June 2017: Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener

25.01.2016 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Lunar calendar for June 2017 gardener and gardenerBefore you start planting vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and other garden plants, you should not only prepare the soil for this and make seedlings, but also find out when it is best to start planting the sprouts in open ground lunar calendar on June 2017 of the gardener and gardener.

If we consider the very first days of June, it is recommended that gardeners begin to plant root crops in prepared and fertilized soil. Starting on the first day and ending on the fourth of June, potatoes are planted in the ground, as well as radishes, vegetables such as onions and garlic, radishes and turnips, and many other root plants. In the same period, it is recommended to start cutting bushes and trees, you can form a new crown for a tree. If by this time early berries, vegetables or fruits had ripened in the garden, then they should be used for pickling for the winter, as well as for making jam.

It is not worth planning to plant sprouts in the ground on the fifth day of the month, this day cannot be called favorable for the planting of new plants. It will be best to look at the shoots already planted in the ground and thin out them, remove all weeds and knock out the beds. But the sixth and seventh number can be considered one of the most favorable days for planting seedlings in the soil according to the lunar calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardener. These days, the moon is growing and you can plant a wide variety of vegetables and fruit trees. During this period, cucumbers begin to plant, all kinds tomato seedlingsas well as beans and peas, lentils and soybeans, zucchini, watermelons and melons, eggplant and pumpkin, pattison. Since many of these plants are stunted, they will ripen much faster.

On the eighth and ninth day of the month, it is better to postpone the sowing of other plants and transplanting seedlings, but it’s worth it to dry fruits and vegetables, young vegetables retain more vitamins and nutrients, so such dried vegetables and fruits will be much more useful. You can also plant shrubs or fruit trees, they will develop and bear fruit very well.

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Gardener lunar calendar 2017

The tenth and eleventh number should also not be used for planting and subsequent growing vegetables, you can start planting stone fruit or fruit trees, such a transplant will be easy and quickly tolerated by plants. On the same days, they begin to cut grass, if you cut the excess grass in this period of time, then it will grow quite slowly. If harmful insects are planted on trees and bushes, then these two days can be devoted to the fight against them. Usually by this time, medicinal and medicinal herbs are already sprouting in the garden, you can start their drying and harvesting for the winter.

The lunar calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardener reads: Starting on the thirteenth, tubers of flowers are planted in the ground, also during this period they begin to harvest the necessary seeds for the winter so that next year they can grow seedlings. If the gardener has not planted fruit trees on his land, then this day will be a great opportunity for this, if you plant a tree on the thirteenth day of June, then the tree will quickly take root in a new place and will quickly yield first fruits. This period is perfect for watering all plants in the garden and in the garden. If there are plants at home, then it is worthwhile to provide them with separate care - transplanting, feeding or watering.Already on the fifteenth day, you can begin to plant in the garden pumpkins, seedlings of tomatoes, bell peppers or cucumbers of various varieties. Until the seventeenth day of the month, you can plant all of these vegetables in the garden, and also prepare the ground for future plantings and destroy harmful bugs, caterpillars and other insects.

On the nineteenth of the moon the moon is still growing and you can plant those vegetables and plants that give the first seedlings quite quickly, it can be parsley or dill, also plant celery, pepper seeds, various pharmacy herbs, garlic and onions. If you believe the calendar, then this day is favorable for planting flower indoor plants.

Starting from the twentieth day of June, it is worthwhile to postpone all of your garden plantings to other days, since the twentieth day is the new moon according to the lunar calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardener. On this day it is not recommended to plant vegetables or shrubs, but preparing and fertilizing the earth will be very good for already planted plants. Until the twenty-fourth, gardeners and gardeners should not plant vegetables and flowers in the country.

The numbers from the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth can be considered very successful for planting all the necessary root crops. At this time, it is also ideal for harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter.

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