How to spray apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests

26.05.2016 Apple tree

How to process apple trees in the spring from pests and diseasesChemical processing of apple trees

However, in order for the dreams to come true, it is necessary to make every effort and start preparing the trees from early spring. A good host will repeatedly have a question about how to process apple trees in spring. From pests and diseases, procedures are usually carried out on the basis of chemicals. You should figure out which tools are better and safer, and that will surely save you from problems with trees on the site. Do not forget to spend top dressing of fruit trees.

In order for all preventive measures for processing apple trees to be successful, such “sessions” should not be performed once. The need for therapy for plants over a period of time can be explained by indicating the following factors:

1. The terms of the chemical and natural processing of the culture are associated with the type of insect pest, stages of its development, reproduction, and features of damage to the tree bark.
2. The vegetation phase of a particular variety.

For example, spraying is strictly prohibited during flowering. Otherwise, a positive result cannot be achieved due to an obstacle to the formation of the ovary.

How to process apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases

Step-by-step steps for processing an apple tree in a garden

Before processing the apple tree in the spring from pests and diseases, the videos will become real helpers. Often they describe step-by-step details and the sequence of necessary actions.

At first spraying fruit treesoccurs before the growing phase. During this period, the fruit culture has not yet awakened from hibernation. Basically, the events fall in March, and represent the cutting of bark for sanitary purposes. This also includes cleaning the tree trunk from the "dead" bark and lichens. It is advisable to spray at this stage. To do this, use drugs of the insecticide class ("Oleuprit"), after which the whitewash of the trunk is made with a known solution.

It is important to know to any owner living in a private house how to treat apples and pears in the spring from pests and diseases, and also be aware of the required sequence of appropriate actions. The next step in the complex processing of apple trees will be spraying with special biologically active mixtures and insecticides. The first group of drugs includes the well-known Bitoxibacillin, and its analogue, Lepidocide, is practically equal to it.

How to process apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases

In the second category of chemicals, Trichlorol can be distinguished. An important point is the mechanical processing of the trunk and branches of the tree, which is the installation of special hunting devices. They will help prevent the appearance of apple blossoms in the future. April is considered the optimal time for such procedures - flowering has not yet begun, and the buds have noticeably swollen.

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Many gardeners would like to know about further actions and how to treat apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases and how it happens processing currants from diseases and pests. During flowering, moreover, the third stage begins. As such, chemical procedures cannot be carried out during such a period, however, this will in no way prevent the owner from weeding the near-barrel zone and collecting pests manually.

At the final stage of processing the apple tree, drugs are distributed that adversely affect directly the development of infection and the propagation of pathogenic bacteria and harmful insects. Leafworm and moth can be found more often than other parasites. “Karbofos” or “Benzophosphate” will help to cope with such a problem.

How to process apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases

Insect-spraying apple tree

To eliminate apple pests, two methods of exposure to them are used: contact and systemic. For processing taking place in March, the contact method is most effective. Insecticides, in contact with the surface of the body of a harmful insect, immediately begin to act on the destruction. The substance is soon washed away by rain, and the use of such preparations does not cause significant harm to the environment.

Systemic exposure is a more complex mechanism of action. How to treat apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases, folk remedies or pesticides (by the way, practice shows that folk methods are not particularly positive dynamics) - this question requires an unequivocal answer. In order to prevent, perhaps, there is a chance that it will be possible to fully reproduce parasites. However, when the spraying process did not take place at the time, it can be carried out after flowering.

The principle of action is as follows:

1. Strong complex action substances penetrate absolutely all wood tissues.
2. As a result, harmful substances enter the body through the digestive system of the insect, and the parasite is poisoned.
3. For 10-14 days, the components of pesticides continue to act actively, and then decompose, leaving no trace.


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How to treat apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases (the video can prompt answers to many questions that relate to the process of spraying and caring for the tree) I would like to know for those who can’t imagine their life without their fruits. It is possible to overcome only the diseases that have arisen, you should not immediately rush into a panic. Colloidal sulfur is an effective chemical agent, during the divorce of which with water, a healing process occurs in plants. Such spraying is carried out in several stages:

1. The first stage is the application of the product while the leaves are blooming.
2. The second stage - spraying after 15 days.
3. The third stage - processing of the apple tree after another 15 days.

It is advisable for every gardener to know how to treat apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases. Folk remedies or complex chemical preparations - the choice here is individual and depends on the purpose, time of the procedure and the type of pest.

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