Planting schemes for apple trees in spring

24.07.2016 Apple tree

how to plant an apple treeIt is difficult to imagine a beautiful garden on the territory of a private house or cottage without beautiful, mighty trees, which with their lush crown not only create the atmosphere of a forest fairy tale, but also create a pleasant shade. As a rule, many gardeners prefer to plant trees that bear fruit, and the beauty apple tree is the first on this list.

By planting an apple tree in the garden you can achieve not only aesthetics, but also get a supply of home-made liquid apples for the whole year. To understand how to plant apple tree in spring, you can familiarize yourself with the planting scheme of this tree, and also, to avoid problems, follow all the tips and recommendations regarding this issue.

When to plant an apple tree

In order for planted tree seeds to grow and begin to bear fruit, it is important to consider the timing of planting. In most cases, the most favorable planting period is spring or autumn. Therefore, the scheme of how to plant an apple tree in spring and autumn (video) will be the same.

When to plant in spring

Spring planting of an apple tree directly depends on weather conditions in the yard. It is important that the air and soil are already sufficiently warmed up, otherwise the seedlings will not be able to fully develop in frozen ground. In order not to check the hardness of the earth every time with a shovel (if the shovel is tight, it means that the soil is still not warm enough), you can use the advice of professionals who know how to plant an apple tree in the spring, and start planting in mid-April, when the earth is about to will be warm enough for sowing.

When to plant in autumn

The approximate dates for the autumn planting of an apple tree are October and mid-November. Autumn planting exempts from constant monitoring of soil temperature, since during the summer the earth warms up enough, and the air does not have time to cool yet and is very comfortable. When spray trees from pests.

Landing pattern

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To understand how to plant an apple tree in the spring, you need to follow the scheme. The first paragraph of the scheme states that the trees should be located on the site so that when they grow up, they do not interfere with each other. The distance of planting is selected depending on the variety of apple trees, which can be short and tall.

Advice! The right step between the trees is equal to the sum of the heights of these plants. Using this scheme, how to plant apple trees in spring correctly, you can calculate the most optimal distance between plants.

If you can’t wait to get the first fruits from the tree, then the apple tree can be planted on a dwarf rootstock. Such a planting allows you to harvest the first crop after 3 years from the time of tree planting, while a conventional planting will give the first fruits only after 5 years.


How to plant an apple tree in the spring, the planting scheme is not the only point that must be taken into account. The plan of necessary work must also be taken into account so that the apple trees grow correctly, fully and begin to bear fruit.

Planting seedlings begins with the preparation of the foundation pit for the plant. This work must be done at least three days before the intended date of planting apple trees. It is easier to dig holes in the fall, but the spring period is also suitable for the proper planting of apple trees. Which exist apple tree diseases and how to recognize them.

To properly plant an apple tree in spring, you must follow this plan:

  • Under the apple tree, you need to prepare and dig holes in the depth of 80 centimeters, and in diameter 60 centimeters;
  • If the column of seedlings is thin and weak, then a peg must be driven into the dug hole;
  • Compost should be added to the cavity of the pit as fertilizer, or manure or humus should be used for these purposes;
  • If the land on the site is too clay and heavy, then sand is introduced into the pit. Then, for the best effect, you need to add complex mineral fertilizers, sprinkle them with earth. So that everything is absorbed into the soil, and it is saturated, it is necessary to leave it for 4 days, and only then start planting work;
  • When the soil is saturated with nutrients, it is ready for planting. In the hole you need to install a tree, one person must hold it, and the second to bury. After the tree is in the ground, it must be stamped around with its feet;
  • After burying the tree, it must be abundantly watered, and if it is weak, then additionally tie it up;

A couple of tips from professionals will help to avoid additional problems:
1. In order for the seedling to surely take root in a new place, its roots must be dipped in a talker before planting, which provides better adhesion to the ground.
2. Fertilizer should be applied only in clearly specified proportions, if you go too far with them, then this will give a negative effect rather than a positive result.
3. It is important to inspect the roots before planting, they should not be damaged.
Knowing how to plant an apple tree correctly in spring (the planting scheme is also suitable for work in the fall), you can not only be sure that the tree will take root, but also get a rich harvest, naturally, not forgetting to give proper care to the plant after planting.

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