What are fungicides for grapes: types, how to use

9.10.2018 Grape

Grapes are often affected by various fungal diseases, which cannot always be cured. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly treat the bushes with fungicides - chemicals to suppress infections. The composition of all pesticides includes active substances that block the vital abilities of pathogens and cause their death

Fungicides for grapes

All modern therapeutic agents are divided into three large groups according to the principle of action:

  1. Contact.
  2. Systemic
  3. Integrated.

Each tool has its own working algorithm. The effectiveness of the fungicide depends on the time of the stage of vegetation of the grape bush, the stage of a disease. If the disease has not yet affected the grapes, then one means is used, with the appearance of infected foci - others.


Drugs of this group should be used as prophylaxis, since they are not able to fight an already appeared disease. Contact fungicides reliably protect healthy plants during a riot of infection in the garden. The main advantage of contact agents is that plants do not develop immunity to them, and therefore useful spraying can be done several (3-6 times) per season. The disadvantages of such fungicides include a short period of action - they protect plants of the order of 10-12 days, then you have to again resort to the processing of plantings. In addition, plants are sprayed again immediately after rain, as precipitation easily flushes the product from the leaves.

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The principle of action of contact preparations is such that their active substances do not penetrate into the plant, but create a surface protective film through which neither fungi, nor viruses, nor bacteria can penetrate. Due to the fact that the entire mass remains on the surface of the plant, the poisons in this group are also called local. Processing should be thorough, because if at least one untreated area remains, the infection will instantly “take advantage of the situation” and get into the stem. Absolutely all the aerial parts of plants are sprayed - the stem, vines, leaves, trunks.

Treatment with fungicides begins as early as possible, usually at the very beginning of the season, even before the infection appeared in the garden. Thorough spraying of grapes is carried out before the swelling of the kidneys. When flowering, treatment with copper-containing solutions is not carried out, since this element can accumulate in different parts of plants.

Means of contact action are preventive. They do not treat the plant, but protect against infection.


If the infection has already got into the plant, then in the treatment they use drugs of a systemic principle of action. Their active substance freely seeps into the plant tissue, and from there it affects the pathogen. The active substance begins to fight with the pathogen instantly, as soon as it gets inside and reaches the focus. The remedy blocks the fungus's ability to reproduce - the pathogen stops growing, then completely dies.Systemic fungicides can be used at all stages of plant development, and at all stages of the development of the disease. Their validity period is practically independent of weather conditions, since they are not washed off by precipitation and do not evaporate in the sun.

But, it depends on the immunity of the fungus, the speed of its reproduction. Usually the therapeutic effect is enough for 2-3 weeks, then the treatment should be repeated. However, aggressive chemistry cannot be abused, otherwise it can lead to inhibition of the plant. The weaknesses of systemic drugs include the rapid addiction of pathogens to them. Therefore, it is impractical for them to carry out multiple treatments, since there will be no sense in this. It is recommended to alternate fungicides containing various active substances.

Systemic fungicides work well in the early stages of the disease.


Such funds are also called combined, that is, they combine the properties of contact and systemic fungicides. Along with their high effectiveness in the fight against rampant disease, complex tools are not without drawbacks:

  • they are toxic to humans and animals;
  • they can not be used during fruiting and ripening;
  • most drugs can cope with a certain type of fungus.

The most popular drugs

Each fungicide "works" in its own direction, heals certain diseases and affects the fungus in its own way. Therefore, you must first determine what disease the grape has undergone, and only then choose the most suitable drug for the treatment of a particular disease.


Operating principle. Systemic fungicide, the effectiveness of which is the rapid penetration of the active substance into the plant tissue and the effect on the pathogen from the inside. The synthesized strobilurins (belong to the family of fungi), on the basis of which the agent was created, inhibit the viability of the pathogen, thereby inhibiting the growth of mycelium and secondary spores. The drug is used to combat fungal diseases, in particular mildew and oidium.

Strobes can be used at different stages of the disease and as a disease prevention. But the drug gives the best results when the disease has only manifested itself.

