Apple-tree “White filling”: characteristics and description of the variety

20.05.2018 Apple tree

“White filling” is a proven apple variety. To grow a tree, you do not need special knowledge and skills in gardening. The birthplace of apple trees is Russia. Let us consider in more detail the main characteristics of the variety.

Description of the variety "White filling"

The apple-tree "White filling" grows in height of 4-5 meters. The bark is colored gray, shoots develop rapidly. The leaves are matte, richly green. The crown of a young tree acquires a pyramidal shape, in an adult plant it changes to a rounded one.

Fruits are oval-round, narrower towards the calyx. The weight of one apple is 60-150 grams. The flesh of the fruit is white, they taste slightly sour, but sweetness still prevails. Apples contain up to 9% sugar. The aroma of ripe apples is full. The skin is dense, but thin, painted in a light yellow color. One side of the fruit may acquire a slight blush that appears on the apple from the south side, where the sun falls most. Apples are suitable for fresh consumption, processing for juice, jam.

Features of fruit culture

The yield of one adult tree is 150-200 kilograms. Fruits the plant stably from year to year. Planting fruit crops can be in any region of Russia, with the exception of the Far Eastern and East Siberian regions. The fruits are harvested in July or August. Full ripening depends on climatic conditions. In the South, harvesting begins in mid-July. In the middle lane, in the Urals, Altai, and Western Siberia, the fruits ripen in late August.

The plant is winter-resistant. Even the coldest winters will not destroy trees. The variety perfectly resists attacks of diseases, except for scab. Diseases occur extremely rarely, most often due to weakening of plants. In order to prevent a decrease in stability, you need to regularly feed.

Fruit culture is not self-fertile. In order for the plant to be pollinated, to give a rich harvest, the following varieties of apple trees should be planted nearby: "Lungwort", "Aromat de Vare", "Mantet", "Antonovka". The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the fifth or sixth year after planting on the site. Shelf life of apples does not exceed one month.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Apple-tree “White filling” has earned high popularity due to the following advantages:

  • early ripening apples;
  • resistance to most diseases, low temperatures;
  • high and stable productivity;
  • high palatability of fruits;
  • universality of use of the harvested crop.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • short fruit storage period;
  • apples do not tolerate transportation long distances;
  • attacked by scab.

Features of growing apple trees

  • When buying a seedling, pay attention to the root system, it does not have: dry roots, cuts, mold, thickenings. A healthy plant should already have 5-6 branches, a height of one and a half meters, an even trunk.
  • Two-year-old trees are planted in late April or early May, if the plant is more than two years old, then it is planted in late September, early October.
  • The fruit crop does not tolerate drafts, close-lying groundwater, the shadow of other trees, and acidic soil.To reduce the acidity of the soil, saltpeter or hydrated lime is introduced into the soil.
  • Preparation of the site for planting begins in a few months. They dig the earth, make humus, superphosphate (30 grams per 1 m²), nitrogen fertilizing (15 grams per 1 m²).
  • Dig holes with a diameter of 60 centimeters, a depth of 1 meter. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then a part of the excavated soil with 50 grams of potassium fertilizer is placed, a seedling is placed, roots are straightened, they are covered with the remaining soil, they are watered with 30 liters of water.
  • A peg is installed near the tree so that the thin and unstable stalk does not bend under the influence of wind, the plant grows evenly.
  • So that the soil under the fruit crop does not overheat, the moisture evaporates less, it is mulched with peat or rotted manure.
  • Watering plants need from the moment of budding. Young trees need to be watered every week. In the third, fourth year, watering is reduced.
Important! During the ripening and harvesting period, it is recommended to stop watering.
  • Top dressing are complex. In April, when the leaves begin to bloom, the trees need to be fed with nitrate or nitroammophos. During fruit setting, the trees are fertilized with sodium humate. In the autumn, plants are fed with manure.
  • The variety "White filling" is attacked by scab, as mentioned above in the article. To prevent the development of the disease, in the spring the trees are treated with a solution based on copper sulfate or with the Gamair preparation. To prepare a solution based on copper sulfate, you will need to dissolve one hundred grams of the drug in 10 liters of water. You need to spray it immediately, the solution is stored for a short time, 4-7 hours, after which lumps begin to form. To prepare a solution based on the “Gamair” drug, you need to dissolve ten substance tablets crushed into powder in ten liters of water.

Preparing trees in winter

  1. Two weeks before the cold snap, water-charging irrigation is performed. Water consumption per plant is 100 liters.
  2. To protect the trunk from rodents, the lower part of the tree must be wrapped with waterproofing material, mesh.
  3. To protect the root system from freezing, the periostemal circle must be mulched with a 10-15 cm layer of peat or humus.

Gardeners reviews

Gardeners characterize the variety as very productive. The plant is unpretentious in care. The apple tree is commendable for all indicators, except for a short shelf life, exposure to scab. To increase productivity, you need to make various dressings in spring and autumn. For the prevention of scab, gardeners recommend doing spring prophylactic spraying with copper-containing preparations.

"White filling" is officially recognized as one of the unpretentious and fruitful summer varieties of apple trees. Even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to grow a fruit tree. "White filling" is common in Russia.

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