When to plant marigolds for seedlings in 2019

28.03.2019 Marigold

Bright and lushly flowering marigolds can decorate any site, so they are loved by many gardeners. There are many different varieties and colors of these unpretentious plants in the care. In addition to their beauty, marigolds are distinguished by soil-beneficial properties. The roots of the flowers destroy the fungus in the ground, and marigolds are also able to repel pests with a specific smell. It is necessary to choose the right time when to plant marigolds on seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar and regions, so that the site can please the eye with bright colors longer.

When to plant marigolds on the lunar calendar in 2019

The phases of the moon affect the development of plants. To select the most favorable planting time, lunar calendars are used.

The influence of the moon on horticultural work is associated with the dependence of liquids on Earth on the position of the moon:

  1. A growing moon means that the juice moves up the plant stems, which is good for transplanting.
  2. During a waning moon, fluid moves toward the roots.
  3. The period of the new moon should be marked by the rest of plants and gardeners, any work is undesirable.
  4. During the full moon, you should not work with the earth either.

Favorable periods for landing:

  1. February: 6-8, 11-17, 21-25.
  2. March: 12-17, 19-20.
  3. April: 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 29, 30.
  4. May: 8-17, 21-23, 26-28.
  5. June: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 20-26.

It is important to know when it is possible to plant marigolds on seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2019, because there are unfavorable dates for sowing, transplanting and other works:

  1. February: 5, 19.
  2. March: 6, 21.
  3. April: 5, 19.
  4. May: 5, 19.
  5. June: 3, 17.
  6. July: 2, 17.
  7. August: 1, 15, 30.

Planting during unwanted days can threaten poor seed germination of even quality seeds.

The most suitable days for landing in the open ground:

  1. March: 12, 16.
  2. April: 7, 11, 18.
  3. May: 8, 15, 18.
  4. June: 6, 11, 14, 15.

When to plant marigolds depending on the region

For the successful cultivation of marigolds, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region. This will allow you to choose the right time for planting flowers and prevent their premature death. Particular attention should be paid to the period of possible frosts that threaten marigolds.

Marigolds should be planted in an open space in the soil, warmed up to +15 or more degrees.

It should take 1.5-2 months before the plants can be planted on the site. After this period, the beginning of flowering occurs in marigolds.

The period when it is better to sow marigold seeds for seedlings in 2019 depends not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the time when the gardener wants to receive flowering bushes. It also depends on the favorable planting period of the plants on the site.

To obtain the desired date, it is enough to subtract 1.5-2 months from the time of planting in open ground, which in different regions may differ by several months:

  1. Urals, Far East, Siberian regions. In regions characterized by spring frosts, marigolds are planted in June.From unexpected late frosts, plants can be protected with shelters. For planting seeds for seedlings, the period is shifted 40-60 days earlier. The favorable period in these regions falls in mid-April.
  2. In the southern regions, seedlings are planted in late February.
  3. Areas of the Moscow Region. Marigold seedlings in Moscow and the region must be planted in the ground in late May - early June in the numbers corresponding to the lunar calendar 2019. Seeds begin to sow in mid-April.

When to plant marigolds of different varieties

Marigold planting time also depends on the characteristics of the plant variety:

  1. Directly resistant varieties are the very first to be sown - from late March to early April.
  2. Two weeks later, it is time to sow low-growing varieties.
  3. The time of thin-leaved comes in April-May.

The main difference between high varieties of marigolds and undersized is a slow growth rate. For this reason, high varieties must be sown for seedlings, and undersized can be immediately in the soil, or sown for seedlings a month before planting.

Marigolds should be planted in well-lit places protected from the wind. The abundance of light will provide more magnificent flowering.

How to plant seedlings

Marigolds can be planted immediately on the site or first use seedlings. Thanks to the second method, you can get bright flowering marigolds on your site much earlier than when sowing seeds directly into the open ground.

Seeds for planting can be obtained independently from previously grown flowers or purchased in special stores. One and a half months after the end of flowering of marigolds, you can easily get seeds from a seed cup. They are stored in paper or fabric until planted. Seeds suitable for germination remain for 3 years after harvest.

Soil for seedlings must be decontaminated to provide protection against pests and weeds. There are several options:

  1. The use of special solutions that kill pests and make the land most suitable for seed germination.
  2. Soil can be calcined in the oven for an hour or in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Then the soil is placed in containers and stored for several days at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. Such manipulations allow the emergence of beneficial bacteria in the soil.
  4. Soil can be treated with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

To plant marigolds, it is necessary to make indentations in the ground at a distance of 4 cm. The depth should be made about 1 cm. After sowing the seeds, they should be covered with a mixture of sand and soil.

Adding wood ash to the soil when planting marigolds helps protect flowers from the "black leg" disease.

Containers with planted marigolds must be covered with a film, glass or lid, forming a kind of greenhouse. You need to store seedlings in a room with a temperature regime of about 22-24 degrees. Homemade miniature greenhouses need daily airing.

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Sprouts appear a week after planting the seeds. Tanks with the first shoots should be moved to a colder place. Two weeks after sowing, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

The pick is carried out when two leaves appear. Marigold sprouts are transplanted into cups or trays.To develop a root system that holds the plant firmly in the soil, marigolds are trimmed at this stage of cultivation. Thanks to picking, seedlings grow more actively and acquire a fibrous root system, which allows preparing marigolds for transplanting into open ground.

Marigolds can feel great when transplanted, even during flowering.

Sprouted plants are planted at a distance of 8 cm from each other to avoid high plant density and thinning in the future.

In conditions of lack of light, young marigolds will be paler. To solve this problem, it is enough to provide additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps or phytolamps for plants.

It is not enough to know when to plant marigolds for seedlings, depending on the region or according to the lunar calendar 2019. Favorable growth can be ensured by due care. Basic rules for the care of marigolds after planting:

  1. Pour with warm water, not leaving the plant dry, but not pouring.
  2. Periodically carry out loosening of the earth and sprinkling with wood ash.
  3. For prevention, flowers should be watered with a potassium permanganate solution about once a month.

Plants are suitable for planting even by inexperienced gardeners. Their magnificent flowering pleases the eye and gives aesthetic pleasure. Dried marigold flowers are used in medicine and cooking. They are used instead of saffron. Using the lunar calendar and the basic rules for the care of marigolds will allow you to get a bright flowerbed in the desired time frame.

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