Features Strobi is popular due to its effectiveness and low toxicity. It does not accumulate in soil and water, is harmless to bees. In addition, the plants themselves do not suffer from multiple sprayings - treatment can be carried out even during flowering. The drug is not washed off by precipitation. It can be used at temperatures up to -4 degrees.

How to apply. During the season, Strobes are treated 2-3 times. First preventive spraying arrange in the spring, at the time of swelling of the kidneys. Then the treatment can be repeated before and after flowering. The product is available in the form of granules, soluble in water. To prepare a working solution, 2 grams of powder is dissolved in 6 liters of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed on all areas of the bush.

By the way!
Among the analogues of Strobi, Trichodermin, Topsin M, Prestige are distinguished.


Operating principle. Swiss drug aimed at suppressing the ability of the fungus to reproduce. The active substance from the class of strobilurins is azoxytrobin. Once on the foci of infection, the tool immediately begins to act on all harmful pathogens indiscriminately (especially pathogens mildew, real and downy mildew), but does not touch the beneficial microflora. This provides the basis for using Quadris to combat all fungal diseases.

Kvadris has a clearly directed antisporulating effect.

Features The components of the fungicide are not harmful to flora and fauna. They quickly decompose in the soil, do not accumulate in berries. The healing fluid accumulates only in the leaves, while it practically does not penetrate into the stems and fruits.The duration of the protective and therapeutic effect is up to 21 days. The action of Quadris is not limited to weather conditions. It is highly effective at temperatures from +4 to +30 degrees.

How to apply. Mushrooms quickly get used to the remedy, and therefore it is permissible to use the drug no more than two times at an interval of 10-14 days. It is recommended to alternate it with fungicides on a different chemical basis. Quadrice is available as a suspension in packaging containers of 6 milliliters and 1 liter. To prepare a working solution in 10 liters of water, 60 milliliters of suspension are diluted. 1 liter of the finished solution is enough to process one square meter. As a preventive measure, vines are sprayed before flowering, as well as after harvest. Quadris treatment is stopped 16-20 days before fruit ripening.

Coming soon

Operating principle. Fungicide treats such diseases of the vine as oidium, rubella, rot, phomopsis. The active substance from the class of triazoles is diphenoconazole. This substance is completely absorbed by all parts of the plant and acts on fungi in a contact way. It inhibits their development, thereby halting the growth of the mycelium, completely eliminating the possibility of secondary activation of the infection.

The speed “does not work” if sporulation has already formed on the plant.

Features The speed penetrates into plant tissue within two hours after treatment. Validity does not depend on rain or wind. Air temperature can affect efficiency - best. Scor shows itself at 14 + 25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the therapeutic effect is weak. Protection is valid for 7-10 days, then the treatment will have to be repeated.

How to apply. The drug has the form of a liquid, which is sold in ampoules or vials. To process grapes, 5 milliliters of the product and 10 liters of water are required. The flow rate of the working solution is 500-800 milliliters per plant (not more than one liter). The maximum number of treatments is 4.


Operating principle. One-component agent, the active substance is penconazole. Getting on mycelium, penconazole completely stops the vital activity of the fungus - its spores no longer grow. After some time, the spores die inside the plant. The best effect from Topaz is noted in the early stages of the disease - it is able to suppress primary infection in a short time. It copes well with diseases such as oidium, rust, mildew.

Features The active substance is instantly absorbed into the leaves and stems. It is not washed off by rain and wind. It does not lose efficiency with temperature changes. Spraying can be carried out at temperatures up to -10 degrees. The duration of validity is 14-18 days.

How to apply. To prepare a therapeutic solution, 10 milliliters of emulsion are stirred in 10 liters of water. In severe infections, vines are treated twice per season, alternating with contact fungicides.

By the way!
The rate of use of the drug is very low - one sachet is enough for multiple processing of the garden.


