Rumba grapes: characteristics and description of the variety, planting and care

2.10.2018 Grape

Rumba grape variety

If you have never grown grapes on the site, but are planning, it is worth taking a closer look at the Rumba variety. The variety is considered unpretentious and reproduces well, and the taste of Rumba will amaze with sweetness and juiciness.

Among experienced gardeners who plant grapes, the variety is widely known and has received many accolades. You can learn more about Rumba from the description with photos and cultivation features.

Characterization and description of the variety

The variety was bred last century in the Rostov region by Russian breeder V.U. The droplet crossing of 2 varieties: Cerrillus and Red Enthusiasm. When breeding, favorable conditions were not created, special technology was not used, due to which Rumba earned its unpretentiousness. The variety is considered amateur.

The berries are large, the weight of one is from 8 to 10 grams. The shape is beautiful, slightly elongated. The skin color is combined and combines several shades: pink turns into red with a coral tint. On the berries there is a matte finish - wax. The taste of the fruit is sweet with a faint nutmeg aroma, sourness is not felt. According to the taste assessment, Rumbe was assigned 4.6 points out of 5. Berries can turn out to be watery if the plant is flooded, or it rains constantly in the region.

When the fruits mature, they become cloying.

Rumba is most often bred for fresh consumption. Berries are quickly eaten due to the sweet taste. Fruits are suitable for making homemade wines and spirits, are well fermented. Harvesting grapes is enough for harvesting, and for fresh consumption. Ripening begins in August. On one cluster, under 1 kg of berries is formed, the indicator can reach 1.5 kg. Some gardeners grow Rumba for sale. Berries are well transported over long distances, do not choke, retain their presentation.

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Adult grape bush reaches a height of 6 meters, powerful shoots. Under the grapes on the site requires a lot of space, since the distance between adjacent bushes should be at least 3 meters. The root system is developing rapidly, over a year the plant becomes an adult. The clusters hang well and do not fall even after ripening. Aging occurs evenly along the entire length. Fruiting occurs annually, without interruption to rest. The flowers of the cultivar are hermaphrodite; they do not require an additional pollinator. Pollination occurs independently. If any other self-pollinating grape variety grows on the site, then productivity will increase.

Rumba is grown throughout Russia. It is perfect for the central regions and the western part of the country. The frost resistance of the plant is high and amounts to - 25 degrees. It is advisable to shelter shoots for the winter. The variety is not susceptible to fungal spores, is not afraid of mildew and oidium, is not affected by rot. Spring and autumn treatment with fungicides is welcome and allows you to maintain immune qualities at a high level for years.

The advantages of Rumba include:

  • high taste characteristics;
  • stable annual productivity;
  • early ripeness (ripening berries requires no more than 3.5 months);
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • frost resistance and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions;
  • good drought tolerance;
  • transportability and high keeping quality.

The variety has no serious flaws.With proper care and planting, problems with cultivation are not observed.

Features of cultivation and care

Rumba planting occurs in spring, when the earth will take a plus temperature. In seedlings, the root system should be at least 15 centimeters. For planting, make a 1x1 m pit. At the bottom of the pit, about 1 bucket of gravel is poured, and then ½ bucket of humus with compost, a glass of ash and 2 tbsp. superphosphate. A sapling is inserted and sprinkled with earth, a support is immediately attached to the plant.

On a note!
Rumba enters fruiting only in the second or third year.

The first watering is carried out after 1.5-2 weeks after planting. Use warm water (about 2 buckets per seedling). After watering, the soil near the plants is loosened. Grapes are afraid of bays, so you need to water as the soil dries. Usually the interval is 1 time per week. During flowering and at the beginning of fruiting, the irrigation rate is reduced to 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

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For abundant fruiting, it is enough to leave 6-8 eyes on the young bush, the number of buds on the shoot should be about 40. With age, the shoots grow well, they need to be cut once in the fall and spring. Shoots can be rooted if the goal is propagation of the crop. They choose the most powerful and long shoots and root them.

Harvesting and preparing for winter

Grapes are picked as they ripen - when the color is closer to pink. You can tear whole clusters, they are well separated from the branches. Bunches are stored at home in a cool place for no more than 3-4 weeks. Without a refrigerator at room temperature, ripe grapes lie for up to a week. You need to wash the berries just before consumption, if the grapes are planned to be stored, you can not wash it.

When the collection is over, the extra shoots and dry branches prune. Cut sites are treated with peroxide to protect against bacteria. If the winter in the region is not cold, the temperature does not drop below 5-10 degrees, then you can not hide the culture. When growing Rumba in the central part or Siberia for the winter, shoots are covered with plastic wrap, and the earth is mulched with sawdust.


Most gardeners are happy with the variety, so they talk about it only on the positive side.

Galina from the Ivanovo region shares his impressions:

“I’ve been growing Rumba for 5 years in a row. I like that the berries have a protective shell, so wasps and hornets can not bite it. The clusters look appetizing, and the berries dissolve in the mouth. For all the time growing fertilizers used only last year. I fed it with potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) twice during the flowering period. ”

Alla from Anapa says:

“Fruiting Rumba began 2 years after the start of cultivation. The first crop was plentiful, there were a lot of clusters, the weight of one was about 1.2-1.4 kg. I grow Rumba with the Talisman variety, so pollination was intense. I advise novice gardeners to trim the plant as much as possible so that it begins to bear fruit. ”


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