We use folk signs when planting potatoes in 2019

19.01.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Most gardeners determine when to plant potatoes in 2019 according to the lunar calendar. With the right choice of time for filling the beds with root crops, the cultivation of this crop becomes easier, since the planting is carried out in accordance with natural rhythms and the development of potatoes is as natural as possible.

When favorable days are chosen, the grower can count on a good and plentiful crop.

Relationship between planting time and yield indicators

Often, summer residents choose the same numbers for planting potatoes from year to year - the opening of the gardening season occurs during the May holidays. These numbers are chosen because a person has free time. But, not always planting crops these days is the key to success and a guarantee getting a rich harvest. Nevertheless, neglecting work for planting potatoes is not practical. But, to show a little more zeal and find out - when to plant potatoes in 2019 according to the lunar calendar does not hurt.

For reference! The need to take into account the phases of the moon is explained by the fact that many natural processes have a direct relationship with the position of the celestial body, for example, ebbs and flows. A similar situation is observed in the case of crop production.

When the root crop is instilled for sprouting in specific numbers, the grower gets a decent harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a day for planting a crop more carefully, looking at specialized information and reference materials. Many specialists of various profiles took part in their development, including such specialties:

  • biologists;
  • breeders;
  • astrologers.

Ignore the gardener's calendar for vegetable growers are not recommended. This reference material contains information that is selected not only on the basis of a change in the position of the celestial body, but also paying attention to the expected weather conditions. In addition, the calendar takes into account the peculiarities of the regions, so they are not recommended to take off more than 10 days from the recommended potato planting dates in 2019 - fruiting rates can fall by 2 or more times.

What is the reason for productivity

Potato productivity is not always associated with the phases of the moon’s satellite; it is also necessary to focus on weather conditions inherent in each region. A crop planted too early will suffer due to spring frosts. With early planting, too low soil temperature, which has not yet had time to warm up, will cause the death of the plant. Late planting will lead to the fact that root crops do not have time to ripen - the autumn cold will not allow this.

In addition to the negative effects of low temperatures, the plant, despite the general unpretentiousness, reacts sensitively to periods of drought. With a lack of watering, each bush will produce at least two times less potatoes than it would with normal soil moisture.The culture responds to excessive dampness of the environment extremely negatively - the future crop may be destroyed by diseases, including those of fungal origin.

There are not only completely suitable numbers for planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar in 2019, but also unfavorable and neutral.

What the lunar calendar says about potato planting dates

Long-term observations help to find out the best period for planting fruit and ornamental crops, when certain plants develop intensively and are less susceptible to disease. The necessary days for planting crops for the gardener for 2019 have already been determined by specialists. However, there are two fundamental rules that apply to any plant.

When planting the root crop on the waning moon, the plant does not have enough strength for development, since the stalk and shoot cannot be fully saturated with water and the necessary elements contained in the liquid. Instances planted during this period may not emerge if the quality of the seed was not high enough. During the new moon and the full moon, it is also undesirable to plant plants, since they will develop with deviations from the norm - it’s hard to get a decent harvest. Only when crops are sown on the growing Moon do they develop better, and each instance differs from that planted in a different period of the lunar cycle in such qualitative characteristics:

  • plants form quickly;
  • bushes develop stronger;
  • the root system is powerful;
  • disease resistance is increased.

In addition to the lunar phase, the constellations through which the satellite passes also plays a role. The presence of the moon in each zodiac sign in a certain way affects first the germination and, subsequently, the productivity. So, good days for planting potatoes begin when the moon passes into the constellation Cancer. Harvest from plants planted during this period will lie well. In addition to the constellation Cancer, a good time for agricultural activities and planting root crops is the period the moon was in the constellations Taurus and Aries. Plants that began to develop during this period are less prone to disease and sprout quickly.

In each of these periods, it is permissible for the grower to engage in gardening, and the plants planted at this time will develop well.

Favorable and unfavorable days for potatoes

There are days on which crop production is the highest. Potato planting dates were determined in accordance with the lunar calendar for 2019, when the crop will develop in the best way. That is, the plant will be little susceptible to disease, and strong sunrises will appear quickly. The best numbers to start the development of potatoes, according to scientists and astrologers, are these:

  1. In March, the good days are numbers from 27 to 29.
  2. In April 2019, you need to plant potatoes 1-5, 24-26 and from 28 to 30 numbers.
  3. Potatoes planted 1-4 will develop well from May 20 to 25 and May 27-31.
  4. AT June is permissible to land culture 1-2, 15, from 18 to 24 and 26-30 numbers.

