Planting pepper seeds for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar 2017

17.01.2016 Pepper

When to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendarWhen to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, how to determine favorable days? For seedlings to be strong and viable, it is precisely the dates of the lunar calendar that should be considered when planting pepper seeds. Experienced gardeners always choose the most favorable period for this.

Important! When choosing moon phases for landing seeds of peppers, regardless of the month or season, you need to watch that the satellite of our planet is in a growing phase. This is the optimal period for the successful planting of pepper seeds on strong and healthy seedlings to obtain a large crop.

How to take into account the phases of the moon

So, when to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar? We have already determined in the framework of this material that this should be a growing phase of the moon. But it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the landing should be carried out from February to March.

Dates, of course, can be shifted, and they directly depend on what specific climatic zone the gardener lives and works. For the southern regions of our large country, the timing of planting pepper seeds for seedlings is from mid-February to early March. If the gardener lives in a region where the climate is colder, then pepper seeds are planted during March.

However, many summer residents agree that for each region, late planting of pepper seeds is permissible. In heat, the seedlings will develop much faster and for planting you will get stronger and more viable bushes. Although, there are advantages in situations where seeds are planted ahead of schedule.

When to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017
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For instance, some gardeners are engaged planting pepper for seedlings in January. But this period, it should be noted, is distinguished by a short daylight hours. That is, seedlings just can not grow without their additional lighting. With low germination, however, early sowing avoids poor-quality planting in the future. That is, plus the early sowing of seedlings in that it will turn out to have a good hold of your seeds.

Landing Highlights

Having decided on when to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the Lunar calendar (we emphasize once again that this is done on the growing Moon), you will need to grow pepper correctly. Only under the observance of important growing conditions will the bushes turn out to be strong and hardy.

strong seedlings of peppers

What to remember when growing pepper seedlings:

  • Decide which seeds are best for planting. This will help to make a three percent salt solution. All seeds should be sent there, and those that float to the surface are dummies, they can be safely thrown away.
  • When the seeds swell, it is additionally recommended to treat them with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate. True, you should not keep seeds in such a solution for more than 20 minutes. After such a bath, the seeds must be washed with clean water.
  • Before planting pepper seeds in the ground, it is highly recommended to germinate them. To do this, you will need to put the seeds on a damp cloth and cover with a damp cloth (you can just use a damp cloth for this). Put in a warm place: after a couple of days, the seeds will definitely germinate.
  • To get strong sunrises in the end, gardeners are advised to additionally stimulate the immune system. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of ash in a liter of water, put the seeds there for eight hours.
  • As an additional treatment, you can use a fertilizer solution.

If you follow all the rules when sowing pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the Lunar calendar, in accordance with your climatic region and correctly process the seeds, then the seedlings will turn out to be strong and viable. If this is your first time growing pepper seedlings on your own, it might be worth practicing on an early planting. Then by March you will have enough experience to grow excellent pepper bushes for further transplanting to the garden. How to organize a garden for a bummer who doesn't dig: all the secrets.

When to sow pepper for seedlings in 2017 date and time

Of course, to determine exactly when the moon grows, you can just look at the sky. But, I always want to prepare for the landing process in advance, therefore, you can buy or download the Lunar calendar absolutely free. This does not have to be a calendar for gardeners, it is most important that specific moon phases for a month be indicated on it. And already there, having a store of knowledge and skills, it will be possible to independently determine the best planting days for pepper and other crops.

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