Planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2016: Lunar calendar

28.03.2016 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Lunar calendar for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2016It is difficult for a beginner to determine exactly what the Lunar calendar looks like for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2016. Then what, on different days there are different phases and recommendations that are not always suitable for flowers. Therefore, in this material we propose to consider exactly the options when to plant a particular type of flower specifically for seedlings.

General Calendar Recommendations

In 2016, there are many favorable dates that will definitely please gardeners. At the beginning of winter, favorable days were January 19, as well as February 15 and 16. Further, the numbers were distributed on March 14-15 and March 21-22. In April, it is worth paying attention to the 17-18 and 10-11, 19-21 number. Plus, it is worth adding May 7 and 8, May 16-18, as well as 13, 14, plus June 11 and 12.

Many annuals, as well as perennials, are planted in seedlings in the spring. This is done in order to eventually get an early flowering. For some flowers, pre-planting seedlings in any case is simply necessary. For example, the flowers of the southern gardens - morning glory, eustoma and kobe, simply will not have time to grow if their seeds are immediately planted in open ground. Rather, the greens will have time to grow, but the bud just will not form and the plant will not bloom.

Sowing annuals

Lunar calendar for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2016 is important for most annuals. Moreover, such flowers, under the rules for observing the time of their planting, will bloom throughout the summer, which is a huge plus. Here you can note the petunia and lobelia, snapdragon and other flowers. When these flowers are planted initially for seedlings, annual flowering will begin in June.

The end of February is perfect for planting seeds of petunia and pansies, sage, azarin, purslane on seedlings. In March, you can safely engage in the sowing of verbena, annual asters, primrose and phlox, Chinese cloves. At the end of March and the beginning of April there is still no time to relax. This period is suitable for sowing zinnia, asters and marigolds, amaranth.

lunar seedlings

As for the second half of April, this is an excellent period to plant seedlings in open ground already. Landing begins with perennials that can withstand the cold: calendula, purslane, zinnia, phacelia, space.

Days for sowing flowers for seedlings

So, the Lunar calendar for planting flower seeds on seedlings in 2016, if we consider it schematically, looks as follows. It is necessary to land in the growing moon, and, ideally, if the satellite during this period is in the fertile and flower-friendly constellation Virgo.

March: 17.18, 21, 22.

April: 17-21.

May: 7-8 (the moon is in the constellation Gemini), 13-15.

June: 11, 12, 13-14 (The moon passes into the constellation of Libra).

Sowing dates of biennial flowers

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As for the planting of biennial flowers, practice shows that it is worth choosing from the lunar calendar not only the growing moon, but that it be in the constellation Scorpio. By the way, this period is also favorable to dive the plant. It is this combination of heavenly signs that will be rare in 2016. But then the most popular days will give the maximum and excellent sunrise of each seed.

Here you should not miss the May 19-20, as well as June 15-17. Sowing biennials and other flowering plants can be safely carried out on other days, which are considered conditionally favorable.

Gardener calendar for 2016, planting days for Moscow region

January: 5, 809, 15-17, 19.

February: 2, 13-16, 20-21.

March: 14-15, 20-22.

April: 1, 10-11, 17-21.

May: 7-8, 14-20, 24.

June: 10-14.

Growing seedlings in a greenhouse

It is worth separately paying attention to the fact that you can grow seedlings of flowers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Best there will grow aster, zinnia, balsam and marigolds, also godetsia,petunia. Sowing in greenhouses begins in late April, when the soil warms up enough for this business.

In the first few days, the crops should be covered in addition. If you plant zinnias, marigolds and other designated types of flowers for seedlings in the greenhouse at the end of April, such flowers will please you with earlier flowering than seedlings planted even a month earlier, which grew under normal apartments.

flower seedlings at home

About choosing and buying seeds

Before you plant flowers and look for the most favorable days for this, you need to buy seeds correctly. First of all, just look at the bag for the shelf life of the planting material (it is best that it falls at the end of next year).

In addition to the expiration date, you need to look at the growing conditions that are required for a particular plant. Not always on the site for a particular type of flower, you can select a favorable place for growth. If there is a lot of shadow on the flower bed, then it is better to engage in the cultivation of balsam, lobelia or levkoy. How is growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslova.

Gardener calendar for 2016, planting days for Moscow region photo

This is how the Lunar calendar for planting flower seeds for seedlings in 2016 looks, as well as the main recommendations about which flowers and how to plant seedlings. In principle, it is much easier to grow strong and healthy seedlings of flowers than vegetables. If everything is done on time, then the flower bed throughout the summer season of 2016 will delight with the brightness of flowering and a wonderful aroma.

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