How to properly feed cucumbers with yeast

8.08.2015 Cucumbers

feeding cucumbers with yeastGrowing cucumbers on his plot, each owner tries to harvest as early as possible, and they are practically the first to please gardeners in salads. Struggling for an early and high yield, gardeners use different top dressings to strengthen the root system, and accelerate the maturation of vegetables. Feeding cucumbers with yeast has long been popular, due to its excellent composition and ease of manufacture. And also valuable in it is a composition that is safe for health, does not contain chemistry.
Read also: diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their treatment, photo.

Tip: it is not recommended to apply such top dressings more than three times a season.

When to start feeding?

• When your plants show 2 true leaves, feed them with yeast mixture.
• When the ovary begins to form, strengthen the immune system and feed the plants with yeast solution.
• After the first wave of the crop has almost come to naught, you can squeeze out a lot of cucumbers by carrying out the third top dressing with yeast, which will revive the bushes and give them new strength.

Why yeast?


Unicellular fungi, which are part of the yeast, in a warm environment secrete compounds that can accelerate the growth of the root system and strengthen it. Yeast is also rich in minerals, it contains vitamins necessary for the growth of cucumbers, so cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers are very popular with yeast, vegetables grow faster, give a more plentiful harvest, and besides, they are not very sick. Well, how not to use this cheap and such a wonderful product for growing vegetables? By the way, seedlings also respond well to yeast, become stronger and easier to tolerate transplantation.

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• You can not combine yeast feeding with the simultaneous introduction of manure.
• Use yeast only when the ground is already warm, otherwise there will be little use.
• Yeast should have a normal shelf life, whole, not moldy. Otherwise, harm the crop and destroy everything instead of profit.
• Add a bit of ascorbic acid to the yeast solution, the number of empty flowers will decrease (2 grams are enough for a packet of dry yeast).
• Do not use the solution when transplanting seedlings earlier than after 1-2 weeks, let the bushes take root and adapt.

Live yeast nutrition

live yeast

First of all, let’s pay attention to “live” yeast, they are most often used by gardeners.

Feeding cucumbers in the greenhouse with yeast

• 1 kg of yeast
• 5 l of heated water (warm, not hot)

Rub the yeast, mix with water, dissolve in it, and put in a greenhouse for a couple of days. Before use, the yeast mixture should be diluted with warm water 1:10, and watered using 1 liter of fertilizer per 1 bush. If you grow seedlings, then 1 cup of the mixture is enough for one plant.
Read: growing cucumbers in the open field in the suburbs.

Dry Yeast

dry yeast


Feeding cucumbers in the open ground with yeast is often used with the use of dry yeast in bags, it is simple and easy, and does not take time at all from a busy gardener.

Recipe 1

  • 10 g dry packaged yeast
  • A bucket of ten-liter warm water
  • 60 g sugar

Everything is mixed, left warm, and after 2 hours the working solution is ready. Then it is diluted for watering so 1: 5, and 1 liter is used for each plant. Before applying yeast, you need to conduct a small moistening of the earth under the bushes.

Recipe 2 (for a large plantation of cucumbers)

A can of 3 l is taken, poured over the belt with water heated to a warm state, yeast in a quantity of 100 g is added, half a glass of sugar is poured, everything is mixed, covered with gauze and hidden in a warm place. To approach and sometimes shake. At the end of the fermentation process, you can water the crop by adding 1 cup of the mixture to a bucket of warm water. It is ready-made 12 buckets, 120 pieces of cucumbers. The mixture needs to be used in 1-2 days, there is no point in leaving more, it will ferment and be useless.

yeast top dressing
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If you are considering how to water cucumbers so that they grow faster, top dressing with yeast is the best option, although it does not deny the use of other folk remedies. Such solutions can cucumbers not only under the bush, but also periodically sprayed, which will give them the strength to protect themselves from parasites and fight against harmful microbes. You can add grass to enhance the benefits of the solution.

Tip: do not try to overdo it, it is better not to overfill the cucumbers than to pour them with yeast, because they will go strongly in the growth of foliage, and with the harvest of fruits it will be worse.
It is interesting: cucumbers in a barrel growing Ganichkina.