Operating principle. Complex systemic fungicide. It consists of two active substances (spiroxamine, tebuconazole) and one auxiliary (triadimenol). These substances cause the destruction of pathogen tissues and their quick death. Highly effective against powdery mildew.

Features Falcon in comparison with its analogues Topaz and Horus is not so expensive, almost harmless to humans, animals and plants, not addictive to pathogenic microorganisms.

Falcon loses effectiveness at temperatures above +25 degrees.

How to apply. For the prevention of powdery mildew and oidium, a solution of 3 milliliters of the drug and 10 liters of water is prepared. The older the plant, the greater the concentrate. When symptoms of the disease appear, a treatment solution is prepared from 6-10 milliliters of a suspension and 10 liters of water.The approximate consumption of the finished solution is 100 milliliters per 1 square meter. The maximum number of treatments is 4.


Operating principle. A benomyl-based systemic drug that absorbs into leaves and stems and treats the disease from the inside out. The active substance destroys the nucleus of cells of harmful microorganisms. Part of the suspension remains outside, forming a white oily coating. Fundazole is used to prevent and combat spotting, various rot, powdery mildew, and root infections.

By the way!
Fundazole is used for seed dressing.

Features The tool simultaneously performs two functions: heals and protects the plant from fungal reproduction. Fundazole is effective in any weather, maintaining the effect for up to 10 days. Also, the tool can be used as an insecticide - it can destroy aphids, whitefly eggs, leaf beetles.

How to apply. The drug is available in the form of a white powder with an unpleasant odor. Frequent use of Fundazole can cause resistance in pathogens, therefore it is recommended to use the pesticide once every two years. During the season it is permissible to treat plants with fungicide no more than two times. One plant is sprayed with a solution consisting of 10 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water.

Tiovit Jet

Operating principle. The drug consists of 80% sulfur, which negatively affects various fungi and harmful insects. The drug is a contact action, that is, a therapeutic solution wraps film around all areas of the plant and treats them directly “outside”. Once in the foci of infection, sulfur infects disease-causing cells, causing their death. The tool copes well with downy mildew, mildew.

Analogues of the drug - Thanos, colloidal sulfur.

Features Tiovit Jet is effective at a certain temperature: from 20 to 28 degrees of heat. At optimal environmental conditions, Thiovit lasts up to 10 days, providing plants with reliable protection. It is also noted that Tiovit is not addictive in microorganisms, and therefore it can be used annually.

How to apply. The product is available in the form of granular powder, which is easily soluble in water. The working solution consists of 40 grams of powder and 8-10 liters of water. The finished mixture is enough to process 2-3 bushes.


Operating principle. Fungicide consists of two components. It works against various fungal diseases (oidium, gray rot, mildew, white rot, infectious drying). Getting on a plant, Shavit violates the vital activity of pathogens by its effect, as a result of which the disease stops developing.

Features. The advantages of Shavit include: lack of resistance, long duration (up to 16 days), safety for birds and animals, harmlessness for plants.

How to apply. The powder in the form of small granules is dissolved in water (0.2 grams per bucket of water). The first treatment is carried out before flowering, it is preventive in nature. Then the bushes are sprayed with the appearance of sporulation. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of two weeks.

Cuprosan (Copper Chloride)

Operating principle. German chemical product designed to treat plants from fungal infections. Cuprozan is a mixture of copper chloride and cineb. It affects the pathogen in a contact way. It fights against various harmful living organisms.

Features Cuprozan has moderate toxicity. Perfectly copes with any grape diseases. Suitable for the prevention of infection of vines in the summer.

By the way!
The fungicides Euparen, Fitaa, Anthracnol have a similar effect.

How to apply. To prepare a solution for spraying in a bucket of water, 40 grams of the substance are bred. The flow rate of the working fluid is 6 liters per 10 square meters. Fungicide can be used at all stages of plant vegetation. Up to 6 treatments are carried out per season.

Cabrio top

Operating principle. The drug consists of active substances metira and pyraclostrobin. Pyraclostrobin penetrates deep into the tissues and cells of plants, inhibiting the development of the fungus. In addition, it performs the protective function of plant cells. Metiram affects the infection from the outside.

