What to do if the leaves are curled at the tomatoes in the body

30.08.2016 Tomatoes

Why do tomato leaves curl in a greenhouseIn this article, we will consider the main problems why the leaves of tomatoes in a greenhouse curl and what to do to save the crop. The leaves begin to turn yellow and curl most often due to the fact that a disease such as late blight. Although, there is no need to rush to make a diagnosis and it is recommended to sort out the problem additionally.

The main reasons for curling leaves:
1. Violation of the temperature regime. A very relevant reason for this kind of problem, which arises precisely when growing a tomato in a greenhouse. In particular, the temperature is inflated to 35 degrees Celsius or more, because of this, nutrients in the soil are divided into its constituent parts and their accumulation by the plant is complicated. In such a situation, you need to start to ventilate the greenhouse more often (through ventilation is especially effective).
2. It is possible that your bushes lack mineral elements. In particular, twisting the leaves indicates that tomatoes lack phosphorus. The second sign is a gray-green hue of the leaf itself, on which red or purple veins are clearly visible.
3. Excessive pinching of tomatoes.
4. Frequent unreasonable watering. As a result, the roots rot, which, of course, negatively affects the growth of the plant itself.
5. Frequent prevention from diseases and pests.

If there is a suspicion of why the leaves of tomatoes are twisted in the greenhouse (what to consider in each individual case) - this is a disease or parasites, then here two options most often occur.

Cancer bacterial infection. First, the leaves of tomatoes are twisted into tubes, and then, with the development of the disease, they begin to simply dry out. At the same time, note that on the lower part of the petioles there should be small ulcers and cracks.

Sometimes the leaves are curled due to the fact that sucking pests have settled on the tomatoes - this is a whitefly, for example. Perhaps the problem is caused by damage to the root system of the bush. This often happens when transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. Especially if by the time of transplanting the seedlings were already overgrown.

What to do?

When the reason why the leaves twist tomatoes in a greenhouse, to understand what to do is already simple. If the tomatoes were affected due to the high temperature, it is advisable to shade the plant and also spray it with a solution of two tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water (you can use light potassium permanganate instead). After a week, the leaves should straighten.

Also make sure that the tomato bushes receive a sufficient amount of minerals. Be sure to fertilize the plants with special preparations.

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Why tomato leaves curl, what to do

Important! Fresh or not yet rotted manure for fertilizing tomatoes in this situation is not suitable. There is too much ammonia in this fertilizer; you can just burn all your bushes.

Also, so that the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse straightened. You can water them plentifully. Normal watering for greenhouse tomatoes is once every ten days. If the tomatoes suffered from bacterial infection, then to stop the process, you need to spray them with Avixil solution. Seeds cannot be collected from diseased bushes, and it is best to get rid of such affected plants, of course.

When pests have become the cause of curling leaves, then you need to take effective measures to combat them.In stores today you can buy many effective tools, depending on what kind of pest does damage.

Advice! In the last variant of the lesion, you can first treat the tomatoes with the Topaz preparation and dilute 2 ml in 10 liters of water. A week later, treat the bushes with the drug "Ordan", diluting 25 grams of the product in five liters of water.

Why tomato leaves curl, how to be

If the leaves of the tomatoes twisted, and the stalk became thick - this is talking about a large amount of nitrogen in the soil. This situation leads to the fact that the plant begins to bear fruit poorly. In this situation, it will be necessary to reduce the nitrogen content in the soil just once by abundantly watering the top layer of the earth.

To return the plant to its normal life cycle, you can use phosphorus, potassium, or a special ash solution in which these elements are contained in sufficient quantities.

Why tomato leaves are twisted in a greenhouse, what to do in each individual situation was examined in detail. Before taking concrete effective measures, there is nothing left but to precisely determine the cause of the problem. We wish you a successful restoration of green mass and an excellent harvest!

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