How to properly feed cucumbers with ash: fertilizing, rules and features

14.08.2019 Cucumbers

Gardeners use to infuse cucumbers in the open ground infusion of ash. This method of plant fertilizing has long been popular with vegetable growers due to its efficiency and availability. For the procedure to be successful and without harm to the vegetable, you need to know how to fertilize.

Is it possible to sprinkle ash on cucumbers

Novice gardeners doubt whether it is worth fertilizing cucumbers with ash. This issue has long been resolved, and the reviews of experienced vegetable growers prove the effectiveness of fly ash. If it is cooked in accordance with all the rules and used according to the instructions, then the roots are formed better, and the foliage, shoots and fruits develop well.

Owners of garden plots use ashes as protection against snails and slugs. The use of ash fertilizer is allowed for cucumbers growing in a greenhouse, open ground or at home.

If you process cucumbers with ash, then the vegetable will receive the necessary elements. At the same time, vegetable growers will notice:

  • accelerated photosynthesis, which has a beneficial effect on the development of culture;
  • root strengthening. This result will result in the fertilizer of cucumbers with ash, which improves the structure of the soil, saturating it with oxygen;
  • cucumber lashes have become more durable;
  • accelerated plant growth;
  • the leaves of cucumbers become large with a more saturated color;
  • increased resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • reduction in the likelihood of disease;
  • increased productivity.

It is necessary to feed cucumbers with ash, since it is useful for culture. These properties prove that gardeners will benefit from the use of such fertilizer.

Despite the obvious benefit of the substance, there are still contraindications to its use:

  • it is forbidden to use ashes resulting from the burning of garbage or materials with synthetic impurities;
  • acidic and calcareous earths;
  • can not be used until at least two real leaves appear on cucumber seedlings;
  • you can not sprinkle with ash and use a solution based on it for watering the fruits of the plant, because they will become unsuitable for consumption.

If you follow these recommendations, then the likelihood of harming the culture is small.

Signs of a lack of potassium, calcium

If the seedlings are deficient in these components, then it begins to fade. If this happened, then additional nutrition is needed.

Signs of a lack of potassium:

  • a yellow or light green edging appears on the sheet;
  • leaves become wrinkled, dark, often dry;
  • the shape of the foliage changes, its edges are wrapped inward;
  • stems fade ahead of time.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • leaves turn white;
  • the tops of the lashes become pale;
  • fast wilting, dying of leaves.

Feeding cucumbers with ash, which is made in the required quantities, helps to revive the culture, contributes to its development.

How to breed and deposit

It is necessary to prepare a solution of ash for cucumbers, taking into account the proportions, which vary depending on the purpose of the procedure. Here we are talking about:

  • seed preparation;
  • fertilizing at all stages of flowering;
  • protect the culture from parasites.

Basically, to make ash for cucumbers, gardeners prepare a solution from it: 300 g of ash must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The fluid temperature should be 40 degrees.

A solution prepared in this way will help to process 1 square meter of soil.

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Wood ash as a fertilizer for cucumbers can be used in many ways. The main condition is to apply it correctly, fulfilling all the recommendations of experienced growers. Otherwise, too many chemical elements can be introduced into the ground, which also adversely affects the plant, as well as their lack.

Feed cucumbers wood ash can be at the stage of:

  • preparation of seed material;
  • glaze;
  • foliar top dressing (spraying);
  • Autumn digging of the garden - dry ash is used.

In addition, dry ash for cucumbers has been shown to be effective before watering. Ashes need to sprinkle the earth under the vegetable, water well. In this case, the root system receives the necessary nutrients. In the same way ash is used for cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Cucumber Seed Processing

To seed material sprouted faster, vegetable growers use a special solution: 1 tablespoon is bred in two liters of water. a spoonful of ash. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, leave for 48 hours. Strain the mixture before use.

Seeds must be soaked before planting for 5 hours. The procedure will help to get early healthy seedlings.

Soil filling

Vegetable growers can prepare the soil at different times in any way:

  1. Feed from the fall. To do this, you need to add 2 cups of ash per 1 square meter. Dig the soil.
  2. When planting cucumbers or seeds, make ash at the rate of 1-2 glasses per 1 square meter;
  3. 2 tablespoons are sprinkled in each hole before transplanting seedlings. ashes.

The procedure nourishes the soil with beneficial minerals.


Water the plant with ash fertilizer Allowed at all stages of development.

The number of top dressings during the flowering period depends on the condition of the lashes of the cucumber.

Dilute the solution as follows:

  • in 5 liters of water, dilute the ash for feeding cucumbers (5 tablespoons);
  • infuse the mixture for 7 days, stirring occasionally;
  • Before starting the application, strain.

It is better to water the seedlings under the root at the rate of 500 ml of the product per 2 square meters, when 2 real leaves appear on it. If necessary, processing can be carried out repeatedly, but not earlier than after 7 days.

Foliar spraying

Foliar feeding of cucumbers is most effective at the stage of active fruiting. To dilute the solution, mix the ashes with water, bring to a boil. Boil for 30 minutes, cool. Before use, strain and dilute with liquid so that the total volume is 10 liters.

