a delicious, beautiful vegetable. Breeders are not tired of releasing new varieties, they are working on existing ones to get the same, ideal rubbish. Tomato Silver spruce and reviews, the photo is ready to please its owners with an unusual appearance and taste.

He even has an interesting name. Why precisely "spruce" and precisely "silver"? though their name is also called Blue Spruce, but this option also does not add clarity.

Grade characteristics

Numerous feedback from practitioners immediately point to two large, well-known manufacturers who now represent this variety of tomatoes for wide consumption.

The third version is most interesting, that “Silver spruce” is called tomatoes, the fruits of which have a marble tint. In the eyes of experienced vegetable growers "Spruce" and a tomato of a different variety, "Fireworks" are identical in many respects. Gabistus plants, also the shape of the fruit and their taste. Why does he have a separate name and such a strange one?

If you just consider the description of tomatoes as a separate variety, then they are stunted, with bushes rarely reaching 50 cm. However, they also need to be tied. The bushes turn out to be spreading, heavy fruits pull the branches down to the ground, and if you do not tie them up, it will be difficult to save the crop otherwise.

As for herding, opinions are divided. One vegetable grower didn’t even plant tomatoes, leaving the bush to form by the will of nature. About 30 fruits came out.

Tomatoes are medium, 60-80 g. Weight, oblong or rounded shape, the skin is plain, smooth, and the surface is leveled. The taste is good, though for the region of the gardener who grew them, they were sweet, which was the last plus in the overall picture.

Other reviews claim there is still an American spruce. The history of the variety began in the late twentieth century, it was first bred in the United States, why American. Apparently, the tomato was called "spruce" due to dissected foliage, similar to carrot. The leaves are still wet silvering, perhaps this gave the creators an idea.

Describing the variety, the gardener highlighted the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases, especially fungal diseases, which also occur in vegetables. As for the fruits themselves, they contain a lot of solids, also sugar. Therefore, the tomatoes taste quite pleasant, sweet and fleshy in consistency.

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Planting tomatoes and subsequent care for them, most likely, is not much different from the rest of the varieties. Of course, Spruce is more resistant to fungal diseases, but this hardly eliminates the need for systematic treatment of plants.

Tomatoes are extremely responsive to the appearance of the soil. If the land is fertile, and fertilizing is good, then the yield is growing rapidly. The content of sugar and solids in fruits also increases. It pleases tasters.

Look after any kind of vegetables should be correct, then all the work will be rewarded with a harvest. Spruce can be grown both in the greenhouse and freely in open ground. The shape of the fruit is quite classic, oval, with a pleasant red tint. Some gardeners consider "spruce" a special greenhouse variety, almost decorative. Perhaps the fault is the height of the bushes.

The fruits have a velvety surface, they are easy to eat in raw form and used for cooking. Some successfully close banks. Sowing seeds - the formation of seedlings should be carried out somewhere 60-65 full days before their subsequent planting in the ground. On 1 sq.m. no more than 3-4 plants will be located.

The variety is also considered indeterminate and mid-season.The origin of the variety, its description is in many ways still a controversial topic, because several similar varieties from different manufacturers are compared with the “spruce” at once. Gardeners have to collect a character literally bit by bit, taking from different sources. Mostly, this is the opinion of practitioners who have already tried to grow Silver Spruce.

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As for preferences, the "Silver Fir" is not everyone likes, the tomatoes are shaggy, although their taste is quite good.


“Samples of different varieties were sent, and the Spruce was there. I don’t know, parents didn’t really like shaggy tomatoes. Although, as a decor - great! Cute, small bushes, large fruits grow. I think they can be suitable for a garden, though they often plant it in a greenhouse. Apparently afraid that the "spruce" will freeze or the soil will not go "


“I don’t know who was frightened by the hairiness of the fruits, I am not. It tastes great, in salad, in hot and so raw. Tomatoes are good, standard care. It is necessary to feed and protect against pests, to tie up. Plant through seedlings. Everything is as usual. And the result is pleasing. What some don't like? Shaggy? For me, this is not a problem. Cucumbers generally spiky grow so what? I removed the thorns and eat calmly ”

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