By the way!
The tool also destroys harmful insects.

Features. Cabrio top is valid for 18-20 days. Can also be used for prophylaxis treatment treatment. Not washed off by rain. Low toxicity to microorganisms and plants, but dangerous to humans. The tool is used to treat anthracnose, mycosis, and eskorosis.

How to apply. Processing is carried out during flowering and fruit setting. The consumption rate per 1 square meter is 0.2 grams. Multiplicity of treatments - up to three times.


Operating principle. Combined fungicide. It is able to treat and protect plants from fungi, regenerate affected tissues. The active substance is flutriafol. This component enters the plants and instantly begins to act on the mycelium, destroying pathogen cells with its vapors.

Analogs of the drug - Sorcerer, Scalpel, Cornet.

Features The protective period of the pesticide is up to 35 days. It is non-toxic, non-addictive in fungi. Protects plants both outside and inside. It fights against grape diseases such as oidium, mildew, and at any stage of their development.

How to apply. To process one hundredth of a grape plantation, it is necessary to dissolve 5 milliliters of suspension in 5 liters of water. The first treatment is carried out before flowering, as soon as the first painful foci appear. Repeatedly spray the bushes during fruit formation.


Operating principle. Fungicide of complex action. Highly effective against mildew. It consists of two active substances - polycarbacin and copper oxychloride. In addition to the fact that these substances act on the mycelium, they also scare away some insects.

Features The drug has a high protective effect. Struggles with all kinds of fungal diseases. It is not washed off by precipitation, it is possible to carry out processing at various stages of plant development. Compatible with pesticides. Not toxic to pollinating insects.

How to apply. Up to four treatments are possible per season. The first time the bushes are pollinated before flowering, the second - after flowering until the harvest ripens. The consumption rate of the drug is 30 grams per 10 liters of water.


Operating principle. Systemic-contact drug of a new generation. “Works” inside and outside the plant. Two active substances that make up Acrobat - dimethomorph and mancozeb - destroy spores of the fungus and build a protective barrier against pathogens.

The drug is effective only in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Features The tool has a long therapeutic and protective effect. The fungicide is safe for the environment and humans, compatible with other chemicals. It shows high efficiency at a temperature of 17 to 25 degrees Celsius.

How to apply. The drug is sold in the form of granular powder. In packages of 20 grams, 1 and 10 kilograms. To prepare a solution, 20 grams of fungicide is diluted in 10 liters of water. Ready-made product can be sprayed up to 100 square meters. Processing with this tool can be carried out 2-3 per season.

Preventive measures against fungal diseases

Unfortunately, if the disease has already begun to spread through the vine bush, then it can be very difficult to cure. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures - preventive examinations of all areas of the bush, useful spraying and tillage.

Especially careful you need to be with plants that are unstable to diseases, varieties. They require more frequent fungicide treatments and other protective measures.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the vines and leaves, timely clean rotted and shrunken areas. The first preventive spraying is carried out immediately after removing the winter shelter before the period of kidney swelling.

For the first treatment, you can use 3% Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate or any "weak" fungicide.

Sanitary pruning will allow the plant to direct forces to the growth of healthy shoots. Removing excess, thickening bush branches will allow air to penetrate better inside the crown, which means that the risk of excessive moisture and the appearance of fungus will be significantly reduced. It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the earth: remove the weed, which is the carrier of infections, in time; loosening the soil to saturate it with oxygen, to feedto enhance the immunity of grapes.


You should also remember the processing rules:

  • all spraying is carried out in the early morning in calm dry weather;
  • during processing it is necessary to use protective equipment;
  • Do not process plants during ripening;
  • if the poison got on the berries, then they can be eaten only after 2-3 weeks.

Treatment with fungicidal preparations should be carried out by carefully studying the instructions. Concentrated pesticides can not only not suppress the infection, but also destroy the plant itself.

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