In addition to favorable days, neutral periods have also been noted when potato planting is possible and will not be as good as on suitable dates, but the grower will get a good harvest. In 2019, there are such days in April - from 20 to 23, as well as 27. In May, 5-6, 12, 19 and 26 are neutral numbers for potatoes. In June, 3, 10, 17 and 25.

In addition to neutral and favorable numbers, there are days when planting potatoes is categorically not recommended. Plant instances that were planted in an unfavorable period for them often do not give sunrises. Moreover, all the sprouted bushes are poorly developed and their yield indicators are very low. Unsuitable numbers to start growing potatoes in 2019 are:

  • April 1;
  • in May 2019, the numbers 7 to 11 and 13-18 will be unfavorable;
  • June is 4–9, and 11–16.

A day that is best suited for planting potatoes is dependent on many nuances. Planting the crop in open ground is necessary later than in the case of film shelters. In July, harvesting potatoes is possible only in the case of early ripe varieties that were planted in a suitable period of the lunar calendar and after the threat of spring frost is no longer relevant for a particular region.

For reference!
The moon affects the key processes that occur on the planet. The satellite acts on one of the foundations of any living organism - water, regardless of its condition (in natural reservoirs or inside plants, animals, humans).

When to plant potatoes, depending on variety and purpose

The main condition for any varieties of potatoes, regardless of their purpose, is a sufficiently warmed land. Soil temperature must reach +7 ̊С in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. In the northern parts of the Russian Federation, the soil should warm up more significantly - up to + 10 ... + 12 ̊С. When the ground is colder, gardeners need to wait a bit, in another version, the potatoes will not rise or will often hurt. The soil warms up to such limits already in the May holidays.

But, much depends on the variety, and not only on the climatic characteristics of the region. Early varieties are recommended to be planted in open ground in late April or early May (with the exception of Siberia and the northern parts of Russia). Mid-season should be planted in open ground not earlier than the end of spring, tentatively - from the second decade of May. Late varieties, regardless of the climatic characteristics of the region, are planted no earlier than the last days of May.

Potato planting dates depending on climatic conditions

Indicate the exact time when the gardener needs to start planting potatoes in open ground, it is impossible for all climatic zones. The main condition for the successful development of culture in the open field is the absence of the threat of night frost. In order not to be mistaken, the vegetable grower needs to look at the weather forecast or turn to folk signs.

In the south of Russia, including the Kuban, the earth warms up with sunlight enough already in early April. To prepare a bed for potatoes to residents of the Krasnodar Territory can be already in mid-April - 12th. So that the gardener does not worry at all that the planted root crop will suffer from frost, it is possible to postpone the event on favorable days in April after Easter.

In the Moscow Region, it is recommended that potato cultivation activities begin in the last days of April and the first days of May. During this period, the air temperature steadily increases, the soil quickly begins to warm up by the sun's rays and reaches the required minimum elevation mark. In some other regions of Russia, despite their considerable remoteness from Moscow and Moscow Region, the beginning of the season is initiated around the same period. But, in the case of planting potatoes in the Leningrad Region, gardeners need to wait another week and begin in mid-May.

The weather can be unpredictable and year after year is not necessary - sometimes strong night frosts are noted at the end of spring even in the southern regions and coastal regions.

Potatoes begin to be planted in the middle lane approximately at the same time as in the Moscow Region, but the farther south the region, the earlier you can prepare beds for root crops. The potato planting period in Siberia and in the north is significantly different even from this period in the Leningrad region.It is possible to start growing root crops in open ground in such a harsh climatic zone not earlier than the last days of May.

In the case of planting potatoes in the Urals, the gardener needs to be guided by the location of the garden on the map - the higher, the later you need to start this process. That is, they plant the culture in undulating waves in the open ground. The situation is similar in the Belgorod region. They do not recommend initiating the planting of root crops in early spring due to the high probability of night frosts not only in the northern regions, but also in North-West Russia.

Growing potatoes from seedlings

Early ripe varieties of potatoes bring an early harvest and can be grown in cold regions. But, when planting in open ground in Siberia, getting a normal crop for the warm period will not work. Therefore, residents of these regions prepare seedlings in advance, providing vegetation with warmth. It will not work to grow potatoes with tubers in this way, since more space is needed, because of which planting is used by seeds. To prepare potatoes for seedlings, depending on the climatic zone, you need at different periods:

  1. Seeds in the northern strip of Russia are sown in March - so the potatoes have enough time to develop into a full-fledged plant.
  2. In the southern regions, potatoes can be planted from late March to mid-April directly in open ground. When ready seedlings get an early crop.
  3. In the suburbs, you can plant the finished seedlings in greenhouses in February, to get an early harvest. May is more suitable for open ground.