Yeast root top dressing

Feeding cucumbers with yeast and ash

Be sure to use ash together with yeast, this will help to balance the mineral composition of the soil. Yeasts absorb calcium and potassium from the ground during fermentation, which is why the introduction of ash regulates this gap. You can safely add a glass of ash to a bucket of water.



From the remnants of stale bread, it is quite possible to make a complete top dressing for plants, no worse than yeast, and at the same time, the remains of bread and other products are disposed of with benefit.

In the bucket of water, place the remaining bread, sour milk. Unwanted candied jam that is. Then there send a packet of 10 g of dry yeast, and a glass of ash. We mix everything, and leave it warm for a week. Do not forget to mix daily. In a week, everything is ready, you can get it out and put it under the bushes, water the rest of the slurry. You can also dilute the leaven 1: 3 with warm water, and pour 250 g of solution under each bush.

Feeding with yeast plants, reviews

Oleg, Moscow Region

I used yeast for feeding for the first time, and I was just glad: the cucumbers grew strong, large, but not hollow. By the way, it was impressive that the heat was well tolerated, and when the humidity was high, they also did not give up. I think it is thanks to the yeast top dressing.

Natalya, Moscow

When, on the advice of a neighbor, she began to apply yeast top dressing to tomatoes and cucumbers, I’m not straightforward enough - I save money and the result is excellent. By the way, if there is no ash, you can use chopped egg shells with yeast, it turns out fine.

Natalia, Kostroma

I read on the form: feeding cucumbers with yeast, reviews and decided to apply first in 1-2 rows. Having tested on cucumbers, I began to feed pepper, onions, tomatoes, cabbage with yeast, all the plants are satisfied. I do this: for the first time in a week, after planting seedlings, I feed, then before flowering, and in August for the third time, the crop is excellent.

feeding cucumbers with yeast

Elena, Moscow Region

I love bread sourdough, I do this: pour crackers in a quantity of 500 g with warm water. Grass and some yeast are sent there, I insist on everything for several days, and a wonderful life-giving solution for cucumbers, onions and tomatoes is ready.By the way, I noticed that such top dressing on cabbage has a good effect - it is less sick, grows better, grows more crispy and tasty.

Michael, Kiev

When I began to look for how to feed cucumbers and tomatoes with yeast (I heard from someone before), I found a method such as a growth accelerator, and now I always use it. In the greenhouse, such top dressing is especially pleasing, it’s best not to find it, as for me. I tried a lot of everything, I never refuse it, the result is excellent. Only I still add tobacco dust - for the greenhouse a great option, no muck starts up.

Larisa, Astrakhan

I want to add on my own, when I started looking for watering cucumbers with yeast, reviews of gardeners, I tried it for the first time and was simply glad. There are a minimum of empty flowers, the number of fruits has increased, all are strong, healthy, dense, without voids inside. By the way, last year my poor aphid cucumbers jammed, ants were unmeasured, nothing helped. The neighbor advised to use alcoholic yeast as a miracle - he scattered them in the beds, the ants left, and he could successfully overcome the aphids, the cucumbers came to life, the lashes turned green.
Read more: planting cucumbers in 5 liter bottles.

Svetlana, Zhytomyr

I learned how to feed cucumbers with yeast from a girlfriend, a summer resident, and began to experiment with might and main. And nettles added to the yeast solution, and ash, and bread crusts, just beauty! Use the remnants of everything unnecessary, and such a wonderful result! I began to water the onion with this fertilizer, it came to life, it turned green, the onions became large, do not get sick, the tomatoes respond well too, and like phytophthora clings less to them.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    Three days ago, my husband and I decided to feed the cucumbers with yeast - well, there wasn’t any harvest, it was full of empty flowers, 5 pieces of cucumbers were removed from the beds.
    A spoonful of dry yeast was bred into a bucket of water, 2 tablespoons were added to sugar, and put in a shade to infuse. 4 hours later, cucumbers were poured, and yesterday I was very surprised when I went to collect - I collected 40 pieces, today another 20, just as they started to grow by yeast, there is no limit to joy!

    To answer
  2. Avatar


    I tried this top dressing for the first time and am very pleased with the result. Now I use this solution for absolutely any seedlings. The result is amazing.

    To answer

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