Spray foliage every 10 days.


Gardeners involved in the cultivation of cucumbers know that in order to prepare useful fertilizer, it is necessary not only to adhere to the recipe, but also to choose it correctly.

Preparation of ash solution and its use

Feeding from ash is suitable for any kind of vegetable or hybrid. To prepare it, mix 10 tablespoons in a bucket of water. component and insist 7 days. Before watering the cucumbers, strain the product. To bring it every week at the rate of 1 liter per bush at the stage of the appearance of two real leaves.

Similar proportions must be maintained for fertilizing the crop after the first ovaries appear.

Preparation of ash-herbal tea and its use

Good fertilizer is obtained from ash and garden grass. Vegetable growers often resort to the help of ash-nettle feeding. Plants under its influence begin to bloom faster and yield crops. To prepare the solution, you need:

  • a third of the bucket fill with chopped leaves and stalks of nettles;
  • add water at room temperature;
  • pour 200 g of ash;
  • insist under the lid for 14 days, stirring daily.

Before using the product, it must be filtered and diluted with a liquid in a ratio of 1:10. On one bush 1 liter of the received means is required. Use fertilizer once every 7 days.

Foliar top dressing with ash and soap

Dilute the ashes for feeding cucumbers in different ways. One of the effective ones is ash broth. To cook it you need:

  • Sift 300 g of ash through a sieve;
  • pour 3 liters of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes;
  • dilute with water to a volume of 10 liters;
  • grated soap add to the container with the mixture.
Laundry soap provides the culture with additional protection against parasites.

Foliar top dressing with this solution is suitable for processing cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

Spraying plants with ash-iodine solution

You can feed the vegetable with a mixture of ash and iodine. To prepare it you will need:

  • dissolve 300 g of ash in a bucket of water;
  • add 25-30 drops of an antiseptic;
  • insist 48 hours.

The resulting volume is enough for feeding cucumbers on two square meters. Such treatment can be carried out every 1.5-2 weeks. The stage of development of culture does not matter.

Comparison with other mineral fertilizers

Ash refers to mineral fertilizers of natural origin.

But, despite the large amount of useful elements, it does not completely replace all known types of top dressing. But still, the ashes will be able to "compete" with chemicals. Fertilizer Benefits:

  • environmental friendliness - does not harm the environment;
  • fruits do not accumulate hazardous chemicals;
  • plants easily absorb it;
  • does not accumulate in the soil, worsening its condition.

Thanks to these properties, vegetable growers also choose ashes for top dressing.

Pest protection

Ash is an effective means to combat parasites.

You can destroy pests if you process the leaves of the plant from the back.

Thanks to her, you can get rid of:

  • fleas and cabbage flies. To do this, sprinkle the shoots with dry ash mixed with crushed tobacco;
  • caterpillars
  • aphids. For this purpose, vegetable growers prepare a solution of ash, soap (100 g each), water (12 liters) and urea (2 tbsp). Insist the solution for 48-72 hours, then carry out the treatment from aphids;
  • ants;
  • slugs.

All destruction work must be carried out in the evening. To get the best effect, repeat the procedure 2 or 3 times every other day.

Errors in the use of ash fertilizer

If feeding cucumbers with ash is carried out incorrectly, the result will be the opposite of what was expected. For example:

  • the plants will start to hurt;
  • the yield of cucumbers will be reduced;
  • cucumber lash may die.

This happens because gardeners incorrectly apply ash fertilizers. Errors:

  1. The simultaneous use of ash, fresh manure and other organics. As a result, the soil is depleted as it loses nitrogen in large quantities.
  2. Mixing fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, phosphorus-containing. In this case, the plants do not absorb the element, and it settles in the soil.
  3. Processing alkaline soil. Ashes can change the acidity of the soil and make it not fertile.
  4. In the same area, you should not often use such fertilizer.

The duration of the ash is 3 years. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage.


Alexey, Leningrad region

I am a supporter of organic fertilizers in growing vegetables.For a long time I have been using an ash solution for feeding cucumbers, and the result has never disappointed me. Harvest is always rich and tasty.

Lyudmila, Volgograd

I started using ash in my country house recently with my husband. I accidentally saw a video on the net about feeding cucumbers with ash and decided to try it. We prepared a component in advance with my spouse and began to fertilize cucumber seedlings. The effect was not long in coming: the tops and leaves turned green, and the fruits appeared earlier than usual.

Ivan, Tula

I regularly fertilize with ashes, not only cucumbers, but also other vegetables. The effect of the application I am completely satisfied with the plants are healthy, green, give a good harvest. In addition, I have not seen pests in my area for a long time.

It takes time to get the ash. It will be available in the required quantity if you start to burn the necessary components. Do it better in the early spring. It is necessary to store ashes in a closed container until the start of use. Ideal bags made of polyethylene. In them, the quality of the substance will remain for several years. The storage room should be slightly humid and best as far away as possible from direct UV rays.

Ash will help to make cucumbers healthy and tasty, as well as get rid of insects. But you must follow the advice of experienced farmers and accurately observe the dosage of the ingredients when preparing the solution. Otherwise, you can only destroy the crop.

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