When to plant Exibishen onions for seedlings in 2019: favorable days

16.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Onions have long had a permanent residence in each garden. A variety of domestic varieties pleases, the choice is great. Not so long ago, a native of Holland, called Exibishen, was added to domestic varieties.

The name of the variety speaks for itself. Such a product can be immediately sent to the exhibition of achievements of Dutch agriculture. One bulb weighs an average of half a kilo and this is not the limit. Growing this variety is not difficult for any gardener. When plant onion Exhibit in 2019 year and how to care for seedlings in 2019 this article will tell you.

When to plant Exibishen onions for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

When planting Exibishen onions for seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the sowing dates, you can do this yourself by calculating approximately, but you can also use the lunar calendar table.

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You can plant onions in greenhouses much earlier (for 2-3 weeks) than in open ground. Indoor soil warms up much earlier due to the greenhouse effect, germination, whether onion sets or heads will occur faster.

Given the favorable days of sowing seeds for seedlings, gardeners are guided by the lunar calendar, which is based on the lunar cycle. When wondering when to sow Exibishen onions for seedlings or other crops in 2019, it is advisable to watch the lunar calendar.

Seeding schedule

When to plant in central Russia

The middle strip of Russia for growing onions Exibishen great and has a number of advantages. Among them, there is a particularly significant one: if the summer promises to be hot with high humidity, then you can do without a seedling method of cultivation, that is, sowing seeds to produce immediately in open ground, which greatly saves not only time but also space on window sills. In both cases, it is advisable to use the lunar calendar for sowing.

Growing onions in seedlings in Central Russia, seeds begin to be sown in containers with soil in mid-January and until the end of March. Then seedlings are planted in open ground, usually from May 20 to June 5.

This should be done at least three times per season, in small portions, given the fertility of the soil. An excess of fertilizer is absorbed by onions. At the same time, its taste is deteriorating and the shelf life is reduced.

Landing in a seedlingless manner, that is, directly into the ground, is recommended from May 10 to May 20. To do this, make grooves with a depth of 1 cm, and spread the seeds one at a time, at a distance of 15 cm. Abundant watering is required only until seedlings, then water as the earth dries. For high-quality seedlings, many gardeners practice tight-fitting beds with sowing plastic wrap.

Exibishen onion cultivation in Siberia

Among the advantages of Exibishen onion there is quick germination and resistance to cold climates. Therefore, even in the conditions of a short Siberian summer, a full-fledged crop can be grown. The answer to the question of when to plant Exibishen onion for seedlings in 2019 depends on the sowing area.

In Siberia, onion seedlings are planted in early February, after preparing the seeds. Do it the usual way.

Seedling containers are best taken at medium depth. Before sowing, add river sand to the prepared soil. Sow seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, adhering to a backing depth of 1 cm. Before seedlings, it is better to cover the boxes with film or glass.

To protect against diseases and harmful insects, there is a very effective way, which consists in planting carrots next to onions. And the pests will scare away and the soil is suitable for it.

After planting in open ground, at first it is better to cover the seedlings with special materials at night.

Seeding time for seedlings in the Moscow region

Moscow gardeners can plant onions in the early days of spring, preferably until March 10-15. And planting in the ground in May-June.

After two weeks after transplantation, organic fertilizers must be applied. To do this, often use tincture of mullein or bird droppings. After two weeks, re-feed the seedlings.

Some summer residents in the suburbs, when planting Exibishen onions, plan to harvest two crops, but this does not always work. The number of sunny hours per day is to blame. When landing in the ground, you will have to be content with the amount of sunlight that will be presented by nature and 2019 will not be an exception.

Preparation of soil and sowing tanks

Soil for sowing onions can be purchased at the store, but can be done independently. It would be ideal if you include in it:

  • sheet earth - ½ bucket;
  • coconut substrate - 1 briquette;
  • humus and peat - 2-3 kg each .;
  • vermiculite - 150-200 gr.;
  • river sand - ¼ buckets.

Before cooking, the coconut briquette will need to be lowered into 3 liters of water for 30 minutes. Next mix all the ingredients. If there is no coconut substrate, then you can prepare a mixture of earth according to another recipe:

  • coarse sand - 1 bucket;
  • humus - 0.5 buckets;
  • sheet land - 0.5 buckets.

The prepared mixture must be mixed and spilled with boiling water.

The earth is poured into prepared containers with a depth of not more than 15 cm. For this, special containers, boxes, cassettes are suitable. Drawers moistened with soil filled almost to the brim.


In mid-March, seeds were sown densely in a box of 200x300 mm. The box is kept in a warm room, covered with film material. Temperature conditions within 25 degrees. After a couple of weeks, the seeds will germinate. A box with seedlings is freed from film coating. Seedlings need continuous lighting for 12 hours.

Seedling care after sowing and before planting in the ground

It will require artificial lighting for seedlings planted on the lunar calendar. You can arrange it using ordinary fluorescent lamps or special lamps for indoor plants. The main condition for lighting is the uniform distribution of light throughout the seedlings. Two weeks after germination, the seedlings are fed. Prepare a solution of one part of mullein and six parts of water. The resulting composition is occasionally watered sprouts.

When and how to harvest

A month before harvesting, it is necessary to stop watering, give the opportunity to strengthen the onion. Harvesting is possible when its feather becomes thinner and begins to fall. You can dry in the sun.In wet weather, it is better to move it to shelter.

On a note!
Store the crop in a cool room with a temperature of no more than 2 degrees above zero. Before this, the onions should be sorted. Bulbs with an absolutely dry neck will be stored. The rest - immediately on the table. This is a salad, sweet. You can eat it like a cucumber, without fear of smell or tears. But he will protect you from colds and flu no worse than domestic varieties.

Do not be afraid of poor seed germination when sowing Excibishen onion for seedlings. Onions have excellent taste and are easy to grow, especially since the summer of 2019 promises to be sunny and with good humidity.

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  1. Avatar


    I am a beginner gardener. Soaked tomato seed in salted water. I bought peat glasses. Mixed sand mullein ash and earth. I am waiting for February 24 or 25 to plant the seeds in glasses.
    Tell me what else you can do what top dressing for my seedlings. I will be very grateful for the advice. My site is in the Rostov region.

    To answer

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