You can not delay the transplanting of young plants in the open ground - if you reach the middle of June, the potatoes will not have time to ripen. When planting early, it is imperative to provide plants with warmth - in a good greenhouse, frost does not touch the potatoes and you can not pay attention to the expected temperature indicators. If seedlings are planted on the street, the question of frost remains open.

For reference!
Preparing seedlings of potatoes from seeds reduces planting costs and reduces the risks of developing fungal and bacterial diseases of the plant.

To get healthy seedlings from potato seeds, you need to prepare high-quality seed material in advance - they buy it in a gardening store or harvest it yourself. Seeds are sown superficially on universal soil mixed with perlite or vermiculite. Before sowing, it is allowed to soak in antiseptic solutions - potassium permanganate, Phytosporin, etc. When the seedlings reach a height of 2-3 cm - they are dived into separate containers and regularly watered until warmth and planting in open ground.


To determine the timing of landing without a lunar calendar, some folk signs are used. They allow you to determine the normal period for planting plants with good productivity. These recommendations relate to observations of weather conditions - when a warm period sets in, each plant from perennials develops in its own mode. To determine how and when to plant potatoes, folk signs are:

  1. In the palm week (marked days in the Orthodox calendar), potatoes cannot be planted.
  2. If the plants are planted on Saturday or Wednesday, the crop will not be suitable for storage.
  3. Potatoes should not be planted later than cherry blossoms and before the buds on the birch bloom.
  4. You can plant early varieties of potatoes a month after the flowering of coltsfoot.
  5. When the soil crumbles during planting, rather than sticking to a shovel, a plentiful harvest can be expected.

These tips are valid because they indicate changes in environmental conditions as observed by many generations. Using these methods, the best time for planting was determined, so that there were no frosts in the immediate period after planting, and warm time was enough for the fruit of the plant to ripen.In the case of potatoes, the main signs point to the early springtime, when temperature indicators do not fall below 10 ° C.

Some signs relate to accepted superstitions and vegetable growers to focus on dubious options is not necessary.

Gardeners recommendations

In matters of planting and care, there are recommendations from experienced gardeners that allow you to get a high-quality and plentiful potato crop from your own site annually. The main rule is the choice of planting material - if these are tubers, then they should be of medium size, and it is better to harvest seeds from your own site. On cultivation issues also note:

  1. Soil on the site is mixed with sand for greater looseness and ventilation. So, the tubers will rot less, and there will be enough room for the development of a larger volume.
  2. To preserve the nutrient components, it is necessary to change the area for planting and alternate potatoes with other annual crops every 5 years.
  3. Planting depth is important for the development of tubers - if you plant potatoes to a depth of more than 8-12 cm, the tops will develop more actively than the roots.
  4. To protect against the Colorado potato beetle, coriander and tansy are planted nearby. They serve as a distraction, and tobacco often poisons pests.

In order to get a high-quality crop, one should not forget about the norms of proper vegetation care, which include weeding watering and fertilizer. With an increase in the concentration of phosphates, the number of tubers will be large, and with nitrogen and potassium supplements, the volumes of rhizomes. Add top dressing in a balanced form and when taking into account the composition of the soil in the territory of cultivation.

Potato harvest

To get a good potato crop, it is recommended to adhere not only to the sowing dates on the lunar calendar, but also time for harvesting. Early varieties of potatoes ripen by the end of July, and medium and late in August and September. Favorable days for digging potatoes planted on the site are August 2,3.31 and September 1.29 and 30.

For reference!
The quality of root crops does not suffer much if an unfavorable period for harvesting is chosen, but it is better not to neglect the recommendations of astrologers in this matter.

In addition to suitable numbers, there are still days when harvesting potatoes is not recommended. Unfavorable days for picking potatoes according to the lunar calendar correspond to the new moon, which will be on August 1.30 and September 28. According to some gardeners, potatoes harvested in the new moon are unsuitable for long-term storage and watery, and the taste characteristics drop significantly.


In 2019, they recommend planting potatoes in accordance with the lunar calendar - this will increase the chances of getting a rich harvest. But, in addition to the advice of astrologers, the vegetable grower needs to be guided by the climatic conditions of the region, varietal characteristics and general rules for caring for potatoes. The root crop does not need close attention and careful leaving, but observance of the minimum agricultural technique is necessary.

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